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Money Made Faithful With John Putnam

  • 126 - Watch Out for your "When I's"

    26 MAR 2024 · When does a financial goal become a distraction? Have you ever found yourself overly fixated on future goals, so much so, that it was a distraction to other parts of your life? Or maybe you reached a goal and felt somewhat disappointed, or that it was anticlimactic?  Today, we're diving into the delicate balance between setting ambitious goals and remaining present in your journey. We'll explore how to keep your financial goals in perspective while embracing each moment so you can have a more fulfilling and faithful experience on your stewardship journey! In this episode, John discusses:  - Reflecting on goals and making adjustments - How "arrival fallacy" can overshadow present joys and opportunities - The dangers of "When I" thinking - The paradox of planning for the future while living in the present  Key Takeaways: - Springtime is a time of renewal, making it the perfect moment to reflect on your goals. - The illusion that reaching a goal will bring lasting happiness can lead to a constant chase for external objectives. - The opportunity to find joy in everyday experiences. - Be cautious of fixating on future achievements as solutions to present problems. This can hinder our ability to recognize alternative solutions and overlook the blessings that may be right in front of us. - Practicing gratitude, mindfulness, and generosity cultivates contentment while we focus on the goals we’re working towards. “Remember to balance out future goals while you're still capturing present opportunities and enjoyment, and to find fulfillment in the journey itself.”   Resources Mentioned: - Arrival Fallacy: Will Reaching a Goal Make You Happy?: Click on the links below to learn more about Money Made Faithful: - VISIT MONEY MADE FAITHFUL: - GET FREE RESOURCES when you join THE HUB:   - BOOK A WORKSHOP & DETAILS:   - INVITE JOHN TO SPEAK at your conference, church, or event:   - SPECIAL SAVINGS ON JOHN'S BOOK, 'He Spends She Spends' and the small group guide:   - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: @MoneyMadeFaithful   - FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @MoneyMadeFaithful If this blessed you today, please subscribe, leave a review, and share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message!
    Ascoltato 23 min. 8 sec.
  • 125 - A Spring Refresh to Overcome Bible & Prayer Inconsistency with 'The 5 Fives'

    19 MAR 2024 · In this spring refresh episode, we dive into a remarkably practical framework that can help lay a strong spiritual foundation for your journey ahead.  Join us as we explore how committing to The Five 5’s will bring you closer to God, build confidence, enhance gratitude, and foster peace - in your finances and every other facet of your life. Through consistent practice, you'll experience immediate transformative shifts that will set you on a path of greater alignment with God's financial wisdom and greater purpose.  Let's start this spring season with a firm foundation and accelerate our growth together! In this episode, John discusses:  - Laying a strong spiritual foundation for your life journey - Overcoming inconsistency when it comes to Bible and prayer - The Five 5s: Dedicating five minutes a day to essential spiritual disciplines - Spring, being the perfect time for fresh beginnings  Key Takeaways: - Spring represents a time of fresh starts and renewal, making it the perfect moment to lay a strong spiritual foundation - crucial for navigating life's fiancnial challenges and opportunities. - Implementing The Five 5's framework—devoting just five minutes a day to reading, praying, listening, and expressing gratitude—can bring profound transformations with your money and all life matters. - By understanding the spiritual factors driving our choices and practicing daily habits like the The Five 5's we can align our decisions with God's wisdom, leading to greater peace, clarity, and alignment with His greater story. - Consistently engaging in scripture and prayer deepens your spiritual connection and positively impacts your financial decisions, leading to greater alignment with God's will and blessings in your life. “My prayer is that it will give you a firm foundation to launch off of, and guys, it's always easier when you're starting from a firm foundation.” Additional resources: American Bible Society's study: CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW MORE MONEY MADE FAITHFUL! VISIT MONEY MADE FAITHFUL: GET FREE RESOURCES when you join THE HUB: BOOK A WORKSHOP & DETAILS: INVITE JOHN TO SPEAK at your conference, church, or event: SPECIAL SAVINGS ON JOHN'S BOOK, 'He Spends She Spends' and the small group guide: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: @MoneyMadeFaithful FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @MoneyMadeFaithful If this blessed you today, please Subscribe, Leave a Review, and Share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message!
    Ascoltato 15 min. 16 sec.
  • 124 - 3 Simple Steps for Your 'Financial Spring Cleaning'

