30 OTT 2024 · Nancy’s back, with an important new book! Carol Sutton Lewis sits down for another great conversation with NY Times best-selling author and Mompreneuers podcast host, Nancy Redd. Nancy returns to discuss her latest, The Real Body Manual: Your Visual Guide to Health and Wellness, a groundbreaking and comprehensive photographic guide that explores the realities of growing up and navigating body changes.
In this candid and open discussion, Nancy and Carol tackle everything tweens and teens need to know about their bodies. Nancy shares with Carol how the book covers essential topics like puberty, body image, self-care, gender in a judgment-free way. They talk about how body changes during puberty, if not properly discussed and understood, can potentially impact a young person’s mental health. Carol and Nancy also discuss the importance of equipping young people with accurate information about their bodies and the best ways to take care of themselves.
Nancy’s wisdom, humor, and honesty help parents feel comfortable discussing topics they might have been avoiding. This must-listen episode provides parents and caregivers with the tools to help tweens and teens (and everyone else) understand their bodies and how they work.
https://www.amazon.com/Real-Body-Manual-Visual-Wellness/dp/0593541405/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3P94SG5OC20NG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.HfDAO8uyvCBxs8OoCLhTSludqFpMNziJhBrZJH6NyMpizAqUlOWs4BxMcZmAaFAO.mohKO-fidkorIeeTGb2QAwzwRy3ASynWCIltXxqXmJM&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+real+body+manual+nancy+redd&qid=1730239957&sprefix=the+real+body+manual+nancy+redd%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-1by Nancy Redd
https://madamenoire.com/1422540/mompreneurs-the-joys-of-parenting-with-carol-sutton-lewis/ (article in Madame Noire)
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