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Healing Ego Attachments

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Questo podcast si sta preparando a condividere qualcosa di straordinario. Seguilo ora per ricevere una notifica non appena usciranno i primi episodi.

Here we seek to learn how to better understand Ego and what we can do to release egoic attachments and false beliefs that keep most human beings stuck in states...

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Here we seek to learn how to better understand Ego and what we can do to release egoic attachments and false beliefs that keep most human beings stuck in states of reactivity. The Ego is that aspect of our personality that interfaces with the 3D world. Wedged between the impulsive needs of the Id and the critical voice of the SuperEgo, Ego is the aspect of our personality that must decide what action it will take in the 3D world.

Ego is linked to our innate need and drive to survive. Much of our egoic attachments are rooted in our fear of death. When we have been wounded in childhood, we may fear abandonment and rejection to the point that such experiences feel akin to death. Our fear of abandonment and the fear of feeling as if we may cease to exist without someone outside of us to attach to can cause us to live in states of anxiety, codependency, and reactivity. Until we learn to transcend Egoic beliefs, we experience great suffering.

Here we wish to explore the Ego and its role in human suffering for the purpose of learning how to live a more authentic, abundant, peaceful life experience.

If you wish to learn more about Lisa A. Romano, her meditations, books, online programs, and additional resources, you may do so by visiting
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Autore Lisa A. Romano
Organizzazione Lisa A. Romano
Categorie Salute mentale
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