    12 MAR 2024 · Spring is getting closer as winter begins to fade and it’s time to freshen with a little spring cleaning! But we're not just tidying up your home and yard; it’s the perfect time to spruce up your money, too!  In this episode, we're diving into three simple steps for your financial spring cleaning. Drawing wisdom from timeless scriptures and practical insights, we'll align our financial decisions with our faith, setting the stage for intentional stewardship and spiritual growth at this special time of year. In this episode, John discusses:  - Embracing the transition to Spring - A reflective journey from winter wear to spring renewal - Three simple steps to achieve financial spring cleaning for a clearer financial path Key Takeaways: - As we approach spring, it's time to reflect on our surroundings, like the beloved screen porch at our house, reminding us that spring brings fresh renewal and care. - Begin your financial spring cleaning by wiping away the accumulated dust of unnoticed expenses, those small yet significant payments that, like hidden particles on our porch, can accumulate and cloud your financial clarity over time. - Just as we sweep up the dirt tracked onto our porch daily, look at your daily spending habits and options for improvement. - Like attending to your herds, review your financial activities, asking crucial questions about what's working, what's not, and taking intentional action to maintain financial health and alignment with your values. “As you embark on this, remember it's an ongoing process. You don't have to wait until spring to do it. This could be something you do every ninety days.”   CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW MORE MONEY MADE FAITHFUL! VISIT MONEY MADE FAITHFUL: GET FREE RESOURCES when you join THE HUB: BOOK A WORKSHOP & DETAILS: INVITE JOHN TO SPEAK at your conference, church, or event: SPECIAL SAVINGS ON JOHN'S BOOK, 'He Spends She Spends' and the small group guide: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: @MoneyMadeFaithful FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @MoneyMadeFaithful If this blessed you today, please Subscribe, Leave a Review, and Share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message!
    Ascoltato 17 min. 49 sec.
  • 123 - 5 Timeless Money Principles (and a few extras) with Ron Blue

    5 MAR 2024 · I'm excited to have my friend, Ron Blue, joining me in this episode as we delve into five timeless money principles. Ron has 50+ years experience and financial wisdom rooted in scripture and is the author of over seventeen books and the founder of various financial companies and ministries, including the Ron Blue Institute, and he continues to be active and impactful. With decades of experience, Ron emphasizes the spiritual aspect of managing money for God's purposes. So, let's explore these foundational habits that remain transcendent and crucial, shaping a prosperous and purpose-driven financial journey. In this episode, John and Ron discuss: - The five timeless money principles that never go out of style - The challenges of money management - Planning for a secure financial future - Breaking the grip of materialism Key Takeaways: - Living within your means is not just about financial prudence, but also a reflection of stewardship over what you've been entrusted with by God. - Maintaining liquidity through savings provides flexibility for handling emergencies and unexpected expenses, contributing to financial security and peace of mind. - Understanding the types of debt and adhering to principles like not presuming upon the future and counting the cost helps make wise financial decisions and avoid unnecessary obligations. - Planning for the future involves not just spending less but also setting specific, achievable goals, ensuring financial decisions align with those objectives, and providing a roadmap for financial independence. - Generosity isn't just about giving money; it's about breaking the power of money over your life and recognizing that true wealth is found in a spirit of giving and service. “Have some accountability in your life when it comes to money because it's difficult to stay the course when you have so many things pulling at you.” — Ron Blue CONNECT WITH RON: - Website: - Books:,p_27:Ron+Blue CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW MORE MONEY MADE FAITHFUL! - VISIT MONEY MADE FAITHFUL: - GET FREE RESOURCES when you join THE HUB: - BOOK A WORKSHOP & DETAILS: - INVITE JOHN TO SPEAK at your conference, church, or event: - SPECIAL SAVINGS ON JOHN'S BOOK, 'He Spends She Spends' and the small group guide: - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: @MoneyMadeFaithful - FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @MoneyMadeFaithful If this blessed you today, please Subscribe, Leave a Review, and Share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message!
    Ascoltato 39 min. 12 sec.
  • 122 - 6 Steps to be Ready for your Financial Battles

