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  • Esplicito

    Hate Crime Knife To The Throat

    9 OTT 2023 · What many use: Misinformation. What Lombardo and Gentile did to me in front of Judge Padar: Character assassination.Both are LIES. One may be an opinion and the other perjury, but both bear false witness against the 9th Commandment. Here are snippets from an in Decision, Billy Graham's Newspaper:Russian chess grand master Garry Kasparov said, "The point of modern propaganda is to misinform, push an agenda and to exhaust your critical thinking so as to annihilate the TRUTH."Similarly, John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, has said: “This post-truth culture is making critical thinking an exhausting battle, with their barrage of lies and deception, which is intended to wear us down and exhaust our will to fight against the deception.”Though we may live in what some have called a land of liars, what kind of algorithm must one use to justify deception and dishonesty? The bible says the truth will set you free, but they twisted the truth in my case. The truth indirectly contacted someone. The truth should always win out. Their lies and perjury will keep me going down the right path or the path of righteousness.
    24 min. 25 sec.
  • Esplicito

    Hate Crime Killing Mr. Cadaver Mental Illness Awareness

    24 AGO 2023 · About 5-2018 I had gone to the FBI in Milwaukee to turn in this awful corruption in Naples, Florida. I was a snowbird living in Florida and Wisconsin. The FBI called Intel Sheriff John Lathrup in Florida and Lathrup lied i had felony charges against me which weren't even misdemeanors. The felony charges were issued after the raid in Naples. Lathrup was also telling people I was going to murder people. The FBI put me in jail in Milwaukee for 4 days. Instead of Florida detaining me in Milwaukee - after 4 days in jail- I went home to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin and also saw my cardiologist in Lake Geneva within the week after I was out of jail. My cardiologist told me if I didn't get away from this mess by Lombardo etc. that I would be dead. I just had 6 heart operations and my A-fib could come back. He recommended a medical leave which I did in driving the US without my I phone or I pad trying to meditate and pray. About a week later after I'm out of jail in Milwaukee - Florida makes me a fugitive and I didn't know it. Lombardo had gone to Judge Crown in Naples and told Judge Crown had wanted to gang bang Lombardos wife - a lie and that I had these false felony 3 charges that weren't even misdemeanors. I think Lombardo also told Crown I was also going to murder people - lies by Lathrup. Lombardo is on his revengeful warpath using Gorilla war tactics- false restraining orders, shackles and chains, tracking devices, killer paddy wagons, ankle bracelets putting me in jail 9 times in a civil divorce. -also in high risk cell blocks. I have never had a criminal record or hurt anyone. Judge Crown signs an order and the US Marshalls are sent out after me--OVERKILL. Just think the US Marshalls are sent out for someone who doesn't even have any misdemeanors against them. Lathrup and Stuart CARRIED OUT the awful raid by the US Marshalls that was INSTIGATED by Lombardo, Anita and Judge Gentile. The awful raid was carried out at Bob and Evie's house in Georgia. Bob and vie were 87 years old at the time of the raid. Lathrup was not to go out of Florida to locate me. This raid is also a conspiracy - a crime by them. At my age at the time and in poor health they wanted to indirectly kill me - attempted murder- by putting me in jail all the time- so my case would go away against them- but because of the raid Uncle Bob died way to soon because of the shock and trauma of the US MARSHALL raid. With this raid you would think I was Charles Manson
    31 min. 4 sec.
  • Esplicito

    Anita Threatens Suicide Mental Illness

    24 AGO 2023 · FIGHTING CORRUPTION I don't understand why they be putting peoples through all this pain, the Colonel has been fighting so long. he thinks it's all in vain but we standing up against corruption, united -just like a gang of friends. Never folding under pressure- we gotta take it to the bank. The Colonel thought it was over with But it's time to stand up for our rights. I'm to be the first one to expose corruption from day to night. I couldn't stand by and let this happen - it's time to fight. The people gotta know, right now before they let it get old. How can they lock somebody up for being honest at 76 years. He went from being a working man, to living in a hell hole. It's just outrages, he only spoke on what he knows. The Judge committing felonies, then they hide you in distant memories. I gotta put a stop to this problem, that's why they appointed me. I gotta a voice and I use it, singing this melody. There ain't no way this should go on, we gotta stop this beast. The Colonel's fighting crime--tired of corruption. Through on his cape and mask, He's fighting for justice-The Justice Man. Unbelievable cases, they double crossed him, now he's fighting for his rights, pursuit of Justice. So many cover up, feels like a living hell. He's exposing the "Good Ol Boys", now he's sitting in jail. He's only 76 -couldn't do it by himself. This ain't the first time, but the last time, they throw him in a cell. I gotta stand up for me people, when they ask for me. It's so outrageous, these lawyers committing felonies. I'm talking murder, theft, rape and even adultery. There's no way I could stand aside, when he brought this up to me The Colonel keeps his head up so we don't ever lose.
    48 min. 54 sec.
  • Esplicito

