News for the Heart is dedicated to helping you give a voice to your own Soul. Our hearts have the power to free us from pain and the struggle that...
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News for the Heart is dedicated to helping you give a voice to your own Soul. Our hearts have the power to free us from pain and the struggle that keep us from awakening to our true essence. Join us as we delve into our Heart and Soul to find the path that will open us to the possibilities and lead us to the life we will LOVE to live.
Join Laurie as she discusses all types of relationships, contemplating our connections whether they are intimate, friends, family or work. How our relationships impact our business, careers opportunities and/or starting a business. We will explore all areas of Relationships, for this is the quickest way to grow our consciousness.
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Join Laurie as she discusses all types of relationships, contemplating our connections whether they are intimate, friends, family or work. How our relationships impact our business, careers opportunities and/or starting a business. We will explore all areas of Relationships, for this is the quickest way to grow our consciousness.
News For the Heart: Laurie Huston
News For the Heart: Laurie Huston
7 GIU 2024 · In our latest episode of "News for the Heart," we chatted with Tom Campbell about the Amazing Art of FUN. This conversation marks our last episode before a short break, returning in September. We couldn't think of a more joyful note to pause on than the theme of having FUN.
We began the episode by sharing the details of Tom's upcoming symposium, scheduled for September 29 to October 3, 2024. Organized in collaboration with the CUSAC-Center of Unification of Science and Consciousness. Tom's non-profit to support his groundbreaking research. The event promises not only to be an enlightening experience but also an incredibly FUN one. It's a wonderful opportunity for us all to come together. And contribute to a meaningful cause, and add a little more joy to our lives.
As the summer unfolds, we've made a conscious decision to focus on the lighter side of life. Exploring how fun can play a pivotal role in our personal growth. It's been a heartwarming journey to discuss how, as we grow, life seems to offer more opportunities for laughter and joy.
One of the moments of our conversation was when Tom introduced us to the concept of "Carrot versus Stick". This is a perspective on motivation through rewards or consequences. It was an enlightening discussion. It reminding us that, though sometimes challenges are necessary, embracing positivity and love can lead to a more fulfilling life.
At the heart of our show is the belief that leading with love and choosing to grow are essential to our journey. Our discussion was yet another reminder of the power of approaching life with an open heart and a spirit of FUN.
Thank you for joining us as we get to the Heart of what matters – the art of living joyfully and growing with love. We look forward to continuing this journey with you when we return in September, ready to dive deeper into the heart of what makes life truly meaningful.
24 MAG 2024 · Laurie Huston from News for the Heart engaged in a profound conversation with Tracy McBurney about the powerful transformations that can emerge from experiencing pain. Our dialogue initiated from a personal incident in my life involving a tooth infection and the emotional turmoil following an experience of being ghosted.
As we delved deeper, we explored my reactions—my narrative—surrounding feelings of neglect, rejection, unworthiness, and the ensuing anger, all of which precipitated a healing crisis. Throughout this journey, Tracy provided invaluable support, facilitating a powerful transformation.
We discussed the belief that our pain body is instrumental in unlocking the transformative growth we all stand to gain. Our conversation evolved from the personal story I shared to the broader implications of various life events that contributed to this narrative. Beginning with the need for connection to my birth parents and culminating in the revelation of my adoption at the age of 19, we reflected on how our experiences shape us, fostering growth in our consciousness and compassion for our life's path.
Join us for this compelling episode with Tracy McBurney, as we delve into the heart of what truly matters, exploring the potent transformations that can arise through confronting our pain.
26 APR 2024 · News for the Heart talks with Vanessa Wideski on her book: My BIG Ego.
A debut author of “My Big Ego,” a practical application of Tom Campbell’s “My Big TOE.” Vanessa is not only a writer but also the visionary founder and co-executive director of The Low Entropy Foundation, a pioneering social impact organization dedicated to democratizing personal development. Her mission? Empower individuals with the transformative tools to reshape themselves and their environments.
Vanessa’s remarkable journey is a testament to the human spirit’s resilience. From a high school dropout grappling with homelessness and addiction, she has emerged as a world traveler and a thriving entrepreneur. Her diverse life experiences have gifted her with an abundance of empathy, which she generously shares through her leadership in the social impact space.
Currently, Vanessa resides in Coquitlam, BC, where she enjoys a fulfilling life alongside her husband and four children. As an eager and dedicated learner, she collaborates closely with Tom Campbell, a distinguished physicist and the author of “My Big TOE.” Vanessa’s commitment to personal growth and her unwavering dedication to uplifting others make her an inspiring force in the realm of self-discovery and empowerment.
12 APR 2024 · Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Tracy McBurney on Beautiful Ascension for the Solar Eclipse. Tracy began this show by discussing how Powerful the April 8th Solar Eclipse was and how she managed to find a clear sky to observe the 100% total Eclipse.