    27 FEB 2024 · In this episode, we're diving into a unique perspective on being prepared for the financial battles you will face as we explore the connection between spiritual battles and wise financial stewardship, empowering ourselves to honor God in every financial choice we make. Just as athletes prepare meticulously before a big game, we too can equip ourselves for our financial challenges as we draw from the powerful description of spiritual armor outlined in Ephesians 6:10-18 and how it fortifies and prepares us in the face of financial challenges, temptations and trials. Let's 'armor up' and face our battles with confidence, knowing that with God's armor, we are equipped for victory! In this episode, John discusses: - Equipping for financial battles inspired - Unveiling the spiritual armor in financial battles - Six steps to financial preparedness and victory - Putting on the spiritual armor for financial well-being Key Takeaways: - In financial battles, preparation is key, drawing parallels with the meticulous pre-game routines of professional athletes - The spiritual armor, as outlined in Ephesians 6:10-18, includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. - Wise financial choices are rooted in spiritual choices, and utilizing the spiritual armor and embracing these truths can help you navigate and win spiritual financial battles. - Just as football players wouldn't enter a game without their gear, we shouldn't face daily spiritual and financial battles without putting on the Armor of God for protection and guidance. “When we can put on all the armor of God and use it in our financial choices, we not only safeguard our financial well-being, but we also deeply honor God, bringing Him glory in the process through our choices.” CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW MORE MONEY MADE FAITHFUL! - VISIT MONEY MADE FAITHFUL: - GET FREE RESOURCES when you join THE HUB: - BOOK A WORKSHOP & DETAILS: - INVITE JOHN TO SPEAK at your conference, church, or event: - SPECIAL SAVINGS ON JOHN'S BOOK, 'He Spends She Spends' and the small group guide: - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: @MoneyMadeFaithful - FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @MoneyMadeFaithful If this blessed you today, please Subscribe, Leave a Review, and Share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message!
    Ascoltato 21 min. 40 sec.
  • 121 - Finding the Right Path for your Student's College & Career Journey

    20 FEB 2024 · I recently came upon a thought-provoking Wall Street Journal article discussing the opinion of why Americans are losing faith in the value of higher education, and it got me thinking. Considering the financial stewardship around post-high school education, it's essential to be wise and intentional when it comes to college and career planning and pursuits. Joining me today is my friend, Lisa Marker-Robbins, with over 25 years of experience and impacting over 4,000 students, helps us navigate the crucial decisions surrounding post-high school education. In this episode, John and Lisa discuss: - Is there an erosion of confidence? - Post-high school education decisions - The importance of early career clarity - Parental support in college applications Key Takeaways: - The complex higher education landscape prompts an examination of educational pathways and career objectives. - The importance of discussions, intentionality and pursuing paths that align with personal fulfillment and unique aspirations. - Understanding the critical role of early career exploration can significantly impact a student's college journey - Parents play a pivotal role in helping their teens make informed decisions by providing support, initiating open conversations “There are a lot of benefits to going to college. It shows that you can do hard things; you build your adulting skills while living in a dorm or apartment. But the end goal is a career where your kid will flourish.” — Lisa Marker-Robbins ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: WALL STREET JOURNAL ARTICLE - "Why Americans Have Lost Faith in the Value of College:" LISA'S COMPLIMENTARY ON-DEMAND VIDEO: - How to guide your teen to choose the right major, college, & career (...without painting themselves into a corner, missing crucial deadlines, or risking choices you both regret): CONNECT WITH LISA: - Website: - LinkedIn: & - Facebook: - Instagram: - College & Career Clarity podcast: & CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW MORE MONEY MADE FAITHFUL! - VISIT MONEY MADE FAITHFUL: - GET FREE RESOURCES when you join THE HUB: - BOOK A WORKSHOP & DETAILS: - INVITE JOHN TO SPEAK at your conference, church, or event: - SPECIAL SAVINGS ON JOHN'S BOOK, 'He Spends She Spends' and the small group guide: - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: @MoneyMadeFaithful - FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @MoneyMadeFaithful If this blessed you today, please Subscribe, Leave a Review, and Share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message!
    Ascoltato 34 min. 33 sec.
  • 120 - 3 Tensions of Love & Money (and what to do about it)

