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Keep Your Plants On Podcast

  • Introducing the New Owner of KYPO, Jaime Boyachek!

    26 SET 2023 · So we have been working on something huge in the background here at Keep Your Plants On, and it's finally time to share… After six years and 700 beautiful clients, we have hired a new CEO for KYPO, Jaime Boyachek! Jaime is a Functional Medicine Nurse and Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner who has spent the last twenty years helping patients and clients get to the root of their imbalances and health issues using a Functional Medicine framework. Jaime is the one you go to when no-one else has been able to help you with your health, she is the kind of practitioner that listens, asks questions, and dives deeper than anyone else. In this episode we dive into her story with over 40+ diagnoses, battled relentless fatigue and an overwhelming lack of energy, while navigating the rollercoaster of bloating, fertility issues, hormonal imbalances, chronic stress, migraines, constipation, and nausea... to name a few. Jaime's life changed and her body was able to heal when she found Functional Medicine, and that is how she practices today, 10 years later. We dive into Jaime's endless expertise with gut health, detoxification, mental health, and hormonal balance, and what she is bringing to the table with KYPO: You are getting access to a whole new league of wellness, education, and state of the art Functional Testing like the GI Map, Dutch Hormone Testing, Cortisol Testing, and more. To learn more about Jaime, click here: To learn more about how KYPO services are deepening for your health journey, click here: Follow along with KYPO on instagram at @keepyourplantson.
    Ascoltato 47 min. 9 sec.
  • Major Life and KYPO Changes!

    26 SET 2023 · It's finally time to announce... KYPO has a new Owner!!!!! After six years and 700+ clients, there is a new sheriff in town and her name is Jaime Boyachek. In the next episode you get to meet Jaime and learn how incredible she will be for this company and for your health journey. This episode is answering the question of where I am going. Drum roll please... I am pursuing my career as a full time Artist and Muralist! Listen to this episode to hear the full story. To learn more about Jaime, head to the next episode or follow this link! To learn more about how KYPO services are deepening for your health journey, click here: Follow along with KYPO on instagram at @keepyourplantson and my personal art instagram @artbydoman
    Ascoltato 11 min. 29 sec.
  • Your Mental Health Checklist with The Anxiety Doc, Dr. Jenn Anders

    14 NOV 2022 · I am so excited to introduce you to Dr. Jenn Anders, AKA The Anxiety Doc. Jenn is a Licensed School Psychologist, Registered Psychotherapist and mental health advocate who has helped thousands manage and even get rid of their anxiety. Mind: Building an internal vs external locust of control How to challenge anxious thoughts (+ examples that Dr. Jenn uses daily!) Choosing the stories we believe How our vocation can impact our anxiety Body: Finding the movement that matches with your energy levels What the SMILE Trial tells us about how powerfully food can impact our mental health Key nutrients to pay attention to for better mental health outcomes + we get pretty personal challenging my own fears of rejection, literary agents, the ugly side of entrepreneurship, and the giant social experiment of adding in social media screen time for 8 hours a day. *PS the book by Johann Hari is called Lost Connections, not *missed* connections. You can learn more and follow along with Dr. Jenn on instagram @the.anxiety.doc or find her services at If you want to dive WAY deeper into your health, learn Functional Nutrition and personalized application, follow KYPO on instagram @keepyourplantson and learn about our transformational programs at I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this episode! Tag us on instagram when you listen!
    Ascoltato 1 h 14 min. 17 sec.
  • Combatting “Diet Talk" and the Psychology of Body Image with The Realistic Body Therapist

    18 OTT 2022 · In this episode with The Realistic Body Therapist, Clinical Psychologist Zeynep Demirelli shares about her too long isolated journey through her own eating disorder and body image struggles, and how that led her to becoming one of the most encouraging Clinical Psychologists online today. “Wow did you lose weight?” “My thighs are so big.” “I need to start a diet when we get back from vacation.” Fat talk and diet talk is all around us. In this episode, Zeynep dives into what this type of language is doing to our perceptions of our bodies, our minds, and our health. We talk through an encouraging new outlook on thinking and speaking VERY differently about our bodies, meeting our inner critic, and having a response to ourselves and others even in the most challenging settings. Zeynep gives insight on the psychology behind bad body image days, and what our brains may be communicating beyond insecurity in our skin. Most importantly, this episode is packed not just with the WHY behind body image issues, but tons of tangible takeaways that Zeynep and I both use with clients every day. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this episode! Tag us on instagram when you listen! You can find more about Zeynep @realistic.body.therapist and follow her practice You can follow us on instagram @keepyourplantson! If you are looking for more evidence based education on your health, ready to take control of and personalize your nutrition, learn more about the movement that has transformed the lives of 600+ clients!
    Ascoltato 56 min. 50 sec.
  • The Lost Art of Eating (for Satisfaction)

