The Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin Radio Show was a comedy-variety program that aired on the NBC Radio Network from April 3, 1949, to July 14, 1953. The show was...
mostra di più- "The Telephone Call": A sketch in which Lewis would impersonate a variety of different characters, such as a doctor, a lawyer, and a salesman.
- "The Man on the Street": A sketch in which Lewis would interview passersby on the street.
- "The Dean Martin Songbook": A segment in which Martin would sing some of his most popular songs.
- "The Celebrity Guest": Each week, the show would feature a different celebrity guest, such as Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, and Lucille Ball.
The Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin Radio Show was a comedy-variety program that aired on the NBC Radio Network from April 3, 1949, to July 14, 1953. The show was...
mostra di più- "The Telephone Call": A sketch in which Lewis would impersonate a variety of different characters, such as a doctor, a lawyer, and a salesman.
- "The Man on the Street": A sketch in which Lewis would interview passersby on the street.
- "The Dean Martin Songbook": A segment in which Martin would sing some of his most popular songs.
- "The Celebrity Guest": Each week, the show would feature a different celebrity guest, such as Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, and Lucille Ball.
Autore | QP-1 |
Organizzazione | William Corbin |
Categorie | Commedia , Commedia: interviste , Cabaret |
Sito | - | |
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