13 DIC 2024 · With authorities on Narcissism being either "Dark Triads" themselves or strongly advising to completely disengage the "Dark Triads", can we ever solve the problem of Narcissism? Is it even a problem any more? It must be up to the victims to completely change, be stronger and more willing to refuse to be a victim, stand up for themselves and take things less seriously. In a world without victims, dark triad types would not be such a big deal, because it really is only an issue for those that have been victimised by such people. Perhaps dark personalities come into our lives to help us become stronger and better.
Professor Sam Vaknin: https://vaknin-talks.com/
Thomas Sheridan on "Inside The Eye" with Fetch:
Thomas Sheridan's Books:
Inside The Eye with Fetch Live on Revolution Radio, Studio A, Saturdays 11am-2pm.
"Labrinth of The Psychopath" Series by Thomas Sheridan:
Vaknin, Sam. (2003). Narcissism Book of Quotes: A Selection of Quotes from the Collective Wisdom of Over 12,000 Individual Discussions. Suite 101.
Hare, Robert D. (2007). Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work. Harper Business.
Otherworld Connections is live every Wednesday 3.00pm-4.00pm Eastern Time on Revolution Radio (Studio A): https://www.revolution.radio/.