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EXTRAordinary Health Podcast

  • Reversing Neuropathy: A Holistic Health Assessment

    14 APR 2024 · Summary Dr. Paul M. Bekkum discusses the holistic health assessment for reversing neuropathy. He explains that neuropathy is a condition where there is a loss of blood flow to the peripheral nerves, leading to symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and burning sensations. He emphasizes the importance of early detection and treatment to prevent further complications like ulcers and amputations. Dr. Bekkum outlines the assessment process, which includes quantitative sensory testing and motor testing to determine the severity of neuropathy. He also mentions the use of therapies such as laser therapy, shockwave therapy, and PEMF therapy, along with diet and nutrition interventions. Takeaways Neuropathy is a condition characterized by a loss of blood flow to the peripheral nerves, resulting in symptoms like numbness, tingling, and burning sensations. Early detection and treatment of neuropathy are crucial to prevent complications such as ulcers and amputations. The assessment process for neuropathy includes quantitative sensory testing and motor testing to determine the severity of the condition. Therapies such as laser therapy, shockwave therapy, and PEMF therapy, along with diet and nutrition interventions, can help reverse neuropathy and improve symptoms. Sound Bites "Neuropathy is a multifaceted disease and different people have different things affecting and causing the neuropathy in them." "There are dozens of different causes of neuropathy, including diabetes, chemotherapy, alcoholism, malnutrition, malabsorption, autoimmune diseases, and exposure to toxins." "The Laser Therapy Institute has custom laser settings that have shown significant improvement in neuropathy patients."
    Ascoltato 22 min. 14 sec.
  • Top 10 Benefits From Our Holistic Reverse Neuropathy Program

    26 MAR 2024 · #HolisticNeuropathyRelief #ReverseNeuropathyNaturally #NeuropathyHealingJourney #PainFreeLiving #NaturalNeuropathySolutions #HealNeuropathyHolistically #NeuropathySupportNetwork #EmpowerYourHealing #NeuropathyWellnessWarrior #HolisticHealthRevolution The top 10 benefits patients can experience from participating in a reverse neuropathy program: 1. Pain Reduction: Many patients experience significant reductions in neuropathic pain, leading to improved comfort and quality of life. 2. Enhanced Mobility: With decreased pain and improved nerve function, patients often find their mobility improves, allowing them to engage more in daily activities and exercise. 3. Improved Sleep Quality: Neuropathy can disrupt sleep due to pain and discomfort; reversing neuropathy symptoms can lead to better sleep patterns and restfulness. 4. Increased Sensation: Patients may notice a return of sensation in areas that were previously numb, enhancing their ability to feel and interact with their environment. 5. Reduced Medication Dependence: By addressing the root causes of neuropathy and improving symptoms naturally, patients may reduce their reliance on medications and their potential side effects. 6. Better Blood Sugar Control: For those with diabetic neuropathy, a comprehensive program can also help in managing blood sugar levels more effectively, further protecting nerve health. 7. Enhanced Overall Well-being: Improvements in neuropathy symptoms can lead to enhanced mental health, reduced stress, and a more positive outlook on life. 8. Prevention of Symptom Progression: Early intervention can slow or even halt the progression of neuropathy, preventing further nerve damage. 9. Personalized Care and Support: Patients receive a tailored approach that addresses their specific needs and symptoms, along with ongoing support from healthcare professionals. 10. Empowerment and Education: Participants learn about their condition and how lifestyle factors affect their symptoms, empowering them with knowledge to make healthier choices and manage their neuropathy effectively. These benefits contribute to a significant improvement in patients' overall health and quality of life, making such programs a valuable approach to managing and potentially reversing neuropathy.
    Ascoltato 11 min. 16 sec.
  • Holistic Health Evaluation for Reversing Neuropathy - Fargo, ND

