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Davida Shensky

    It was while she was in graduate school the Individual Disability Education Act became law. For the first time in 1977 people with disabilities were guaranteed the right to an...

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    It was while she was in graduate school the Individual Disability Education Act became law. For the first time in 1977 people with disabilities were guaranteed the right to an education up to age 21.
    Davida Shensky has owned her own business for the last 25+ years since she entered the workforce 12 years before the Americans with Disabilities Act became law. it is not the limit she places on herself but the limits that society places on her due to their misunderstanding of the disability community at large. She has had to learn to become her own advocate and to think outside of the box when it comes to employment.

    Davida started Career Performance Institute and works with clients to help you reach your maximum potential and overcome your personal obstacles (fears) to unlock your potential at the highest level to reach your personal goals and fulfill your destiny.. We work with you to come up with a strategy to get from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. Career opportunities have moved from working for a large firm in a physical place to working from home virtually online. To lower the cost of overhead companies sell their products virtually, online, through websites, and word-of-mouth advertising through affiliates or distributors. We work with you to find the right opportunity in your niche and help you come up with a strategy to build a successful team and skills needed to become a good communicator, team builder, and leader.

    Among the many things we help you learn
    1. how to break through your personal barriers
    2. that life is full of choices for you to make
    3. to take control of your life
    4. to get rid of your negativity and to learn to think positively
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    Autore Davida Shensky
    Organizzazione Davida Shensky
    Categorie Economia
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