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Narcissistic Abuse with Lisa A Romano

    The quality of our relationships reflects the quality of our lives. As human beings, we are created to relate to others in healthy ways. Empathy allows us to understand one...

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    The quality of our relationships reflects the quality of our lives. As human beings, we are created to relate to others in healthy ways. Empathy allows us to understand one another's emotions, needs, wants and desires, which allows for a sense of human connectedness. In the best of relationships, emotions, triggers, needs, wants and desires are honored by all parties. However, when we are dealing with those with high narcissistic traits, we often discover a lack of boundaries, tremendous emotional pain, and manipulation.

    The more narcissistic a person, the more entitled they feel to exploit the emotions of others. There are various forms of narcissism and not all narcissists are created equal. However, the more educated we become about personalities that lack empathy, as well as the ability to be self-observant, the apter we are to avoid becoming emotionally entangled by those who make relating in a mutually satisfying way impossible to do.

    Sadly, because of the fact that those with high narcissistic traits lack the psychological ability to look within, studies suggest curing narcissism is highly improbable. In some cases, narcissism can be managed with a combination of talk and cognitive behavioral therapy. Since narcissism involves traits that are highly regarded in societies, like success, power, and prestige, it can be difficult to navigate workplace environments, as well as relationships, and families that involve those with narcissistic traits.

    If you come from a home that was void of emotional connection, self-expression, and you instead were conditioned to feel the need to tone yourself down, stuff or deny your emotions, you may also relate to the world in a co-dependent way. You may not realize how abandonment can be impacting the way you relate to the world.

    Those who were psychologically and emotionally invalidated as children, tend to invalidate themselves. As adults, those of us who experienced emotional neglect continue to seek validation outside of ourselves and often attract abusive, controlling, and manipulative people like narcissists into our experience.

    This show is dedicated to those who are wishing to heal from narcissistic abuse and codependency so that they can live a more authentic, loving, peaceful, abundant life experience inside relationship dynamics that are mutually respectful and satisfying.

    We can heal from the unconscious patterns of unworthiness that were created in childhood while we were impressionable and below the veil of consciousness. We can break the cycles of self-doubt and heal our need to be validated. We can learn to honor ourselves and heal from codependency and narcissistic abuse.

    This show is for those who are ready to AWAKEN, break cycles of unconsciousness, and who are ready to live their BEST LIFE YET, CONSCIOUSLY.

    To learn more about Lisa A. Romano, her Transformational 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program and her additional online resources visit

    To follow Lisa's YouTube Channel with over 202K Subscribers and 500+ videos on self-help, personal development, spirituality, narcissism, codependency, and the law of attraction, visit
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    Autore Lisa A. Romano
    Organizzazione Lisa A. Romano
    Categorie Salute mentale
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