Copertina del podcast

Discrete Mathematics

  • Substitution and proving facts in Congruences

    19 MAG 2021 · Learning logic in discrete mathematics. Understanding the connectives in logic and the output of the statement.
    10 min. 2 sec.
  • Introduction to congruences and methods of solving it

    19 MAG 2021 · Understanding the basics and working with congruences involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
    10 min. 55 sec.
  • Introduction to Discrete Mathematics

    19 MAG 2021 · If this is your first time encountering the subject, you will probably find discrete mathematics quite different from other math subjects. Learning and understanding more on divisors and primes in discrete maths. Learn to simplify by factorising with prime.
    10 min. 8 sec.
Learn mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous.
Autore Kuru Chuah
Categorie Corsi
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