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Director's Stage

  • Lana & Lily Wachowski

    29 AGO 2021 · Fir our last Director's Stage, we have two directors for this episode. Lana and Lily Wachowski are two directors who you might not have heard about, but you would recognize their movies. So we'll review these two sisters on Director's Stage.
    40 min. 4 sec.
  • Steven Soderbergh

    22 AGO 2021 · Director of many heist and action films, Steven Soderbergh changed the genre, and many others, that inspires many new and current directors. He also created the release trifecta of theater, TV, and DVD that is becoming more and more common today. So we welcome Steven Soderbergh to Director's Stage.
    47 min. 43 sec.
  • Robert Altman

    15 AGO 2021 · Robert Altman is known for having multiple stories going on in one film, with thoughtful characters and plots. These movies have won him many fans, cult classics, and box-office hits like 'Nashville'(1975) and 'Gosford Park'(2001). Welcome to Director's Stage and our look into Robert Altman.
    28 min. 49 sec.
  • John Carpenter

    8 AGO 2021 · The first director to write and direct the 'holiday' horror film, John Carpenter was given a lot to the horror genre and inspired many to follow his lead. Many know Carpenter for his work with 'Halloween', but listen to this Director's Stage to learn more about his work.
    36 min. 16 sec.
  • Tobe Hooper

    1 AGO 2021 · Tobe Hooper is known as a horror director that gave us 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. Director's Stage will be shining a light on the movies and television shows that scared us and had us coming back for more.
    25 min. 32 sec.
  • Gordon Parks

    25 LUG 2021 · Welcome to Director's Stage and our look into Gordon Parks, who is a man of many hats. Parks is a musician, photographer, writer, film director, and occasional actor. He is also the original creator and director of one famous film franchise, 'Shaft'. So enjoy Director's Stage.
    37 min. 46 sec.
  • Frederich Wiseman

    18 LUG 2021 · Frederick Wiseman is one of today's greatest living documentary filmmakers today. While producing and directing documentary films about schools, police stations, world fashion, public parks, and many other topics throughout his career, he has also taught law.
    23 min. 37 sec.
  • Mike Nicholas

    11 LUG 2021 · Mike Nicholas is one of the few directors who successfully directed both film and Broadway. With many successes like The Odd Couple, Annie, Who's Afraid of Virgina Wolf, and The Birdcage to name a few. Join us at Director's Stage to hear about this amazing director.
    32 min. 57 sec.
  • Richard Lester

    4 LUG 2021 · Richard Lester, a British director, is known for his work with The Beatles and The Three Musketeers throughout his life. During this episode we will look at his success, and occasional failure, during his decades of work.
    22 min. 6 sec.
  • Herschell Gordon Lewis

    27 GIU 2021 · If you like bloody or gory movies, than the Godfather of Gore is for you. Herschell Gordon Lewis literally re-invented the gore genre that inspired many directors today. Welcome to Director's Stage, and Herschell Gordon Lewis, who changed the game of gore.
    17 min. 38 sec.

Most know the names of directors like Alfred Hitchcock, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg but how about the directors that helped inspire them. Here on Director's Stage we're going to...

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Most know the names of directors like Alfred Hitchcock, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg but how about the directors that helped inspire them. Here on Director's Stage we're going to look at directors who set the stage for many others to follow.
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Autore Jasmin Gore
Categorie Storia del cinema
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