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Decentralized Talk

  • Esplicito

    Episode 47 - Crypto Influencers

    6 FEB 2019 · Crypto Influencers Everyone has their favorite crypto influencers. The cryptocurrency space has been shrinking during the 2018 bear market and as of late. However, there are certain people in the space that still remain prominent and provide valuable content. Some are for entertainment, some are for teaching newcomers about the technology and some are just meme generation machines. This week we discuss some of the top influencers and how we see them in the space. What value do you seek? If you just take crypto twitter as an example, it can easily be a place where you only see what you agree with. It’s important to have a wide view of content that spans different points of view. Otherwise, you open yourself up to learn the wrong things in crypto and lose your shirt. Paid Groups One thing that has become huge as of late is paid groups. Because of volatility, the crypto market is full of technical analysists and charters. Many so called “gurus” have manipulated their way to the top. Many have scammed a lot of people. We give our views from both sides of the debate of whether paid groups are safe or not. Let us hear from you! One of our favorite things about doing the show is hearing from our fans in one form or another. So, send us an email at, visit us on, hit us on twitter, or just yell at the heavens and maybe we’ll hear ya! Subscribe! Again, thank you so much for everyone that listens, likes, and subscribes to our show. We all have lives outside of the show and know that sometimes we may not be consistent or get off topics. Thus, is life! But we appreciate everyone. So, if you haven’t subscribed, hit that button and you’ll catch us every time we release a new episode. You can listen to us on basically any streaming platform you prefer. Website: Facebook: Minds: MusiCoin: iHeartRadio: Google Play Music: Spreaker: iTunes: Spotify Youtube:
    Ascoltato 41 min. 13 sec.
  • Esplicito

    Episode 46 - Crypto, Stocks and Politics

    23 GEN 2019 · This week we’re talking crypto, stocks and politics. The American stock market has been taking a loss for the past month or two. At first, it was thought to be a small correction; but now it seems to continue. As we all know, the crypto bear market has no signs of ending anytime soon. So, that brings up the question, where is the correlation? Is there any correlation at all? Well, we give our thoughts on it. The stock market was on a non-stop upswing since 2008 and for the first time in a decade, we see a decline. Many people thought that when stocks and bonds suffer, we would see money flood into crypto and Bitcoin. Well, that’s not what we are seeing at all. Commodities seem to be holding steady but most other financial assets are suffering at the time. We give our thoughts on the markets as a whole. As many of our previous episodes, the conversation turns political and we discuss the current administration’s impact on the markets. All of us think the downward prices are most likely due to uncertainty. At the time, there is so much uncertainty and doubt about what will happen with taxes, tariffs, and foreign trade This episode definitely goes off the rails, but honestly, how often do we stay on topic? Basically, never. Obviously, that what you get with Decentralized Talk. Blabbering with the occasional informative discussion! We always enjoy episodes like this one, where we can lay back and have fun. We do not stick to a script and like to let our personalities shine through, while also talking about economics, finance, government, tech, and of course, crypto. We hope you enjoy this episode like all the rest. Make sure to like and subscribe to the podcast on whatever streaming platform you choose to listen on. You can also visit out website at and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. That way, you’ll never miss an episode of our sweet crypto goodies. If you have any suggestions, opinions, or interview requests, please feel free to reach out to us on our website or at Again, thanks for tuning in and as always, Stay Decent! Website: Facebook: Minds: MusiCoin: iHeartRadio: Google Play Music: Spreaker: iTunes: Spotify Youtube:
    Ascoltato 39 min. 36 sec.
  • Esplicito