    13 FEB 2024 · As we gear up for Valentine's Day, I couldn't help but think about the intriguing tensions of love and money and what you can do about it. Drawing wisdom from scripture and a timeless quote, we’ll explore three common tensions in relationships and practical ideas to address them. Remember, when disagreements arise, our goal should always be progress, not victory. Join me in this journey of navigating love and money, as we strive for breakthroughs and blessings in our faithful financial stewardship. In this episode, John discusses: - The impact of past experiences on present financial choices - How different beliefs and behaviors shape relationships - The equation of love and money in relationships - Three tensions of love and money and practical steps to address them Key Takeaways: - In navigating the intersection of love and money, understanding the impact of past experiences on present financial behaviors is crucial, as your beliefs and behaviors are shaped by early experiences. - Recognizing that “Love + Money / Our Differences = Tension”—such as differing values, communication challenges, and struggles over financial control—addressing them wisely can lead to progress, emphasizing shared values and fostering open communication. - To overcome financial tensions, couples can find common ground by identifying shared priorities and values, engaging in conversations about the broader topics of money (rather than specific issues), and defining and involving each other in financial roles and responsibilities. - Wisdom from scripture underscores the importance of avoiding the love of money, pursuing righteousness and contentment, and providing guidance on how to navigate love and money tensions in relationships. “Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and I pray that it is filled with love: love for God, love for others, and love for those closest to you.” CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW MORE MONEY MADE FAITHFUL! - VISIT MONEY MADE FAITHFUL: - GET FREE RESOURCES when you join THE HUB: - BOOK A WORKSHOP & DETAILS: - INVITE JOHN TO SPEAK at your conference, church, or event: - SPECIAL SAVINGS ON JOHN'S BOOK, 'He Spends She Spends' and the small group guide: - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: @MoneyMadeFaithful - FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @MoneyMadeFaithful If this blessed you today, please Subscribe, Leave a Review, and Share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message!
    Ascoltato 18 min. 27 sec.
  • 119 - 7 Lessons for When Your Plans DON'T go as Planned

    6 FEB 2024 · How often is your reality different from your plans? I found myself this week re-learing old lessons, finding peace in the midst of changing plans, and being reminded of whose story I’m in. I'm drawing inspiration from James 4:13-15, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging our limited control and surrendering and trusting our plans to God. After experiencing a few delays and making adaptations in launching Money Made Faithful last week, I explore seven simple, yet profound, lessons that resonate not only with our launch journey but are directly applicable to our broader faithful financial stewardship. In this episode, John discusses: - Finding peace and purpose when plans go differently than expected - Seven simple lessons for embracing truth and guidance in life's challenges - How changing plans create unique opportunities to get closer to God Key Takeaways: - Despite encountering unexpected challenges and changes in plans, embracing adaptability and humility is crucial for navigating life's uncertainties. - Trusting in God's sovereignty and seeking guidance from professionals and mentors can lead to peace and resilience amid disruptions. - Viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning fosters spiritual and personal development, ultimately aligning us with God's greater purpose. - Recognizing that our lives are part of God's larger story underscores the importance of surrendering our plans for His glory, allowing His guidance to shape our journey. “The reminder this week is that God is in control, that God asks us to make our plans, but he directs our steps and I need to leave room for him to operate.” Thank you and please CLICK THESE LINKS for more MONEY MADE FAITHFUL! - VISIT MONEY MADE FAITHFUL : - GET FREE RESOURCES when you join THE HUB: - BOOK A WORKSHOP & DETAILS: - INVITE JOHN TO SPEAK at your conference, church or event: - SPECIAL SAVINGS ON JOHN'S BOOK, 'He Spends She Spends' and the small group guide: - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: @MoneyMadeFaithful - FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @MoneyMadeFaithful If this blessed you today, please Subscribe, Leave a Review, and Share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message!
    Ascoltato 13 min. 58 sec.
  • 118 - Welcome to Money Made Faithful!