We discussed the fact that this eclipse mostly impacted where Mars is in your birth chart. The eclipse occurred in Aries and the ruling planet is Mars. If you need to check out your birth chart, has the best free chart drawings. You should know where you were born, and if possible the exact time of your birth. If you don't you can use midnight or noon. The only thing that may vary is your Ascendant and your moon house.
This Eclipse is very powerful as it has the power to impact our Ascension process. It will impact where Mars and also Aries lies in your birth chart. Over the next 10 days and in the next 6 months (as Eclipse's energy stays with us until the next Eclipse.) we can use this energy to let go of the fears within this area and evolve our consciousness.
Tracy likes to share what happens in her World. This month she had the opportunity to examine how our mind consciousness creates defense mechanisms, control mechanisms and protection mechanisms when we have had trauma. This led us to reviewing how Gregg Braden has a fractal pattern calculator for us to look at the first date we took in a pattern that our mind created to defend, control or protect itself, regardless of where the issue came from.
The one thing that seemed to be the most powerful tool is to ask our Authentic Higher Self to just Hold us. It will lead to healing, but sometimes we need to sit in the trigger, for me it was not listening. To observe it, own it (because we like to blame everyone else for our triggers, fear, pain) and then surrender it. By doing this we have the opportunity to take back our control that our mind constructed to protect us.
Lastly, a reminder that if you are feeling out of sorts and worry you are sick, that your immune system may be perfectly fine. The Ascension process has a detoxification effect on our bodies. So BE gentle.
This was another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
29 MAR 2024 · News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on All You Need is LOVE. We began by discussing that the world is still going through growing pains. Bullying and Victimhood is trending. I wanted to address this because of a comment a friend reminded me that Everyone, even the Bully, at their core, wants to be LOVED and LOVE.
Both victim and bully are people who are experiencing a low entropy. They are, just like the seeker, looking for Love and to BE Loved. The spectrum is Fear or Love.
The Problem is that we are still repeating the patterns of our parents and their parents before them. We continue to reinforce the pattern with our own children. We are overwhelmed, tired, self-centered and doing the best we can do, in a world that is full of fear.
Our parents didn't intend to repeat and lay their fears onto us. However, change has to begin with how we raise our children. Yet, to Lead by Example is the most successful way to achieve Healing the World.
We can't change anyone else. We must be conscious of our fears. It is time that we see our responsibility. Examine our definitions that we believed about Love. The Behaviors that We Learned. Examine the beliefs we continue to hold due to our experiences. The Stories we tell ourselves, that We aren't Loveable.
Our time is coming where we refuse to look at the symptoms of our fears. The problem isn't in the symptoms but in the core fears we hold. We have low quality entropy where love has become need not Love. Time to look at our Capacity to Love. The more fear we hold, the less capacity we have to Love.
All We Need is Love. A brilliant song written in 1967 and more relevant now then in the time of Free Love. We are leading with our Heart and choosing to Grow Up. Another Powerful discussion with Tom Campbell! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
22 MAR 2024 · News for the Heart talks with Lori Wilson, WOW a million FREE. This is a Celebration of her 25000th student to her Intuition Classes. This year they celebrate an amazing foundation of 25,000 students and are really amping up their efforts to make this world a better place. Grandmother, Founder Lori Wilson’s Spirit Guide calls 2024
Lori’s Guides have instructed her to offer 1 Million students their signature On-Line class, Access Intuition 101 (25-hours), at no cost in this monumental year of change. To show their commitment to peace. They believe that 1M people in this world who trust their intuition, trust themselves first, know how to connect with more, and can discern truth will make the world a better place. This $249 gift of their most popular class will teach you all about intuition. As well as how to access 8 unique sources of higher wisdom for support, guidance and perspective. Start today with this awesome gift and make your world — and our world, a better place by trusting your intuition.
INVITE YOUR FRIENDS: Be sure to copy and paste this amazing invitation and invite everyone who may wish to deepen their intuition and connection with ever so much more.
This is an amazing offer to Create a World where Peace Reigns. A tipping Point. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We're Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
15 MAR 2024 · Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Tracy McBurney on Creating the Amazing Life YOU Want. Tracy began this show by sharing a quote that impacted her and her business. “If you don't make the time to work on creating the life you want, you're eventually going to be forced to spend a LOT of time dealing with a life you don't want.” ― Kevin Ngo, from Let's Do This! From this quote we discussed that we need to have a 'future Self Identity'.
Tracy likes to share what happens in her World. This client offered up a HUGE Gift in revealing that while in the womb he sent away his Dream Purpose as his mother was detoxifying from a cigarette dependance. He was also feeling the effects of this toxicity within him as he developed in her womb. Because of this he didn't want to be born. Because of this he sent out his Dreams somewhere else. He couldn't BE who he was destined to BE.
We believe that a lot of people send away their Dreams of the Life they Want because of trauma in the womb. Tracy shared her journey with the birth of her son. He was stuck sideways and couldn't move and no one else could move him. She had to have a cesarean birth. She decided that she had to save her son, even if she had to leave to do it. Tracy wanted him to have his Dreams even if she couldn't.
