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I'm Human: Ya Girl Renae

  • Ya Girl Renae: Rumble

    8 GIU 2024 · Ya Girl Renae Talks About Rumble Being Shadow Banned By Google and Reddit. The War Against Rumble & YouTube Will Be An Ugly One --- Send in a voice message:
    Ascoltato 11 min. 53 sec.
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    Dijonai Carrington Gave Caitlin Clark An A$$ Wooping On The Court!

    15 MAG 2024 · Dijonai Carrington Gave Caitlin Clark An A$$ Wooping On The Court!
  • Spectrum & Cricket wirless Is Down Again!

    15 MAG 2024 · It was a nightmare weekend for me and many others in St. Petersburg, Florida. I woke up on Saturday to find that both my Cricket Wireless and Spectrum services were down. It wasn't just a minor inconvenience; it was a full-blown catastrophe. Living in Pinellas Park, right on the edge of St. Petersburg, I was smack dab in the middle of the blackout zone. And it wasn't just us – folks in Clearwater and parts of Largo were affected too. Businesses relying on Spectrum were hit particularly hard; imagine being completely shut down because you have no internet. --- Send in a voice message:
    Ascoltato 19 min. 43 sec.
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    News Outlets Are Going To Charge Users Online For Content. This Should Protect Journalist Work. Allegedly!🤨

    1 MAG 2024 · Watch Full Podcasts👇 In recent developments, numerous online news outlets are shifting towards implementing paywalls, requiring users to pay for access to their content. This move comes as a response to the rampant repurposing of news articles on social media platforms, which has led to concerns about the sustainability of traditional media outlets. The rise of individuals repackaging news content from these outlets on platforms like YouTube, often with the aim of becoming influential bloggers, has further exacerbated this issue. Many established news organizations, such as CNN, NBC, and ABC, are contemplating or have already initiated measures to protect their intellectual property and ensure fair compensation for their journalists' hard work. While these companies might not have explicitly announced their plans, speculation is rife that they will increasingly restrict access to their online content, compelling users to subscribe to access their news. The root of this dilemma lies in the evolving landscape of digital media consumption. With the proliferation of social media platforms, news dissemination has become rapid and widespread. However, this accessibility has also led to the unauthorized sharing and reappropriation of news articles, undermining the financial viability of traditional news outlets. To delve deeper into this issue, let's examine the factors driving this shift and its potential implications for both news consumers and media organizations. Firstly, the prevalence of social media platforms has revolutionized the way information is disseminated and consumed. While these platforms offer unparalleled reach and engagement, they have also become breeding grounds for content piracy and unauthorized sharing. As a result, news outlets are grappling with declining revenue streams as their content is freely circulated without adequate compensation. Secondly, the emergence of influential individuals and bloggers leveraging repurposed news content to build their online presence has raised ethical and legal concerns. This phenomenon not only deprives original journalists of rightful recognition and compensation but also erodes the credibility of established news organizations. Moreover, the advent of digital technology has blurred the lines between professional journalism and user-generated content. As citizen journalism gains traction, traditional media outlets face increased competition from independent content creators who operate outside conventional journalistic frameworks. In response to these challenges, news organizations are exploring various strategies to safeguard their intellectual property and secure sustainable revenue streams. Implementing paywalls, which restrict access to premium content behind a subscription barrier, is one such measure. By requiring users to pay for access, news outlets aim to recoup lost revenue and uphold the value of quality journalism. However, the transition to a subscription-based model is not without its challenges. News consumers, accustomed to accessing free content online, may resist paying for news subscriptions. This resistance could potentially lead to a decline in readership and revenue for media organizations, necessitating innovative approaches to incentivize subscription uptake. Furthermore, the proliferation of alternative sources of news and information, such as independent bloggers and social media influencers, poses a formidable challenge to traditional media outlets. To remain competitive, news organizations must adapt to changing consumer preferences and embrace digital innovation while maintaining journalistic integrity. The shift towards paywalls and subscription-based models reflects the evolving dynamics of the digital media landscape. Website Podcast👇 --- Send in a voice message:
    Ascoltato 6 min. 37 sec.
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    Uber Eats Technical Issues😣 Can't Cash Out!

