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Finding Your Holy Grail

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    Dr. Simon, who is also a nurse practitioner spent 5-months working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic when the world went into lockdown. For her, it was an isolating...

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    Dr. Simon, who is also a nurse practitioner spent 5-months working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic when the world went into lockdown. For her, it was an isolating experience living in a hotel room separated from her life while working intensively on the frontlines.  This experience prompted her to ask many questions, the most significant of which is “how do we as people and a planet not get stuck in the conversation, that before the pandemic I was capable of x, y, and z”.  Dr. Simon is a strong proponent of the mind-set that if we can build our own resilience, we can fearless. As a result, she has created Finding Your Holy Grail to help lead this forward journey in a post-pandemic world.
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