    23 MAR 2024 · Holistic Health Evaluation for Reversing Neuropathy 1. Medical History and Symptoms Review: Documenting the onset, duration, and severity of neuropathy symptoms, along with any known causes (e.g., diabetes, chemotherapy, alcohol use) and previous treatments. 2. Lifestyle and Dietary Habits: Assessing diet, physical activity, alcohol consumption, smoking, and exposure to toxins, all of which can affect neuropathy. 3. Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination, possibly including neurological tests to assess nerve function, reflexes, and sensitivity. 4. Laboratory Tests: Recommending blood tests to check for vitamin deficiencies (especially B vitamins), diabetes, thyroid function, and other potential underlying causes of neuropathy. Comprehensive Evaluation Areas 1. Nutritional Analysis: Identifying deficiencies or imbalances that may contribute to neuropathy. For example, deficiencies in vitamins B12, B6, and E are linked to nerve damage. 2. Blood Sugar Control: For neuropathy patients with diabetes or prediabetes, assessing blood sugar control is crucial, as high blood sugar levels can damage nerves. 3. Toxin Exposure: Evaluating exposure to heavy metals and other toxins that could contribute to neuropathy. 4. Stress and Emotional Health: Chronic stress and depression can exacerbate neuropathy symptoms. An assessment of mental health and coping mechanisms is important. 5. Physical Activity: Exercise can improve blood flow and nerve health, so assessing and recommending physical activity tailored to the individual's condition and capabilities is essential. Holistic Management Plan 1. Dietary Modifications: Emphasizing a nutrient-rich diet, possibly supplemented with specific vitamins known to support nerve health, such as B vitamins, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids. 2. Blood Sugar Management: For diabetic neuropathy, providing guidance on diet, exercise, and potentially natural supplements to support blood sugar regulation. 3. Supplementation: Based on deficiencies identified, recommending supplements to support nerve health and reduce symptoms. 4. Lifestyle Adjustments: Recommendations on reducing alcohol intake, quitting smoking, and avoiding exposure to toxins. 5. Stress Management Techniques: Introducing stress-reduction practices such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or counseling. 6. Exercise Program: Creating a tailored exercise plan to improve circulation, reduce pain, and enhance overall well-being. 7. Alternative Therapies: Considering acupuncture, massage therapy, or biofeedback as complementary treatments to help manage symptoms. 8. Monitoring and Follow-up: Establishing a schedule for regular check-ins to monitor progress, adjust the management plan as necessary, and provide ongoing support. Collaboration with Specialists In addition to the holistic approach, collaboration with healthcare professionals specializing in neuropathy, such as neurologists, endocrinologists, or physical therapists, can ensure a comprehensive management plan. Holistic health practitioners should work alongside these specialists to address all aspects of the individual's health and neuropathy condition.  A holistic health evaluation for reversing neuropathy requires a personalized approach, recognizing that each individual’s experience of neuropathy is unique. Integrating conventional medical treatments with holistic health practices offers a comprehensive strategy for managing or reversing neuropathy, aiming to improve the quality of life for those affected.
    Ascoltato 19 min. 17 sec.
  • Episode 61 - Metabolic Syndrome, Weight Loss and Gut Helath

    20 GEN 2024 · In this podcast I discuss how the office has a free seminar that you can come to you to determine if you need help with your metabolic systemas well as weight loss.metabolic syndrome might be that missing link that could help youLose that weight that has been hanging there forever and not going away.through holistic functional medicineand restored a physical medicine we can help reduce the inflammation that you have in your gut as well as in your joints. Wellness Form - For Metabolic Health
    Ascoltato 17 min. 55 sec.
  • Functional Medicine - Diabetes

    31 OTT 2023 · Dr. Paul M. Bekkum, host of the Extraordinary Health podcast, discusses diabetes in detail. He explains the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, emphasizing the importance of early intervention to prevent progression to Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Bekkum highlights the serious complications of diabetes, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, retinopathy, kidney disease, neuropathy, and the risk of amputations due to poor circulation, particularly in extremities. He also notes the potential for periodontal disease, pain, and depression as complications. Dr. Bekkum advises proactive health management, including regular physicals and lab work to detect early signs of diabetes. He recommends dietary changes, such as reducing simple sugars and eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables (with a preference for vegetables due to their lower sugar content). He also suggests the use of continuous blood glucose monitors to track blood sugar responses to different foods. For managing diabetes, Dr. Bekkum recommends a comprehensive approach including exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes. He emphasizes the importance of good quality fats, adequate protein intake, and avoiding processed meats and excessive alcohol. He also suggests supplements like alpha lipoic acid, high-potency multivitamins, methylated B complex, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. Regular exercise, stress management, and maintaining healthy relationships are also crucial. Dr. Bekkum encourages listeners to be vigilant about their health and offers a complimentary consultation at his clinic. He concludes by inviting listeners to contact his office for further assistance and to keep following the podcast for more health-related information.
    Ascoltato 17 min. 11 sec.
  • Occipital Neuralgia