If we don't make time to bring back what we sent away to be returned and realigned, we will be creating a life that is different from our Dreams. We will be stuck in the old way of thinking. We sent our Dream away because it was so sacred. It was sent away to be protected. It was so important that we gave our life's mission away. And NOW we can BE open to taking it back
This was another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
1 MAR 2024 · News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on From Giving Up to BEing Powerful. We began by discussing the difference between Letting Go and Giving Up, and from Powerless and Overwhelmed.
The danger of Giving Up is that it leads to depression. This is a difficult energy to emerge from as it feels so overwhelming and you feel powerless to make changes.
Depression is all consuming and it prohibits us from Growing Up. We are to learn to Let GO. If we feel depressed and overwhelmed we are stuck and not moving forward.
We all need to feel a purpose that we can fulfill. Tom offered many examples that are relevant to what we feel overwhelmed about in relationships. Like picking up after ourselves, doing the dishes, as these are relatable references for where we are in our consciousness and our growth. If we hold onto specifics in our relationships, whether at home or at work, we are feeling powerless or overwhelmed.
Once we can truly accept where we are and make efforts to fix ourselves instead of another, we are on the journey to Grow Up. However, if we just act like we are doing the dishes or picking up after someone and still hold anger, then we aren’t truly letting go.
The most important part of this is that we all work on ourselves to Let Go of our fears. If we have no fears, then everything else that happens doesn’t impact our well-being. We are leading with our Heart and choosing to Grow Up.
Another Powerful discussion with Tom Campbell! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
19 FEB 2024 · Laurie Huston from News of the Heart talks with Tracy McBurney on the Exciting Learning Button to JOY! Tracy began this discussion with something she learned about how we all have a Learning Button.
She shared she discovered this while with her brother who were both helping her mom with her garage door. Tracy felt it was the battery, and her brother went through a whole process re-formatting the garage system with pressing buttons and saying to himself 'learn'.
This prompted an 'aha' moment about how we all have a Learning Button. We aren't consciously aware of this Learning Button. However, we can take advantage now that we have conscious understanding.
We can make a request to our Self, Universe or whomever you want to invoke our Learning Button in whatever area we require. Tracy discussed how if we only knew during school, we could have understood our classes better.
We then moved to what I was having challenges with that activating my Learning Button might help with. For me it is my challenge with trusting my own intuition when I have something happening that is important to me. My example was about my health. After discovering I had H Pylori, I tried to use intuition to figure out what I needed to treat it. What we discovered was because it was in my small intestines, it is related to JOY.
This was a wonderful healing experience. Full of information to assist you to work towards Whole Health.
Another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
2 FEB 2024 · Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell about Opportunities for Loving Communication. This is Love Month at Intuitive Soul and Tom and I gave another Incredible discussion on LOVE.
This year we opened up about how difficult Communication is in Relationships. All Relationships! The reason being that it is through relationships that we grow. No relationship is 100% easy all the time. In fact the more deep the relationship the more difficult it is to discuss our feelings due to fear.
In LOVE we feel vulnerable, our definition of vulnerability is a fear. (Personally, I believe to BE Vulnerable is a strength as I have a different definition.) People don't want to argue or have someone else tell them they are wrong or need fixing.
The strategy for most people is to deal with fear, If I don't play the game, I can't lose. Where in reality is if they don't play they will always lose.
Unfortunately, most people are self-centered. Therefore the truth means they are wrong, and need to change. No one wants to hear this. So they go about their relationships distracting themselves and that eventually creates very poor communication. Also, the way men relate to others is different from how women relate. Men are not taught to deal with their emotions like women.
The answer lies in Compassion and Acceptance. We all want to BE heard and understood. Find your way to offer Loving Communication through Compassion, Caring and Acceptance. Another Powerful discussion with Tom Campbell! We're Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
News for the Heart is dedicated to helping you give a voice to your own Soul. Our hearts have the power to free us from pain and the struggle that...
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News for the Heart is dedicated to helping you give a voice to your own Soul. Our hearts have the power to free us from pain and the struggle that keep us from awakening to our true essence. Join us as we delve into our Heart and Soul to find the path that will open us to the possibilities and lead us to the life we will LOVE to live.
Join Laurie as she discusses all types of relationships, contemplating our connections whether they are intimate, friends, family or work. How our relationships impact our business, careers opportunities and/or starting a business. We will explore all areas of Relationships, for this is the quickest way to grow our consciousness.
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Join Laurie as she discusses all types of relationships, contemplating our connections whether they are intimate, friends, family or work. How our relationships impact our business, careers opportunities and/or starting a business. We will explore all areas of Relationships, for this is the quickest way to grow our consciousness.
Autore | Jane & Laurie |
Organizzazione | Major Radio |
Categorie | Spiritualità |
Sito | | |
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