    Naples Good Old Boys Allow Adultery

    10 AGO 2023 · WHAT GOOD IS FEAR MONGERING OF ME BY LOMBARDO AND GENTILE? Why is Lombardo and Gentile doing this to me? How does it help Lombardo and Gentile? Keep in mind Lombardo and Gentile have committed 18 Felonies against me during my 9 year divorce. See my 18 Felony writeup. Since I have never committed a crime in my life - Lombardo and Gentile resort to lying about me and FEAR MONGERING to defame me in front of Judge Padar. Lombardo, Gentile, Stuart etc. have done such terrible wrongs to myself and my family they are scarred of retaliation by me. Van Els Wick fell for Lombardo's ways by believing I would do to Lombardo and Gentile what the people on the street would do to Lombardo and Gentile. Ludicrous. Van ElsWick also fell for Lombardo's statements that Lombardo lost employees because I came in from Wisconsin for trial. Van Elswick fell for Lombardo's Fear Mongering. But I go by the law of the Bible and the legal system of recusing, disbarring and impeaching Lombardo and Gentile. Lombardo and Gentile are trying to accomplish the following by their Fear Mongering of me: 1. To make me look like a violent convicted felon and keep putting in jail. See Hawaii case on my Website. 2. To make me look so violent that they need an ankle bracelet on me for 10 years. 3. To make me to look so violent they need 6 restraining orders against me for 10 years. 4. To make me look so violent they need to kick me out of the state of Florida for 10 years. 5. To make me look so violent that their grand larceny of 90% of my net worth, their promoting of statutory rape of my mentally ill wife and their murder of my family member is self defense of my so called violent ways. Ludicrous.
    9 min. 4 sec.
  • Esplicito

    Elder Abuse Of My Wife By Lombardo

    27 LUG 2023 · Welcome to our podcast, where we shed light on important social issues affecting vulnerable individuals. In this episode, we dive into the disturbing topic of elder abuse perpetrated by unscrupulous divorce lawyers.Sadly, some divorce lawyers exploit their position of trust to take advantage of elderly clients who may be going through emotional and challenging life changes. We explore real-life cases and shed light on the tactics used by these "sleazy" attorneys to manipulate, deceive, or financially exploit elderly individuals during divorce proceedings.Join us as we discuss the signs of potential elder abuse, how to protect your loved ones from falling victim to such schemes, and the legal and ethical responsibilities that should be upheld by professionals in the legal field. Our aim is to raise awareness about this distressing issue and advocate for the protection of vulnerable individuals from those who seek to take advantage of them. Together, let's ensure that justice prevails and that our elders are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.
    23 min. 44 sec.
  • Esplicito

    How Mental Illness Can Devastate Your Marriage

    24 LUG 2023 · Join us in a powerful and insightful journey as we delve into the impact of mental illness on marriages. In "Unraveling Minds," we candidly explore real-life stories, shedding light on how these struggles can deeply affect relationships. Experts and individuals share their experiences, offering hope, understanding, and coping strategies. Let's break the silence and foster empathy for those navigating through the complexities of mental health in marriage. Tune in for an eye-opening discussion on preserving love amidst adversity.
    1 h 1 min. 12 sec.
  • Esplicito

    In Sickness In Health Till Death Do Us Part

    23 LUG 2023 · Wedding vows are the promises and commitments made by the bride and groom to each other during their wedding ceremony. These vows are a fundamental and meaningful part of the wedding ritual in many cultures around the world. They symbolize the couple's love, dedication, and intention to spend their lives together in marriage.The specific words and phrases used in wedding vows can vary depending on cultural, religious, and personal preferences. Some couples may choose traditional vows provided by their officiant or religious institution, while others prefer to write their own personalized vows.The essence of wedding vows typically revolves around the following elements: - Love and Commitment: Couples express their love for each other and vow to support and cherish each other throughout their lives. - Faithfulness: A promise to be faithful and loyal to each other, forsaking all others. - Partnership: An acknowledgment of the partnership they are entering into, where they will share both joys and challenges. - Support and Care: A commitment to supporting and caring for one another, both in good times and bad. - Growth and Development: A promise to grow together as individuals and as a couple, supporting each other's dreams and aspirations. - Forever: A declaration of their intention to stay together and love each other for the rest of their lives. These vows hold significant emotional and symbolic value, as they are spoken in front of family, friends, and witnesses, making them a public and heartfelt declaration of the couple's dedication to each other. They represent the foundation of the couple's married life and the promises upon which they will build their future together.
    18 min. 22 sec.
  • Esplicito