    23 OTT 2023 · Occipital Neuralgia Hello and welcome to the Extraordinary Health Podcast. My name is Dr. Paul Beckham and today we're going to be going over occipital neuralgia. What is occipital neuralgia? Occipital neuralgia is just a fancy term for the nerves that are on the backside of your head that go from the base of it up into your neck and travel up over your head and when they get irritated. they're gonna cause basically a muscle tension headache. And the big thing that we always have to look at in our office is to make sure that we're finding out exactly what might be causing the occipital neuralgia. Is it the nerves themselves that are just causing the problem? There's something wrong there. Could even be nutrients that you need in your body. Or it could be that, hey, there's some scar tissue in the area from a previous injury or something like that. People that have had whiplash injuries from car accidents can get those nerves irritated. The other thing that can happen is that the muscles up in that portion of your neck can get super tight and they can cause even myofascial trigger points that'll radiate up over your head. So we're trying to determine during your exam, is this something coming from the nerves or is it coming from the muscles? Or the other thing is, is it coming from the bones and joints up in that portion of your neck? which would include your occiput, that's where you get occipital neuralgia from, the nerves are coming out from there, as well as the first and second cervical vertebra are usually what are involved. Occasionally we can even get the TMJ effect in the area as well. If that gets tight kinda on the front side, it'll cause those muscles in the backside to get tight. But hey, this is something that is very treatable and we get excellent results with it because we get down to what's causing the root cause of the problem here, rather than, you know, in a traditional medical sense where they're just going to give you a medication to cover up the symptoms. And then you end up having the same thing happening again. So let's stop that cycle of using pain medications, just to cover up the symptoms. Let's find out what the root cause of the problem is and get it resolved for you so that you can live life headache free. I mean, if you're suffering from, you know, occipital neuralgia or occipital neuralgia with headaches, you know, give us a call at 701-356-0016 or go out to our website at and you can click on the schedule now button and schedule your appointment so we can get you evaluated and get you checked out to see what we can do for you to get down to that root cause so that you can live headache free and stop chasing those symptoms. because even long term, you've seen all the medication advertisements on TV. What do these medications even cause? I mean, worst case scenario, death, right? But a lot of them, especially when you're getting into the non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, things like ibuprofen, aspirin, Tylenol, maybe not so much, but you can actually cause problems with your gastrointestinal tract. So all of a sudden, you can have a ton of other issues going on and you're basically, you can get rebound headaches even from these medications. So here the problem is the medication's not even taking so let's try and stop this and at the end I'm gonna give you some different things here that you can even do diet nutrition wise to possibly even help out in the meantime here. So if you have occipital neuralgia, hey, it is a treatable condition and we can get. results because we get to the root cause of the problem so that you can live life headache free. And here's some tips. You know, dietary tips with occipital neuralgia. There's, you know, there might be a few different things going on here. I would say people could probably look at eating things a little bit more on the organic end of the spectrum. You know, some organic beef, especially some of the wild caught salmon and all that. They're gonna have lots of those good essential fatty acids. that can help protect those nerves and keep them healthy. But once we get into some diet nutrition things, the big thing would be to just make sure you have a really good high potency multivitamin or mineral that you're taking. Some of the things to pay attention to there are also to make sure that it has enough B6. That is a huge help to help get these headaches to go away. You wanna get somewhere in between 75 and 100 milligrams of that per day. You probably wanna split the doses up. I usually however tell people to take the B vitamins in the morning because it's gonna act like an energy drink So if you're tired in the morning, this would be something to help you out there Whereas the next one magnesium you want to get about two to six hundred milligrams of that a day Preferably, you know in more like an amino acid bonded form you know literally like magnesium malate magnesium threonate glycinate Because those are gonna be super helpful for you sleeping at night. So I would say maybe take one magnesium in the morning, that's maybe about 200 milligrams, and take two of them at night, just to help you sleep a little bit better at night. Now the big thing is, although we should probably get it checked first, is vitamin D levels. Let's make sure that your vitamin D levels are at an appropriate level here, so that long term, if that happens to be the issue, and you can start taking some vitamin D, I usually tell people to shoot for about 5,000 IUs a day, but again, we need to check your levels first before you. really start getting going on any kind of vitamin D levels there. Just like I talked about before, those fish oils, you know, if you're going to take it in a supplement form, which one to be able to get in is literally one to three grams of what is called EPA and DHA. Those are the smallest essential fatty acids that you can get that are used things for things like your nerves with occipital neuralgia here. There's also use for a lot of other things in your body. So you need to get enough into your body can just repair itself. You never want to be short on any of that. because long term, you're just going to have more and more neurological things kind of going on in your life. Oh, the big thing is just, you know, make sure you get plenty of protein in cause that can be helpful here. This might be not going to help so much with occipital neurology here, but everybody needs to get plenty of protein in. Another thing is just look at getting in some kind of antioxidants, you know, plant based antioxidant could be grapeseed extract, could be pine bark extract or any other flavonoid rich, Foods some of them could be you know, I always tell people to eat the rainbow and I'm not talking about skittles I'm talking about Eating eating the rainbow with vegetables and fruits in your diet So one of the highest ones that will give you the biggest boost there as far as orac which is a Oxygen rich antioxidant. I can't remember the darn thing for a But literally it's going to help pull some of the extra oxygen. So like when your body's starting to rust, you know, so these foods like prunes is the biggest one there. On the vegetable side is kale. So eating some of those in your diet could be super helpful here in helping your body just get rid of any inflammation that's kind of going on or that rust that just constantly wears down on a person's body. So I hope those tips helped and you know, please listen in next week here. I'm gonna continue with these here. Hopefully with a little bit more of a functional medicine slant and things that you can be doing for yourself at home so that you can Finally feel good and live your full potential This is dr. Paul Beckham with the extraordinary health podcast. Talk to you next week.
    Ascoltato 8 min. 1 sec.
  • Nutritional tips to support PEMF Therapy