    Episode 45: CoinGenius

    16 GEN 2019 · This Week on Decentralized Talk This week we bust out our crystal ball and interview Kristina Bruhahn, the VP of Operations from CoinGenius. CoinGenius is a new marketing intelligence platform looking to bring AI prediction and forecasting to cryptocurrency in a huge way. What is CoinGenius? CoinGenius is an advanced intelligence and analytics platform specifically intended for cryptocurrency traders. Their sophisticated artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms will empower crypto traders with the most vital information needed to make sound investment decisions in real-time. They assist in making it easier to read some of the fundamental signals in the crypto world. Their algorithm can analyze fundamental factors like regulation and SEC signals, hacked signals, social and influencer signals, and even memes. Their plans are to add onto their impressive AI analysis software by implementing an app that will include crypto news feeds, consumer sentiment, smart alerts, signals, and price predictions. Their team is headed by CEO Jeremy Born and have somehow created and AI system that can predict the coin price with 97% accuracy. Sooooooo…. Does it actually work? Well, we thought the same thing. 97% accuracy? That seems a little too good to be true. So, we put it to the test. We asked Kristina Bruhahn to make a prediction of where the Bitcoin price would be 24 hours after recording the episode and wouldn’t you know it? The results were nothing short of freaking amazing! Kristina, using the CoinGenius AI platform predicted that in 24 hours, the price of Bitcoin would be $3,862.67. The price 24 hours after recording was…. drumroll……$3,805.94. That’s 98.3% accurate. Wow. If only weathermen had prediction software as good! So, CoinGenius put their money where their mouth was and backed it up. Listen up! There’s no doubt about the fact that CoinGenius is looking to make a huge splash in the cryptocurrency pond and they have proven now that they can. Currently they are looking for increase funding to meet their roadmap dates and push out their product to retail and institutional investors alike. We, for one, are excited to watch their future unfold. You can find out more information at and even gain early access to their proven system. You can also check them out on Twitter at and let them know you heard them on your favorite spot for decentralized content; Decentralized Talk. We want to thank Kristina for coming on the show and wish the CoinGenius team luck in the future. Thanks for tuning in. As always, we appreciate every one of our listeners and loyal subscribers. We’ll continue to push out great interviews, original content, thought provoking discussions and more. Listen, like, and subscribe on your streaming platform of choice and visit the links below to subscribe. Thanks again for tuning in and as always, Stay Decent! Website: Facebook: Minds: MusiCoin: iHeartRadio: Google Play Music: Spreaker: iTunes: Spotify Youtube:
    Ascoltato 46 min. 24 sec.
  • Esplicito

    Episode 44 - A Conversation with Minds CEO Bill Ottman

    18 DIC 2018 · This week on Decentralized Talk This week we have an extremely interesting and informative interview with the CEO of, Bill Ottman. We deep dive into what Minds is, the problems with the current social networks, and how Minds is looking to solve them. Is Minds another Facebook? So, what exactly is Minds and do we really need a new social network? Simply put, unless you like having your data mined, shared, sold, and reviewed; you should learn about Minds. After the 2016 US presidential election and the debacle of Cambridge Analytical, the world got a glimpse of the true power of Facebook and social media. Will Minds steal my data? In the digital age, where data rules all; huge corporations like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple have the ability to manipulate information at will. Minds is looking to change that. Listen this week to hear Ottman explain how they intend to do so. An open-sourced future awaits. Minds is an open-sourced social network so everyone can see the algorithms that make up your personalized feed. Minds also does not mine your data or have default opt-in settings where privacy is all but surrendered to the company. Crypto minded communities Minds also integrates cryptocurrencies to pay content creators and viewers for their time. Ads can also be paid by using the Minds tokens, meaning the platform forms as its own small economy. Reports are that Facebook has been looking into implementing cryptocurrencies into their business model too. Time will tell if those rumors are real. There are always downsides to everything, though. Giving power back to the people doesn’t come without its risk and possible downsides, though. Some users have reported their feeds being polluted with stories and posts that are offensive or non-relevant to them. Bill Ottman’s answer to that complaint is that the “boost” feature (ads) helps weed out the echo chamber effect and as the community grows, these issues will shrink. We also discuss a few other risks in this week’s episode. Ottman’s passion project We go into detail about Ottman’s ideals, why he created Minds, how he sees the current system of social media, and how he believes Minds will revolutionize the industry. Ottman is passionately against the current trend of societies loss of privacy and wants to do something about it. Make sure to tune in! Join us this week when get to ask Bill Ottman about all about his vision and opinions on security, privacy, censorship, and a more decentralized world. We ask questions that will only be heard on Decentralized Talk. We also agree with the vision of a more decentralized world with better transparency. Minds is trying to do their part and we loved having their CEO on the show. Give this weeks episode a listen on any streaming platform you choose. If you enjoy the show, send us a like and subcribe to make sure not to miss our latest episodes! Thanks so much for everyone that tunes in every week. We love every one of our audience members. As always Cryptos… Stay Decent.
    Ascoltato 48 min. 22 sec.
  • Esplicito