    The Good Old Boy Network Can Not be Stopped

    14 LUG 2023 · Carmine and Nickoli are mobsters of old. Are Chris and Geoffrey out of the same mold. All are Italians and their names end in a vowel. Chris Lombardo and Carmine Lombardozzi. Geoffrey Gentile and Nickoli Gentile. Carmine and Nickoli are big time gangsters and drug dealers. Are Chris and Geoffrey heirs to the big time mobsters, sons or grandsons. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Carmine and Nickoli were friends of Al Capone, John Gotti, and Lucky Luciano All GOD OL BOYS Chris and Geoffrey are good friends of Evans, Stuart and Lathrup all GOOD OL BOYS Always follow the money It leads to corruption,drugs and racketeering. Have I stumbled onto something?
    33 min. 29 sec.
  • Esplicito

    My Family My Resume

    13 LUG 2023 · My law school books on ethics. 2. The bible 3. I come from a very ethical and religious family and 4. I worked for 30 years for one of the best companies in the world. Walgreens. I met every 2 weeks with Mr Walgreen and our hard nosed President where I learned ethics. I had 15 attorneys working on my deals- all from quality law schools. I made millions for Walgreens and I helped make Florida the most profitable state in the union for Walgreens. 5. I try to help others- The Golden Rule. In Phoenix I do pro bono legal work for the poor through my church. All civil work. 6. in jail I have helped about 25 guys with their criminal cases Today I'm working a rape case and a hit and run where a 17 year was killed. 7. Lombardo and Gentile try to break me, defame me, frame me and kill me but my case has made me stronger - I'm self confident because I know what I'm doing what is right. 8. I'm a multi-millionaire and a whistle blower of the truth. I have a BS in Business, and MBA in Business and a JD- a Doctorate of Jurisprudence. Maybe by putting my case on You Tube will bring the legal system up to modern day technology. 9. I could never hide or destroy evidence or lie about someone to get a conviction like Assistant DA James Stuart. 10. I have no criminal record, never done drugs or smoked cigarettes, don't drink alcohol or coffee, never broken my wedding vows and I have been in jail a year because of a corrupt Judge Gentile and his partner in crime- Lombardo, etc. - who murdered Bobby's dad and then manipulates the Assistant DA- Stuart to put me in jail at will. I'm innocent and these murderers are running wild in the streets of Naples, Florida like the bulls run wild in Polognia, ? Spain.
    19 min. 24 sec.
  • Esplicito

    American Greed THE 9 Liars

    7 LUG 2023 · FALSE WITNESS and PERJURY When it is made publicly, a statement contrary to the truth takes on a particular gravity. In court it becomes FALSE WITNESS When it is under oath - it is PERJURY Acts such as these contribute to condemnation of the innocent, exoneration of the guilty, or increased punishment of the accused. They gravely compromise the exercise of JUSTICE and the FAIRNESS of JUDICIAL DECISIONS.
    8 min. 52 sec.

During this 7 years Lombardo was making an innocent man a convicted felon - me - to cover up his felonies including grand larceny, elder abuse, false imprisonment, legal malpractice,...

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During this 7 years Lombardo was making an innocent man a convicted felon - me - to cover up his felonies including grand larceny, elder abuse, false imprisonment, legal malpractice, bribery, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, promoting adultery of my mentally ill wife, malicious prosecution, murder, etc. This is also called AMERICAN GREED- close to $2 million dollars in fake legal fees. Lombardo tells people I’m going to murder people. Judge Evans gave away over 90 percent of my net worth. Most of my civil divorce case is criminal in which the criminal side of my divorce case has been HIDDEN from the civil Appeals court in Lakeland, Florida. This is CORRUPTION. Lombardo made me go in front of 21 criminal judges during the 7 year divorce- put in jail 8 times, 6 restraining orders, etc. ALL THIS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY IS HIDDEN FROM THE CIVIL DIVORCE APPEAL IN LAKELAND, Fla. - CORRUPTION. Chris Lombardo, Judge Geoffrey Gentile and Judge Mary Evans think no one will ever hear about the criminal side of my case again including murder. To obtain justice this is why I have taken my case to the public with You Tube under Brent Circle and my Website under This is why I have tried to tell my story with artwork plus I have done videos that are a mockery of the corrupt legal system in Naples, Florida.VISIT MY WEBSITE BRENTCIRCLE.NET
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