    1 MAG 2024 · Watch Full Podcasts 👇 Hey there, it's Ya Girl Renae, and Zap, and today we're diving into the frustration that comes with being Uber Eats drivers. You know, that feeling when you've put in all the hours, made all the deliveries, and then, when it's time to cash out, the app decides to play games? Yep, that's what we're talking about. So, picture this: you've just finished your last delivery for the night. You're tired, hungry, and ready to call it a day. But before you do, you want to cash out your earnings and head home. Seems simple enough, right? Wrong. Because once again, Uber Eats decides to leave us hanging. It's not the first time this has happened, and it certainly won't be the last. And let me tell you, it's beyond frustrating. As drivers, we rely on these earnings to pay our bills, put food on the table, and just make ends meet. So when we can't access our hard-earned money, it's more than just an inconvenience—it's a real problem. And it's not like this is some rare occurrence. No, it seems to happen far too often for comfort. You'd think that a company as big as Uber would have their act together when it comes to something as basic as paying their drivers. But alas, here we are, left waiting once again. Now, some might say, "Why don't you just wait until the next day to cash out?" Well, let me tell you, it's not that simple. When you've worked hard all night, the last thing you want to do is wait even longer to get paid. Plus, who's to say the same thing won't happen tomorrow? And let's not forget about the customers who are left hanging too. They're expecting their food to arrive, only to be left wondering where their delivery driver has disappeared to. It reflects poorly on us as drivers, and it reflects poorly on Uber Eats as a company. Speaking of which, this isn't the only issue we have with Uber Eats. From low pay to lack of support, it sometimes feels like they're doing everything in their power to make our lives harder. And for what? To line their own pockets while leaving us struggling to get by. At the end of the day, it's clear that Uber Eats needs to do better. They need to prioritize their drivers and ensure that we're treated fairly and with respect. Because without us, there would be no Uber Eats. It's time for them to step up and fix these issues once and for all. So, if you're thinking about becoming an Uber Eats driver, just know that it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Sure, you might enjoy the flexibility and freedom that comes with the job, but be prepared for the countless frustrations that come along with it. And to Uber Eats, if you're listening, it's time to make some changes. Stop leaving your drivers in the lurch and start treating us like the valuable members of your team that we are. Otherwise, you might find yourselves with a lot fewer drivers willing to put up with your nonsense. Website Page 👇 --- Send in a voice message:
    Ascoltato 10 min. 11 sec.
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    President Biden Using Immigrants For Votes!?

    17 APR 2024 · Ya Girl Renae shares her unbiased opinion on President Biden bringing Immigrants into the United States  --- Send in a voice message:
    Ascoltato 13 min. 47 sec.
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    Beyonce Knows How To FUCK OVER The Internet!

    7 APR 2024 · Ya Girl Renae & Zap Talk About Celebrities & Social Media Watch Full Content On Renae Media Site⁠ > ⁠ Ya Girl Renae Media and Entertainment Spotify⁠ > --- Send in a voice message:
    Ascoltato 15 min. 51 sec.
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    AI and Why Business Owners & The Music Industry Wants It

    7 APR 2024 · Ya Girl Renae Talks Why Business Owners & The Music Industry Wants AI Instead of Humans Ya Girl Renae Media Site⁠ > ⁠Ya Girl Renae Media and Entertainment Spotify⁠ > --- Send in a voice message:
    Ascoltato 14 min. 24 sec.
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    Uber Eats: After Desantis Changed The Delivery App Law, It Seems Like Uber Eats Has Raised Teh Taxes! Insane!!

    7 APR 2024 · "Ya Girl Renae" - Says "Florida's governor, Desantis, switched up the rules for delivery apps like Uber Eats? Well, since then, it looks like Uber Eats hiked up their fees big time. It's like they're charging way more now. Crazy, right?" Watch Full Show @ Links Below! --- Send in a voice message:
    Ascoltato 12 min. 55 sec.
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    P. Diddy, Porsha Williams, Nene Leakes

    31 MAR 2024 · On the "I'm Human Podcast" Ya Girl Renae Invites Guest Kennilos TV to Talk About All The Entertainment News Surrounding celebrities P. Diddy, Porsha Williams, & NeNe Leakes
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    Dijonai Carrington Gave Caitlin Clark An A$$ Wooping On The Court!

    15 MAG 2024 · Dijonai Carrington Gave Caitlin Clark An A$$ Wooping On The Court!
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    P. Diddy, Porsha Williams, Nene Leakes

    31 MAR 2024 · On the "I'm Human Podcast" Ya Girl Renae Invites Guest Kennilos TV to Talk About All The Entertainment News Surrounding celebrities P. Diddy, Porsha Williams, & NeNe Leakes
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    We Are In A Fcked Up World!