    16 AGO 2023 · This week as all about Nutritional tips to support muscle and joint rehabilitation during PEMF therapy, along with Modifiable Lifestyle Factors to support muscles and joints. We have a sneak peek introduction of our new doctor, Dr. Carly Dropik on this weeks episode! We are also offering a FREE PEMF session through the end of August 2023!
    Ascoltato 22 min. 3 sec.
  • Improve Performance and Prevent Injuries

    11 AGO 2023 · Listen along with Dr. Paul Bekkum and Dr. Victoria Lau as they discuss how to improve performance and prevent injuries with PEMF therapy!
    Ascoltato 36 min. 15 sec.
  • Chronic Back Pain

    10 AGO 2023 · Dr. Paul Bekkum and Dr. Victoria Lau discuss chronic back pain in this episode!
    Ascoltato 38 min. 44 sec.
  • Whiplash Treatment

    7 AGO 2023 · Dr. Paul Bekkum and Dr. Victoria Lau discuss whiplash and treatments
    Ascoltato 28 min. 34 sec.

Full Body Chiropractic, Holistic Functional Medicine, and Restorative Physical Medicine. Learn how to Finally Feel Good and Live Your Full Potential! We will discuss things you can do at home...

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Full Body Chiropractic, Holistic Functional Medicine, and Restorative Physical Medicine.

Learn how to Finally Feel Good and Live Your Full Potential! We will discuss things you can do at home to help you finally feel good and what to do if you aren't able to relieve your condition on your own.

We help people who are struggling and frustrated with their health. Who aren't getting the results they are looking for through their current actions.

1. By first finding the root cause of their ailment.
2. Then helping them get relief, so they can finally feel good!
3. Next by rehabilitating them to full function and restoring the proper structure.
4. Then finally by helping them proactively live their full potential.

All Seasons is a group of providers that help people proactively live their full potential.
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