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Issues in Global Human Inequality

  • Episode 8 Social protection Part 6 - Is social protection worth it?

    11 GEN 2021 · With waged employment becoming increasingly precarious, social protection is the phrase that we use to describe what states can do to seek to ensure that human capabilities continue to flourish. Social protection has a long history, but has changed in significant ways over the past 20 years, in ways that will shape the future course of the lives of many across the course of this century. Social protection is remarkably cost-effective, which begs the question - why is there not more of it?
    14 min. 7 sec.
  • Episode 8 Social protection Part 5 - Forms of social protection

    6 GEN 2021 · With waged employment becoming increasingly precarious, social protection is the phrase that we use to describe what states can do to seek to ensure that human capabilities continue to flourish. Social protection has a long history, but has changed in significant ways over the past 20 years, in ways that will shape the future course of the lives of many across the course of this century. In the developing world social protection mechanisms include cash transfers, cash transfers alongside measures to facilitate the accumulation of assets by households, and integrated poverty reduction programs.
    15 min. 32 sec.
  • Episode 8 Social protection Part 4 - Contemporary social protection

    6 GEN 2021 · With waged employment becoming increasingly precarious, social protection is the phrase that we use to describe what states can do to seek to ensure that human capabilities continue to flourish. Social protection has a long history, but has changed in significant ways over the past 20 years, in ways that will shape the future course of the lives of many across the course of this century. In the 21st century social protection consists of social insurance, social assistance and employment and labour market interventions.
    11 min. 37 sec.
  • Episode 8 Social protection Part 3 - Social protection after World War Two

    6 GEN 2021 · With waged employment becoming increasingly precarious, social protection is the phrase that we use to describe what states can do to seek to ensure that human capabilities continue to flourish. Social protection has a long history, but has changed in significant ways over the past 20 years, in ways that will shape the future course of the lives of many across the course of this century. After World War Two developed and developing countries sought to build social welfare states. These were extensively restructured during the 1980s and 1990s.
    8 min. 42 sec.
  • Episode 8 Social protection Part 2 - The origins of social protection

    6 GEN 2021 · With waged employment becoming increasingly precarious, social protection is the phrase that we use to describe what states can do to seek to ensure that human capabilities continue to flourish. Social protection has a long history, but has changed in significant ways over the past 20 years, in ways that will shape the future course of the lives of many across the course of this century. Originating in late 19th century Germany, social protection spread rapidly in the early 20th century in the developed countries.
    12 min. 26 sec.
  • Episode 8 Social protection Part 1 - What is social protection?

    6 GEN 2021 · With waged employment becoming increasingly precarious, social protection is the phrase that we use to describe what states can do to seek to ensure that human capabilities continue to flourish. Social protection has a long history, but has changed in significant ways over the past 20 years, in ways that will shape the future course of the lives of many across the course of this century. Social protection mitigates risks, meets needs, and helps to realize rights.
    4 min. 54 sec.
  • Episode 7 Episode 7 Employment Part 4 - The precariat

    6 GEN 2021 · Enlarging human capabilities can require access to employment that is safe, secure and fairly paid. But around the world we are seeing an increasing share of employment being unsafe, insecure, and poorly paid. Can employment that supports the ability of people to live the life to which they aspire be promoted? Transforming precarious work into decent work requires recognizing the jobs the people are uniquely qualified to do, and which cannot be automated.
    13 min. 29 sec.
  • Episode 7 Episode 7 Employment Part 3 - Fordism and post-Fordism

    6 GEN 2021 · Enlarging human capabilities can require access to employment that is safe, secure and fairly paid. But around the world we are seeing an increasing share of employment being unsafe, insecure, and poorly paid. Can employment that supports the ability of people to live the life to which they aspire be promoted? How did precarious employment emerge in the developed world?
    12 min. 33 sec.
  • Episode 7 Episode 7 Employment Part 2 - What do people do?

    6 GEN 2021 · Enlarging human capabilities can require access to employment that is safe, secure and fairly paid. But around the world we are seeing an increasing share of employment being unsafe, insecure, and poorly paid. Can employment that supports the ability of people to live the life to which they aspire be promoted? Agriculture is still the single most important source of employment in the world. Around the world, manufacturing jobs are a declining source of employment, but service jobs are growing, everywhere.
    9 min. 16 sec.
  • Episode 7 Employment Part 1 - What is employment?

    6 GEN 2021 · Enlarging human capabilities can require access to employment that is safe, secure and fairly paid. But around the world we are seeing an increasing share of employment being unsafe, insecure, and poorly paid. Can employment that supports the ability of people to live the life to which they aspire be promoted? A great deal of global work is unpaid. A large share of the globally-employed work informally, without legal status. These are the realities of work in the 21st century.
    12 min. 6 sec.

We live in a complex world of unparallelled affluence and immense deprivation. Yet cutting across this complexity, there are a set of key areas of focus for the contemporary policy...

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We live in a complex world of unparallelled affluence and immense deprivation. Yet cutting across this complexity, there are a set of key areas of focus for the contemporary policy agenda of states seeking to bring about improvements in human development: climate change; population structures; conflict and complex emergencies; gender and development; the role of employment in livelihoods; and social protection. Issues in global human inequality explores these key policy debates, connecting the global to the local and portraying our individual connection to social change and development.
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