    27 MAR 2024 · I feel like we're disconnected from what really matters in life nowadays. Today, I had to visit the doctor for my allergy problem, hoping to find some relief, maybe even get prescribed Zyrtec or something similar. My appointment was scheduled for 2:00 PM Est, so I headed to the facility, checked in, and went through the usual routine of getting my vitals checked. After that, I was taken to the examination area where we discussed my allergies in detail. Once the appointment was over, I was handed some paperwork and prepared to leave. But as I was walking out, I heard a young woman screaming from another room. She seemed to be in distress and suddenly stormed out of the doctor's office.It was a chaotic scene. There were nurses and other doctors around, yet no one seemed to react to her obvious distress. Instead, some were even laughing and joking. I couldn't believe it. This poor girl clearly needed help, but everyone just stood there, watching her meltdown as if it were entertainment. As I walked out, she was ahead of me, still crying and visibly upset. It was heartbreaking to witness. And to make matters worse, there was a couple behind me who seemed to find the whole situation amusing. They were snickering and laughing at her.I couldn't stand by and do nothing. So, when she stopped at her car, still crying, I approached her and gently asked if she was okay. It was the least I could do in that moment of crisis. But what shocked me the most was the lack of compassion from everyone else in the facility. People were more interested in recording her breakdown than offering any kind of support. It made me question whether we've lost our sense of empathy altogether. Have we become so desensitized to the pain of others that we see it as nothing more than entertainment?It's disheartening to think that in a place where people come for help and healing, compassion seems to be in short supply. We need to remember that behind every outward display of distress, there's a human being in need of understanding and support. In a world that often feels cold and indifferent, it's up to each of us to show kindness and compassion, especially in moments of crisis. We need to be the ones who reach out a helping hand, rather than standing by as mere spectators to someone else's suffering.Video Page
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    We Are In A F*cked Up World!

    27 MAR 2024 · I feel like we're disconnected from what really matters in life nowadays. Today, I had to visit the doctor for my allergy problem, hoping to find some relief, maybe even get prescribed Zyrtec or something similar. My appointment was scheduled for 2:00 PM Est, so I headed to the facility, checked in, and went through the usual routine of getting my vitals checked. After that, I was taken to the examination area where we discussed my allergies in detail. Once the appointment was over, I was handed some paperwork and prepared to leave. But as I was walking out, I heard a young woman screaming from another room. She seemed to be in distress and suddenly stormed out of the doctor's office. It was a chaotic scene. There were nurses and other doctors around, yet no one seemed to react to her obvious distress. Instead, some were even laughing and joking. I couldn't believe it. This poor girl clearly needed help, but everyone just stood there, watching her meltdown as if it were entertainment. As I walked out, she was ahead of me, still crying and visibly upset. It was heartbreaking to witness. And to make matters worse, there was a couple behind me who seemed to find the whole situation amusing. They were snickering and laughing at her. I couldn't stand by and do nothing. So, when she stopped at her car, still crying, I approached her and gently asked if she was okay. It was the least I could do in that moment of crisis. But what shocked me the most was the lack of compassion from everyone else in the facility. People were more interested in recording her breakdown than offering any kind of support. It made me question whether we've lost our sense of empathy altogether. Have we become so desensitized to the pain of others that we see it as nothing more than entertainment? It's disheartening to think that in a place where people come for help and healing, compassion seems to be in short supply. We need to remember that behind every outward display of distress, there's a human being in need of understanding and support. In a world that often feels cold and indifferent, it's up to each of us to show kindness and compassion, especially in moments of crisis. We need to be the ones who reach out a helping hand, rather than standing by as mere spectators to someone else's suffering. Video Page
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    Google, Quora, Reddit, WTF!!

    18 MAR 2024 · Ya Girl Renae expresses frustration with Google search, noting it often doesn't give accurate results. She believes Google favors sites like Quora and Reddit over others.
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    Angela Rae Talks YouTube With Ya Girl Renae: I'm Human

    3 MAR 2024 · Many creators, like Angela Rae and Ya Girl Renae, have recently voiced their frustrations with YouTube. They feel that the platform is overly censoring content and stifling free speech. Many are upset about losing subscribers and seeing their content buried in the algorithm. Renae, for instance, decided to leave YouTube for her own independent media, and sometimes she will use Rumble because she wanted a platform where she could speak freely without fear of censorship. This growing dissatisfaction is leading many creators to consider leaving YouTube altogether. They feel that despite YouTube's claims of success, it's the creators who are doing the real work, not the platform itself. There's also concern about YouTube increasingly relying on AI, which could further suppress content and creativity.
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    Angela Rae Talks With Ya Girl Renae About YouTube

    2 MAR 2024 · Angela Rae Talks Issues With YouTube With Ya Girl Renae. Angela Rae Contacts Rumble -

Show Disclaimer: Welcome to "Ya Girl Renae: I'm Human!," the podcast where everyday conversations come to life in Ranting!. Join Renae as she delves into the topics of life,...

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Welcome to "Ya Girl Renae: I'm Human!," the podcast where everyday conversations come to life in Ranting!. Join Renae as she delves into the topics of life, family, work, dreams, etc. while ranting about it all. She does this with a touch of comedy and a dash of motivation. Renae brings you the perfect blend of entertainment and real-life wisdom. Let's be pissed together! Podcasts are video or audio.
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