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Devoted Way Life Coach Podcast

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    30. Special Sneak Peek Inside The Culmination of Devoted Energy Coaching School

    3 MAG 2023 · Have you ever wished upon a star that you could pull back the curtain and get an inside look inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School? You’ve been drawn in by the incredible graduates who gush over their experience and the life long relationships they have forged through the fire. You’ve hovered over clicking the “YES I’M READY” button more times than you can count — or averted your gaze in case your fingers ran away with themselves and pushed the button all on their own! Well then it’s time to buckle up, because on today’s episode of the Devoted Way Podcast you are getting a sneak peek inside of the magical world of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Yes, you read that right. And this is not just any sneak peek, today you are welcomed into the fold of our very last class where Sora walks folks through the journey they have been on over the last 7 months. Which means that you get to see what truly awaits you inside the magical container of DECS. Alright divine one, it’s time to jump on over to your fav platform and put in your headphones, you’re not going to want to miss this. See you on the other side! Reflection Questions: - What is your favorite part of the overarching journey that you witnessed inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School? - What soul nudge is occurring within you — book a call, get on the waitlist, check out the website, run and hide even though you know that’s the last thing that you truly want to do? - What action will you take today to serve you in your own growth as a coach, healer, facilitator, teacher, instructor and spiritual being? Loving Invitation I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Energy Coaching School: Sora Schilling IG: Devoted Way IG:
    Ascoltato 35 min. 46 sec.
  • 29. Walking With the Pains of Visibility

    26 APR 2023 · I’ve had a heart expanding, mind altering, how is this possible, new awareness that has landed for me and I’m sharing my real, human feelings about the whole thing — are you ready for it? I have been walking around for most of my life living as if one particular story is my story. Believing it was THE THING for me to move through, release, dismantle, disseminate, etc etc etc. And come to find out, it wasn’t even the thing!!! My head and heart are spinning at the truth of it and I’m looking at everything differently. Has that ever happened for you before? It’s like I’ve gone from squinting and trying so hard to see, to being given a new pair of prescription glasses I didn’t even know I needed. I can see everything! But it’s also a bit disorienting, because I thought I could see before, and now I know that wasn’t really true. I’m broken open in the most jaw dropping, raw, alive way. On today’s episode of the Devoted Way Life Coaching podcast I’m talking all about this experience, how it has changed me, how I’m seeing myself, the work I do out in the world, and what I am believing — in a whole new light. Ooof, I’m still reeling from this perspective change deep in my bones. Reflection Questions: - What is a story that you have been holding onto as truth that may have something else entirely to show you? - Where are you meeting resistance in your life right now? What does this resistance have to share with you? - What lesson is rising up to the surface for you to walk with? Loving Invitation I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Energy Coaching School: Sora Schilling IG: Devoted Way IG:
    Ascoltato 38 min. 33 sec.
  • 28. Having an Uncomfortable Conversation with Feedback

    19 APR 2023 · What feelings began to well up in you simply reading those words? Having an uncomfortable conversation with feedback? Did a person pop up into your awareness? A particular memory or moment in time? A past conversation? Or possibly a future one that you know needs to happen? There are so many feelings wrapped up in being in the discomfort of giving and receiving feedback. Whether from your own experiences or from the societal expectations around “being nice”, “not rocking the boat” and “keeping the peace” — which somehow all communicate to not have the uncomfortable conversations of providing feedback or further considerations. It’s so fascinating that these ideas prevent us from deepening into sacred and sovereign connections with one another. They keep us on the surface, wondering why we feel so disconnected. It is in the discomfort that we lovingly toil the ground of our relationships. It is our willingness to open our mouth and say the thing that is on our heart that nourishes the richness of connection. On today’s episode of the Devoted Way Podcast I am coming together with Katherine, a Devoted Team Member, and we are getting real with our own experiences around giving and receiving feedback. What this has looked like in our own relationships and how uncomfortable conversations are a place of deep growth inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. I can’t wait for you to listen in. Reflection Questions: - What feelings rise up for you when you consider having an uncomfortable conversation where you will receive feedback? What about giving feedback? Are they different? - How do you feel about being in your own discomfort? - As a sacred leader, what is an action you can take to increase your capacity to stay with yourself, and those you are in relationship with, in the midst of uncomfortable conversations? Loving Invitation: I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Energy Coaching School: Sora Schilling IG: Devoted Way IG:
    Ascoltato 42 min. 42 sec.
  • 27. Step Into Sovereign Circular Leadership