    30 GEN 2024 · I’s a special day - the beginning of our growing outreach under our new name, Money Made Faithful! I'm excited to dive into what this transformation means for our ministry outreach. In this episode, we'll explore what's behind the shift and how it aligns with our mission to empower you in your financial stewardship journey. Join me as we embark on this exciting venture together! In this episode, John discusses: - Exploring Money Made Faithful - Understanding the heart behind the money - Core beliefs and behaviors that shape our financial decisions - Uncovering hidden influences in financial stewardship Key Takeaways: - With a shift to "Money Made Faithful," we aim to focus our ministry outreach to equip believers, churches and ministries with practical wisdom and biblical principles for true breakthrough in money mindset and alignment with God's purposes. - Money, often a divisive force, is also a tool for spiritual growth and Kingdom impact, with over 2,000 scriptures addressing its influence, its powerful opportunities and offering hope for those burdened by financial worries. - Delving into the heart of money matters, we explore and guide at the intersection of he financial, spiritual, and behavioral aspects, offering insights, interviews, and resources to empower you to make faithful money moves and strengthen ministry, marriages, businesses, and missions. - Our initiative empowers believers through this podcast, workshops, resources and digital courses to understand your hidden financial influencers, God’s ever-present promises, align goals with biblical principles, and take purposeful action for immediate impact and lasting change, to foster a community making eternal impacts with their finances. Thank you and please CLICK THESE LINKS for more MONEY MADE FAITHFUL! - VISIT MONEY MADE FAITHFUL : - GET FREE RESOURCES when you join THE HUB: - BOOK A WORKSHOP & DETAILS: - INVITE JOHN TO SPEAK at your conference, church or event: - SPECIAL SAVINGS ON JOHN'S BOOK, 'He Spends She Spends' and the small group guide: - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: @MoneyMadeFaithful - FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @MoneyMadeFaithful If this blessed you today, please Subscribe, Leave a Review, and Share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message!
    Ascoltato 14 min. 1 sec.
  • 117 - Achieve Your Money Goals in 2024! Step 4 - SET YOUR VALUES with 3 Guidelines to Be your Best

    23 GEN 2024 · Welcome back to our ongoing series to Achieve your Money Goals in 2024! We're delving into a quietly crucial aspect in this fourth and final step in our series as I guide you through 3 Guidelines to SET YOUR VALUES. Inspired by Galatians 5:22-23, we'll consider the ‘fruits of the spirit’ as a foundation. But it doesn't stop there; I'll share other values like frugality, honesty, generosity, and more. These values aren't just words on paper; they're the behaviors that reflect who God made you to be on your faithful financial journey. Remember that your journey towards financial goals is a process. We work to align each step with God and His plans for you to stay present, love God, love others, and make disciples. By doing so, you're creating a robust financial foundation to Achieve your Money Goals in 2024 and even more that will be revealed! PS - and some BIG & EXCITING NEWS to share at the end!! :) In this episode, John discusses: - The role of values in stewardship success - The biblical foundation of setting values - A simple and powerful framework for setting financial values - 3 guidelines for effective financial values Key Takeaways: - To Achieve your Money Goals in 2024, setting values is the crucial fourth step, guiding you to be among the minority who successfully fulfill their goals. - Values, represented by your unique qualities, shape the person you are and the one you want to become on your financial journey, forming a foundation for fruitful decision-making. - The process of setting values involves choosing, energizing, and keeping your values visible, providing a clear roadmap for making progress on your financial goals. - By aligning values with God and His truths, you strengthen your financial culture, contribute to goal achievement, and underscore the importance of a faith-driven, present-focused approach to your financial journey. “Having a list of values is not much use if you don't put them to use and keeping them visible is one of the best ways to have them remembered and to put them in a position that they are used and lived and talked about.” Additional resources: - Let’s continue the conversation! Connect to Smarter Stewardship at and gain access to resources that will help you stay in the loop for resources that will actively help you shape your financial future. If you’re interested in growing in your faith, wealth, and life, visit for all the tools you need from coaching and speaking to my latest book, He Spends, She Spends! If this blessed you today, please Subscribe, Leave a Review, and Share with someone who you believe will benefit from this message! Contact John: Website: Website: Instagram: Facebook:
    Ascoltato 29 min. 1 sec.

Ready to dig deeper into what's really influencing you and your money? Let's connect the beliefs that are behind your choices - the financial, spiritual, and personal ones - so...

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Ready to dig deeper into what's really influencing you and your money?

Let's connect the beliefs that are behind your choices - the financial, spiritual, and personal ones - so that you can be the faithful steward of the resources God has entrusted to you.

At Money Made Faithful, we want to equip you with the truths, models, and practices so you can make better money choices so you can live more boldly, confidently, and faithfully.

God is too good and life is too special to let money hold you back.
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