    27 SET 2022 · Have you ever wondered if the way that you THINK about food can change even the way that your body digests and metabolizes it? If so, you’d be SPOT ON. Your brain is so much more dynamic in the role of metabolism, digestion, and your relationship to food than you may realize. The questions, “What should I be eating?” Is this good for me? or how much fat is in that?" all deal with the way our western minds love to think about food: physically. But looking at food only physically gives us an incomplete story: one where we are frustrated that we HAVE to have dessert every night, why food can feel so comforting, why we feel out of control around certain foods, and why we feel so unsatisfied after eating a fat free high fiber bran muffin. This short (20 minute!) episode covers: The primal reasons we eat outside of satisfying hunger The role of Leptin and Ghrelin, your fullness and hunger hormones, and an interesting study that will make you step away from the "diet foods" The difference between hunger and appetite How food labeling of “guilt free, gluten free, sugar free” messes with how MUCH of the foods we are consuming New ways of prioritizing satisfaction and appetite for your health. If you are looking for support in your health journey, you can find the transformational KYPO 12 week Functional Nutrition and Health Course + deeper personalization, coaching, and support at and follow along on instagram @keepyourplantson !
    Ascoltato 23 min. 10 sec.
  • Debunking Nutrition Gimmicks with Dr. Adrian Chavez

    19 AGO 2022 · I'm so honored to introduce Dr. Adrian Chavez, an incredibly knowledgeable Nutritionist, notorious diet debunker, and self proclaimed Anti Biohacker. Today we are following one objective: helping you see through the wellness industry and find information that is helpful for you, rather than great marketing. We dive into Dr. Adrian's work in Academia, how the world of Academia doesn't account for practical human behavior, and how it transformed the way he helps clients today. Dr. Adrian and I both share sketchy (and unethical) marketing advice we have received from high ticket consultants that shed light on why consumers are confused, constantly diagnosing themselves, and believing the rhetoric that they are endlessly broken. We break through the BS of some of the most common Nutrition Ideologies that are recruiting cult followings: Carnivore, Low Fat, Vegan, and some of the expensive products that are making you believe that your health should be difficult. Nutrition is too often a business rather than a science, and this episode will give you a new lens to see through the gimmicks! Most importantly, this episode is filled with celebrating the fundamental (and too often overlooked!) principles that make the human body thrive. You can learn more about Dr. Chavez on instagram @dr.adrian.chavez and find his Nutrition Science Podcast at: If you are looking for support in your health journey, you can find the transformational KYPO 12 week Functional Nutrition and Health Course and deeper personalization, coaching, and support at and follow along on instagram @keepyourplantson !
    Ascoltato 1 h 2 min. 20 sec.
  • Walk With A Doc with Founder, Dr. David Sabgir

    4 AGO 2022 · Joining us today is Board Certified Cardiologist and Founder of Walk With a Doc, Dr. David Sabgir! Dr. David is the epitome of walking the walk in the health industry. About 20 years ago, after feeling frustrated with how little he felt he could do for the activity and exercise of patients, Dr. David invited all of his patients to a walk in the park with him and his family on the weekend. Thus, a movement was born where Doctors and future Doctors can meet up with patients and communities in large groups at local parks and walk, talk, and answer questions on the weekends. WWAD now has over 552 Chapters in 47 countries, 46 states, and holds over 8,200 events per year. We walk through Dr. David's story on starting WWAD, and why he chose walking as the perfect modality for our mental, emotional, and physical health. This episode will challenge your all or nothing mentality on movement and exercise, it's for the person that feel like walking is not "worth it," or you don't see how you could fit it into your life because of time, weather, or accessibility to nature. We talk about the benefits of outdoor and activity based movements like WWAD on the health of a community, and how it works to bridge gaps and mend barriers in a community, diving into some of his favorite success stories. This episode will be sure to encourage you and help you rethink the way you do movement, community, and the outdoors. Learn more about this movement at You can contact Dr. David at: where you can ask for a walk in your own city! If you are looking for support in your health journey, you can find the transformational KYPO 12 week Functional Nutrition and Health Course and deeper personalization, coaching, and support at and follow along on instagram @keepyourplantson !
    Ascoltato 28 min. 41 sec.
  • Healing Cystic Acne with Herbal Medicine and Plants with Carolyn Yachanin