    29 MAR 2023 · Do you find yourself wondering how to truly step into circular leadership? How to not run away from those hard or uncomfortable conversations? I feel you. We are often not taught how to engage in conversations outside of, “Hi, how are you?” “I’m good, how are you” “I’m fine” “Great” — the end. Oh there is so much more to relationships than this. To real true relationships and leadership. As circular leaders, we must practice the art of sovereign conversations. I know this piques your interest divine one, so head on over and check out today’s episode on the Devoted Way Podcast. Through the lens of archetypes I’m exploring how sovereign circular leaders do not shy away from conflict and the hard conversations. Are you in? I thought so! Head to your fav podcast listening platform — I’ll see you there. Reflection Questions: - How do you currently engage, or avoid, uncomfortable conversations? - As a circular leader, what is one aspect of sovereign conversations that you are devoted to practicing? - How would being inside of a community space support you in practicing engaging in the art of sovereign conversations? Loving Invitation I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you long to find your archetypal medicine and healing style, the one that brings the dance and song of your soul into the way you live your devoted way, come take a beautiful 7-week journey through Devoted Way Initiate. This spiritual mystery school is designed to bring you into the acausal realm and take you on a collective journey into the heart so that you may taste the potency of your own transformational magic and create a deeper relationship with the Great Mother. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Way Initiate: Sora Schilling IG: Devoted Way IG:
    Ascoltato 32 min. 8 sec.
  • 26. So You Want to Hire a Coach

    16 NOV 2022 · Hello Starbeam, There are some incredible coaches out in the world aren’t there? Whether you follow them on socials, have subscribed to a plethora of email newsletters or know many of them personally. It can be hard to know where to turn. Who is your person? What is it that you want, need and truly desire? Mmmm, I have a question for you Starbeam, have you taken a moment for yourself to turn inward? To release the notion that someone or something outside of you is the magic ticket you’ve been desperately searching for. Do you feel the desperation within? Pulling, tugging, nagging, getting louder and louder? It can be deafening. What if the process of finding a coach wasn’t laced with the slippery desire to fix something? What if you weren’t grabby with your energy, but rather settled and rooted into who you are? On today’s episode of the Devoted Way Podcast I offer you some sovereign possibilities for you to walk with each time you know you want to hire a coach. There is so much underneath the surface of this desire, and I truly believe in honoring the depth and breadth of your soul in this process. I walk you through how you may get to know a coach, follow the synchronicities, and a narrative changing invitation for when you go into any clarity or discovery call…you are not going to want to miss it! Okay, it is time to dive into today’s episode. So head on over to your favorite listening platform and soak it all in. May you listen with an open heart and deep awareness of your own patterns and what you are feeling called to explore and possibly shift in your way of hiring a coach. Reflection Questions: Why do you want to hire a coach? Get it all out, the “look’s good” and presentable thoughts, as well as the hidden and possibly desperate thoughts. What are the 3 changes you desire to make in your process of hiring a coach after listening to today’s episode? Who is the coach you are deeply longing to partner with? What steps are you going to take to bring that into your reality? Loving Invitation I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Energy Coaching School: Sora Schilling IG: ​​ Devoted Way IG:
    Ascoltato 17 min. 23 sec.
  • 25. What is a Sacred Circle?

    9 NOV 2022 · Are you drawn to sacred circles? Do you long for spaces where you can be held in your full humanity while also given the space to be self responsible? Do you want to be an active participant, or possibly the facilitator? Maybe both are tugging at your heart strings. Ohhhhhh Starbeam, I can feel your desire coming through the screen. Flowing up and out of you. As you follow this desire, what comes up for you when you consider the following question: What is a sacred circle? When you think about sacred circles, allowing your beautiful brain to share their wisdom, what comes through? Now, going even further in, tapping into your deeper feelings and inner knowing, what else rises to the surface when you get curious about sacred circles? Simply notice what comes through, what you now know and what additional questions come into your awareness. There really is a beautiful humanness that comes alive in these spaces. Each circle has its own flavor in congruence with the other incredible humans that co-create the space together. My invitation to you as you continue to follow your desire around sacred circles, is that you participate in as many different ones as you can. Experience the different flavors, the different flows, the different harmonies and melodies, the different concepts and ways of being a facilitator as well as the ways of being a participant. What aligns with you? What draws you in? What repels you? And if you find yourself looking for a circle to join, I would be delighted if you would join our next Devoted Circle Training. Come explore the registration page at to learn more and find the dates and times of our next event. Okay Divine One, I know you are sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to listen to this week’s podcast episode — or maybe you already have because you just couldn’t make it through the whole email before jumping in and listening to all the juiciness! So if you are still here, head on over and listen to episode 25 of the Devoted Way Podcast on your favorite platform. Reflection Questions: 1. Are you willing to show up as all of yourself? Raw, vulnerable, clear, lighthearted, open, curious… 2. What circle are you desiring to be a part of? 3. What does circular leadership mean to you? Loving Invitation I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Energy Coaching School: Sora Schilling IG: ​​ Devoted Way IG:
    Ascoltato 20 min. 52 sec.
  • 24. What Is One Word You Use Often That Does Not Serve You?

