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Expand Consciousness and Awaken

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Living below the veil of consciousness keeps us stuck repeating negative habitual patterns of thoughts and behaviors. The more wounded we may have been in childhood, the more unaware we...

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Living below the veil of consciousness keeps us stuck repeating negative habitual patterns of thoughts and behaviors. The more wounded we may have been in childhood, the more unaware we might be today. Adult children from narcissistic, alcoholic, and or abusive homes can struggle with a deep sense of separation not only within themselves but also from others. When children are denied a healthy sense of self, because of their parent's inability to attune themselves to them, regardless of any reason, the children grow feeling alienated from the self. Abused unrecovered adult children struggle with a deep sense of unworthiness although they may be unaware they are unaware as to what is lingering below the surface.

In this episode, we explore what it means to awaken to the past and to expand our awareness of self. As we learn to spiritually awaken, we can finally heal what was once denied and at the core of our suffering.

If you would like to learn more about Lisa A. Romano, her online coaching programs, meditations, books, membership site, and other resources, please visit
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Autore Lisa A. Romano
Organizzazione Lisa A. Romano
Categorie Salute mentale
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