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Energy Healing Virtual Class

    Universal life force energy is a part of our innate being. Most commonly known as "hands-on-healing", energy healing is a gentle method that taps into the natural life force that...

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    Universal life force energy is a part of our innate being. Most commonly known as "hands-on-healing", energy healing is a gentle method that taps into the natural life force that is all around us. This natural energy source may be used in a healing process and may enhance the levels of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states of being. It is an excellent way to reduce stress and improve relaxation which triggers the body’s natural healing abilities.

    What will be included in this program? Learn to be more in the present moment; learn to be in tune with the breath; learn how to focus on your healing energy; learn to be aware of the messages that your body may have.
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    Autore Amie Wade
    Organizzazione Amie Wade
    Categorie Medicina alternativa
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