    8 LUG 2022 · Today's episode is all about SKIN with Carolyn Yachanin, founder and CEO of Copina Co, a plant based collagen company born out of her experience healing her cystic acne and gut health issues through holistic medicine. We journey through Carolyn's story with cystic acne, gut health, and getting on prescriptions for her skin from a VERY young age! We journey through the pressure of having constantly perfect skin or health in this industry, and the fulfilling pursuit of imperfection. Habits that were essential in Carolyn's skin journey: 1. Shifting coffee to matcha. 2. Waking up and doing morning pages. 3. Using your fridge as skincare: Here's a sneak peak of Carolyn’s favorite face mask recipe: Spirulina Matcha Manuka honey Yogurt WHY: Chlorophyll helps to cleanse the skin, Manuka honey balances the bacteria on your face, and the Lactic Acid from whole milk yogurt works as a natural exfoliant. 4. Lymphatic drainage massages, running, yoga, jumping, cold to hot showers. 5. Shifting to more balanced, fat, fiber, and protein dense way of eating. Instead of eating as little as possible, healing her body meant nourishing it. You can find and follow Carolyn on instagram @carolynyachanin and @copinaco and explore her incredible products here: Use code: KEEPYOURPLANTSON for 15% off your first order! If you are looking for support in your health journey, you can find the transformational KYPO 12 week Functional Nutrition and Health Course and deeper personalization, coaching, and support at and follow along on instagram @keepyourplantson !
    Ascoltato 44 min. 52 sec.
  • The Three Phases of Burnout/Adrenal Fatigue - Solocast

    24 GIU 2022 · Today on the podcast is me! This is the first of many to come KYPO Solocasts. I wanted to dive into Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout, since this is way, way too close to home for me. I speak often about pace, stress, and productivity because those are my own personal vices, the areas I have to be on guard from daily. Today, I want to explain the physiological response to hustle culture, and give you the opportunity to get on the same page as your body. First, what is burnout? Burnout happens when acute stress turns chronic, your body is pumping out so much cortisol and adrenaline in response to an unsustainable pace that it essentially bankrupts your reserves. Leaving you feeling: -Anxious -Incredibly, (seemingly) unreasonably tired. The kind of tired that a good night’s sleep doesn’t seem to fix. -Lack of drive, creativity, and even purpose. Part of our stress response is a narrowed focus, a heightened awareness of the short term and an inability to look at the long term. -Emotionally unavailable, numb. -Cynical, joyless. We dive into: -the roles of Cortisol, Adrenaline, and our beautiful, over-stressed Adrenals. -The three stages of Adrenal Fatigue: Arousal, Adaptation, and Exhaustion. -What causes stress on the body? -The Non Negotiable Trifecta: Sleep, Poop, Blood Sugar Balance -Shifting Your Value Systems -Tangible habits to nourish and heal into the burnt out body Tune into the Blood Sugar Podcast here: If you are looking for support in your health journey, you can find the transformational KYPO 12 week Functional Nutrition and Health Course and deeper personalization, coaching, and support at and follow along on instagram @keepyourplantson !
    Ascoltato 47 min. 13 sec.
  • How Nature Restores Mental Rest and Physical Recovery with Emma Loewe

    11 GIU 2022 · It was such an honor to have this conversation with Emma Loewe, Senior Sustainability Editor at mindbodygreen and Author of Return to Nature, The New Science of How Natural Landscapes Restore Us. Is it okay to admit this was probably my favorite podcast I have ever recorded?   In this episode, we dive into what it looks like to simplify wellness, and without being too cheesy, to Return to Nature. We explore the physiological and psychological effects of different terrains: like oceans, deserts, parks, forests, and even snow. One of the most profound responses of nature is AWE: what we feel when we are faced with a perceived vastness. "Research has found that awe is one of the few emotions that make it okay for us to change our minds about things, and can reorganize the way we see the world in front of us."   This is why I call nature The Great Reprioritizer: because it makes you feel small, it can dwarf the issues that seemed enormous before you started your walk in the park. Nature can serve as mental rest, when there aren’t that many other sources of it in our busy lives.   Don’t for a second think that you can’t get into nature if you live far from it, or if you live somewhere that it is icy half the year, or if you just aren’t “outdoorsy.” That’s like saying a fish isn’t really into water. If you are human, you are outdoorsy. There are beautiful systems jumping into place all over the world to get people more in touch with our environment: walk with a doc, forest bathing, nature walks, etc… And there are tools to disconnect from technology or stressors and reconnect to the world around us, we just need to use them. This episode shows you WHY to return to nature, and then will get you excited about how to do so. You can find Return To Nature anywhere books are sold, including here: Or on her website: If you are looking for support in your health journey, you can find the transformational KYPO 12 week Functional Nutrition and Health Course at and follow along on instagram @keepyourplantson !
    Ascoltato 41 min. 32 sec.

Lindsay Tobias is an overzealous Holistic Health Coach for the overwhelmed people. Let's sift through the noise of diet culture and create your own health, rather than following everyone else's.

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Lindsay Tobias is an overzealous Holistic Health Coach for the overwhelmed people.

Let's sift through the noise of diet culture and create your own health, rather than following everyone else's.
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