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Fluent Fiction - Basque

  • Surviving the Mountain: A Tale of Friendship and Resilience

    30 MAG 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Basque: Surviving the Mountain: A Tale of Friendship and Resilience Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Eu: Eguna urdina zen mendian, baina Iker, Unai eta Gorka sarri itzuli behar zuten mendi erreskate estaziora. En: The day was blue on the mountain, but Iker, Unai, and Gorka often had to return to the mountain rescue station. Eu: Igoerak zenbait desafio ekarri zien, baina Ikerrek bihotz-taupadak azkartzen zizkion inguruko edertasunak. En: The ascent brought them several challenges, but the surrounding beauty made Iker's heart race. Eu: Bat-batean, Ikerrek urrats bat eman zuen eta zoruak huts egin zion. En: Suddenly, Iker took a step and the ground gave way under him. Eu: “Ah! En: "Ah!" Eu: ” oihukatu zuen hanka erori zitzaion unean. En: he shouted at the moment his leg gave out. Eu: Bihotza azkartu zitzaien lagunei ere, eta Iker laguntzen saiatu ziren. En: His friends' hearts raced as well, and they tried to help Iker. Eu: "Hanka hautsi zait," esan zuen Ikerrek mina aurpegian marrazten zitzaiola. En: "My leg is broken," Iker said, with pain drawn on his face. Eu: "Ezin zaitugu hemen utzi," erantzun zuen Unaik, begirada kezkatsuarekin. En: "We can't leave you here," Unai responded, with a worried look. Eu: "Mendi erreskate estazioa gertu dago, baina nola eramango dugu, Gorka? En: "The mountain rescue station is nearby, but how do we carry you, Gorka?" Eu: "Gorkak zorroari begiratu zion. En: Gorka looked at his bag. Eu: "Ez daukagu hautsitako hankak sendatzeko ezer," erantzun zuen. En: "We don't have anything to mend a broken leg," he replied. Eu: "Zer egiten dugu orain? En: "What do we do now?" Eu: "Esperimentu bat egitea erabaki zuten. En: They decided to conduct an experiment. Eu: Gorkak zurezko makilak hartu zituen eta Unaik Ikerrek burura igogailu bat sortzen hasi zen. En: Gorka took some wooden sticks and Unai started to create a lift for Iker. Eu: Zuhaitz baten adarrak erabiliz eta Iker adi mantenduz, elkarrekin egitura bat osatu zuten. En: Using the branches of a tree and keeping Iker attentive, they built a structure together. Eu: "Prest al zaude? En: "Are you ready?" Eu: " galdetu zuen Unaik lagunari. En: Unai asked his friend. Eu: "Bai," erantzun zuen Ikerrek, eta tripodean zehar sakon arnastu zuen. En: "Yes," Iker replied, and took a deep breath through the tripod. Eu: Eguraldia pixkanaka aldatzen ari zen. En: The weather was gradually changing. Eu: Hodeiak grisen hasi ziren bihurtzen eta haize freskoa sendotu zen. En: Clouds were starting to turn gray and a fresh wind was picking up. Eu: "Azkar ibili behar dugu," abisatu zuen Gorkak. En: "We need to hurry," warned Gorka. Eu: Azterketa baten antzera, lagunak kateatu zuten bidea. En: Like a test, the friends traced the path. Eu: Gailurretik behera joan ziren, trinko eta kontzentratuak. En: They went down from the summit, steadfast and focused. Eu: Erreskate estazioa gero eta hurbilago ikusten zuten. En: They could see the rescue station getting closer and closer. Eu: Haizea zirela, euria hasi zen erortzen. En: As the wind picked up, it started to rain. Eu: Iker estaltzen saiatu ziren, baina hanka zintzilik jarraitu zuten. En: They tried to cover Iker, but his leg remained dangling. Eu: Azkenik, erreskate estazioaren itzalpean agertu ziren. En: Finally, they appeared under the shelter of the rescue station. Eu: Erreskatatzaileak zain zeuden. En: The rescuers were waiting. Eu: "Azkenean. En: "At last. Eu: Lortu dugu," esan zuen Unaik arnasa sakona hartuz. En: We made it," Unai said, taking a deep breath. Eu: "Zuk bai," erantzun zuen Ikerrek, "baina ez nuke nire lagunik gabe lortu. En: "You did," Iker replied, "but I wouldn't have made it without my friends." Eu: "Gorkak irribarre egin zuen. En: Gorka smiled. Eu: "Lagunak beti dira onenen bila egoten direla," esan zuen. En: "Friends always strive for the best," he said. Eu: Elkarrekin, uda egun tristea balentria bihurtu zuten. En: Together, they turned a sad summer day into a heroic feat. Eu: Eta denek elkarrekin irribarre egin zuten, pozik eta babestuta. En: And they all smiled together, happy and safe. Eu: Irakaspen bat zuten bihotzean: elkarrekin, dena lor daiteke. En: They had a lesson in their hearts: together, everything is achievable. Eu: Eguraldi larria izan arren, adiskidetasuna beti irabazten du. En: Despite severe weather, friendship always wins. Vocabulary Words: - mountain: mendi - rescue: erreskate - station: estazio - ascent: igokera - challenges: desafios - beauty: edertasuna - heart: bihotz - ground: zoru - shouted: oihukatu - pain: mina - look: begirada - carry: eraman - bag: zorroa - broken: hautsi - experiment: esperimentu - wooden sticks: zurezko makilak - branches: adarra - structure: egitura - tripod: tripodea - weather: eguraldia - clouds: hodeiak - fresh: freskoa - wind: haize - summit: gailurra - steadfast: trinko - focused: kontzentratuak - shelter: itzalpea - rescuer: erreskatatzailea - heroic feat: balentria - lesson: irakaspena
    Ascoltato 15 min. 1 sec.

Are you ready to supercharge your Basque listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...

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Are you ready to supercharge your Basque listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Basque, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Basque and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to San Sebastián, Bilbao, or Vitoria-Gasteiz? Maybe you want to speak Basque with your grandparents from Donostia-San Sebastián?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse in the Basque language, primarily spoken in the Basque Country, Northern Spain. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Basque listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Mendekotasuna hobetzeko, gaurko euskal istorioekin entzunaldi-ulermena hobetu!
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