    26 OTT 2022 · Do you find yourself getting caught in the cycle of “I can’t…” or “I really want to do that but…” or “I should…”? These thought patterns can really suck you in, can't they? They slip into your internal dialogue, almost without effort, and they feel so true, so real, so unchanging. I see you Starbeam, and you are not alone. These words can often cut us off from dreaming, from seeing the possibilities, from being open to the different opportunities all around us. It can be a slippery slope if we are unaware of the power that these small, and yet life-sucking words have on us on a daily basis. So get ready, because on today’s episode of the Devoted Way Podcast, we are exploring this very thing. I am sharing my own personal journey and an incredible game that I play for myself, and with my team, that has changed EVERYTHING. Including being a major asset in the evolution of Devoted Energy Coaching School. This game is not a new concept, and is not one that I can take credit for…however, it is something that we forget is readily available to us. So allow me to remind you and share my own unique flair and spin on it. Sometimes the simplest shifts create the most profound changes. Are you ready to enter into a soulful exploration? To get curious about the words you use, how they serve you, and how they don’t? AND play a fun and expanding game in service of your growth and evolution? Reflection Questions: 1. What is one word you use often that does not serve you? 2. How may you shift this word by playing the game of and or what if? 3. What do you now know after making this intentional shift and playing this game? Loving Invitation I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Energy Coaching School: Sora Schilling IG: ​​ Devoted Way IG:
    Ascoltato 17 min. 44 sec.
  • 23. How Do I Know When to Evolve Something And When to Let Something Go?

    13 OTT 2022 · How Do I Know When to Evolve Something And When to Let Something Go? That question — it stops you in your tracks doesn’t it? How do I know when to evolve something and when to let something go? There is so much richness in this soulful inquiry around change. Around the how, the when, the confusion, the knowing. As you begin to open to the curiosity within you, I invite you to get really present, and ask yourself an additional question as well… What kind of changemaker are you? Are you the one who, when you feel that knowing rise up within you that something needs to change — you go and make ALL the changes and you make them BIG? Or are you the one who holds on for dear life — willing into existence that NOTHING WILL CHANGE? Or, my dear, dear one, are you the one who will BURN IT ALL TO THE GROUND? What comes up for you? And what truth do you now know about yourself based on these questions? Whew. Really honoring how you took a moment to get curious and create space for the knowing that is within you to come up and out. Okay, I have a soft giggle rising up within me as I feel like I can almost hear your internal dialogue through the screen…yeah Sora, cool, thanks for these questions. But really, how do I know when to evolve something and when it is time to let something go? This question has been swirling in my head and I need HELP! I got you Starbeam. On today’s episode of the Devoted Way Podcast we go DEEP into this exploration and I share my reflections around… What is the frequency of letting something go? What does the energy of evolution feel like? What are the underlying feelings? Why does it matter what my natural changemaking tendencies are? And how to get radically honest with yourself to go beneath the surface to know what actually needs to change or evolve – not just the easiest, or simplest thing, but the real thing. I know you’re hooked and ready to dive into this episode, so head on over to your favorite listening platform and soak in the goodness that is waiting to ignite a spark within you. May this episode serve your growth. May it create space for your inner clarity. May you follow your unique path, laying to rest what needs to be refined through the cycle of composting and evolving what needs to be revitalized. And may you be the very process of your evolution. Reflection Questions: What do you now know to be true about what desires to be laid to rest and what desires to evolve in your business? What is one action you can take to honor this emerging awareness? What is one choice you can make to nourish yourself in this process? Loving Invitation I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Energy Coaching School: Sora Schilling IG: ​​ Devoted Way IG:
    Ascoltato 17 min. 14 sec.
  • 22. Is DECS a Strategic Business Decision?

    5 OTT 2022 · Have you been wondering if Devoted Energy Coaching School is a strategic business decision for you? Is it worth it? Is it the “right time”? Will you receive a return on your investment? Oh the questions! How I honor your brain and the knowledge and wisdom that is housed there. Your brain is a wonderful part of you — do not dismiss the questions, the thoughts, the curiosities, the wonderings and uncertainties that arise here Starbeam. And…none of us on this earth were designed to make decisions from our brain. So, let’s consider this question on a deeper level, going beneath the surface, shall we? Is Devoted Energy Coaching School a strategic business decision for you? Really breathe that in, feel it, and notice — what happens in your body? What do you sense? There is no right or wrong here, simply allow yourself to be in this present moment, aware of yourself, your body and your emotions. As you continue to ground into your breath, follow this question, this curiosity and allow yourself, just for a moment, to be a Devoted Energy Coach. What does it feel like? Are you at home? Does it feel foreign? Do you feel alive? Are you ignited with inspiration? What is occurring for you as you consider, I am a Devoted Energy Coach? Take a deep breath here and come back to the present moment. Beautiful. Really honoring all that came up for you. And now that you have moved through your own experience, followed your curiosity, and have possibly come to a deeper understanding of your own answer to this fortuitous question…I have a gift to bestow upon you. In today’s episode on the Devoted Way Podcast, it brings me great joy to introduce you to Laura, Marlous, Katherine and Jaci — 4 divine GEMS (Galactic Energy Magical Souls) who are here to answer this same question for you today. Each of these incredible humans has either graduated from DECS, or is still inside the container, and they are walking you through their own process of how saying yes to Devoted Energy Coaching School was a strategic business decision for each one of them. Now get ready, because they are sharing some mic drop truths and you are not going to want to miss it! Remember divine one, no one can really tell you what is best for you. Only you can do that. This is where self responsibility and radical self honesty comes in. Because, it is up to you to truly trust yourself and the truth that is arising within you. What do you now know after listening to these GEMS pour out their heart and wisdom today? I’ll leave you with this question as you continue to move throughout your day… Is Devoted Energy Coaching School a strategic business decision for you? Percolate on that. Or simply know. I trust you to make your sovereign decision Starbeam. To know yourself, what you need, and what your soul is sharing with you. If you now know that Devoted Energy Coaching School is your next strategic business decision, then click here to apply — I look forward to celebrating you as you step through the portal of possibility. Reflection Questions: 1. Is Devoted Energy Coaching School a strategic decision for you and your business? 2. How may becoming a Devoted Energy Coach serve you as a coach, healer, space holder and guide? 3. What is the one intentional action you can take today that will support the growth of your business? Loving Invitation I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Energy Coaching School: Sora Schilling IG: ​​ Devoted Way IG: Apply for a Call:
    Ascoltato 22 min. 24 sec.
  • 21. Yes You Can Be a Powerful Energy Coach so Lay to Rest the Fear

    28 SET 2022 · You can be a powerful energy coach. Will you open to that possibility? There is this calling within you, a deep desire, a tug, a pull, an inner knowing that keeps you up at night. I see you Starbeam. And today’s podcast episode is just for you. Let’s journey together and explore how you may lay your fears to rest that are telling you all the reasons why you can’t be an energy coach. Why you can’t say yes to that thing that is keeping you up at night. Why you can’t possibly have or be or do _______________ {fill in the blank}. Because you can. Full stop. Feel it. Know it. Will you let yourself really feel into your dreams? Giving your brain a rest from all its reasons and excuses, why’s and why not’s, and let your heart run wild with the desire that has ignited deep within you. You have full permission to dream big. You have full permission to take a step, to create movement, towards your dream. You’ve got this. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone. Find that one soul igniting, dream holding, possibility believing human who will walk with you, with so much ecstasy, never wavering delight and deep belief in you and your dream. Do not walk this path alone dear one. And if your dream is to become a Devoted Energy Coach. I am here to hold that dream with you and I invite you to schedule a call with me. May we connect, may you feel held and empowered to take your sovereign next step toward your dream. I am not here to rescue you, for you do not need rescuing. You are your own healer, and it is time for you to be self responsible, claim your self agency, and make your own sovereign, aligned choices. What is it that your soul is calling you to Starbeam? May you dream. May you open. May you believe. May you take aligned action. Reflection Questions: What is it that your soul is calling you towards? Will you give yourself 5 minutes to fully open to the possibility of your dream — and really feel it come to life within you? What is the one step you can take today in service of bringing your dream to life? Loving Invitation I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections. If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode! Devoted Energy Coaching School: Sora Schilling IG: ​​ Devoted Way IG: Apply for a Call:
    Ascoltato 13 min. 46 sec.

You are like no other divine creature on this earth - in this world. You know it’s time to release all the stories that have been programmed into you that...

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You are like no other divine creature on this earth - in this world.

You know it’s time to release all the stories that have been programmed into you that have limited your connection to the Great Mother. The depth of your compassion swells in your chest, for you are here to be of great service. There is no other reason you were placed on this planet at this time but to devote yourself to the alchemical process and guide others to do the same.

You’ve cut through the illusion and with a sword in one hand and a chalice in the other - you know it is time to embrace your mystical nature and show the world how precise and breathtaking your medicine is.

Devoted Way Life Coach Podcast is a space to hear stories of others like yourself, walking the path of Devotion and remembering that magic is real.
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