    Episode 43: Bitcoin Crash - Blood in The Streets

    28 NOV 2018 · This week we talk about the only thing on people’s mind: The Bitcoin crash. Just when we thought it couldn’t go any lower and we had reached a solid support, we blow right through it to the lowest lows of 2018. We spend this week discussing our thoughts on the market at the moment and how this time should be treated. We also discuss the current RSI of Bitcoin and the breaking news that the CEO of Overstock will sell the company in order to go full in on crypto. Blood in The Streets Well, we’re here; another Bitcoin crash. A sub $4,000 Bitcoin. From a high of around $20,000 we have lost over 80% of our value. Wipe your tears, and expand your outlook. For those of you out there that are completely rekt and can’t see brighter days ahead; remember, that we’ve been here before. History repeats itself Bitcoin continues is trend of posting all time highs and then substantial crashes. This has happened from Bitcoin’s inception and will continue to happen in the foreseeable future. In hindsight, lessons have been learned and money has been lost for so many people. But if we look at the previous crashes of Bitcoin, we have yet to reach the floor. Sometimes it’s hard to have faith in an investment when it’s lost so much of its value over 1 year, but Bitcoin’s history has shown that it will turn around. Cutting your losses Some investors in the crypto space have capitulated and have sold, taking their 90% loss. Only you can decide for yourself if you need the money now, or want to take the chance to leave it and hope for higher prices. 2018 has taught us many lessons in regards to investing to such a speculative investment. One of those lessons is to always go in with a plan and have a buy plan and sell plan in place. With a concrete plan, there’s nothing that can throw you off kilter. You will be prepared for all price movements and it will lessen much of the stress that goes along with a speculative investment. So where does Bitcoin go from here? Well, just like always, we have no idea where Bitcoin will go from here. There is some good news on the horizon with Bakkt launching Bitcoin futures in January, possible ETFs, and institutional investors joining the market. But is that enough to show a substantial price increase? Mass adoption is most likely years away, so the price may not see the all-time highs for a long time to come. Tune-in, level up Thank you to all of our listeners that tune in every week to hear our ramblings about the exciting world of crypto. We love the space and community and always enjoy spreading the knowledge we have. Make sure to like and subscribe on whatever streaming platform you listen to podcasts on. If you like us, have a good laugh, learn something, or just know someone that is into Bitcoin; share the show with them! Thanks again for tuning in and as always, Stay Decent! Website: Facebook: Minds: MusiCoin: iHeartRadio: Google Play Music: Spreaker: iTunes: Spotify Youtube:
    Ascoltato 1 h 10 min. 14 sec.
  • Esplicito

    Episode 42 - Bitcoin Cash Hash Wars & Capitulation

    24 NOV 2018 · Well it’s been a rough week. Just when many of us thought Bitcoin and the crypto market couldn’t go any lower, we’re hit with even more capitulation. Add to that, the drama in the Bitcoin Cash camp, and we have a great setup for global FUD. Bitcoin Cash Debacle Let’s jump right into it. Bitcoin Cash is a mess. Their semi-annual hard fork was set to release, but this time somethings different. There’s disagreement. Notorious, self-proclaimed “real” Satoshi Nakamoto, Craig S. Wright, disagrees with the path that Bitcoin Cash is taking. Craig doesn’t agree with the addition of smart contracts onto the Bitcoin Cash blockchain, so he is prepared to fight it. He announced that he would make the hard fork contentious and release Bitcoin Cash SV (Satoshi’s Vision). Bitcoin Cash ABC vs. Bitcoin Cash SV This disagreement was ultimately to be decided by the community or miners. However, both camps have ace’s up their sleeves by bringing along with them huge mining farm CEOs. Both sides have voices in Craig Wright and Roger Ver, respectively. Craig Wright wrote a public email to Roger Ver that was filled with profanity, name calling, and threats. Definitely not something the crypto community needs at a time where confidence is already low. Hash Wars So far, Bitcoin Cash ABC, which you could call the “original” Bitcoin Cash has the longest chain and is posed to be the winner in this battle. But, coming from nothing and posting insane price increase, Bitcoin Cash SV has won in their own right. Though, they may not last very long. Like most things in the crypto space, time will tell how this will affect the market long term. Capitulation? Maybe it’s because of the Bitcoin Cash debacle; maybe it’s capitulation. One thing is for sure; the market is in a free fall yet again. Bitcoin has seen another 15% drop this past few days and alts have gone down even more. This is the time where many of the altcoins that never had a true future will fall of the map. So, what’s driving down the price? Well, it’s a combination of many factors. Bakkt Bitcoin futures are being postponed to January 2019, there is uncertainty about regulation, volumes are low, and then you add an embarrassing fight within the number 4 cryptocurrency camp. These and many other reasons make it hard to trust the market at this time. Quitters! It’s always sad seeing investors lose money, but as with any investment; there is always risk. Many people invested more than they could stand to lose when Bitcoin was at all time highs. Now that the price has dropped over 70%, those people have lost too much, and are selling (and accepting HUGE losses). The market continues to shake off investors that are not ready to handle the volitility and stabilize at a price that everyone agrees on for the time. Short term value matters less to us at Decentralized Talk than the long term implications it will have. Thank you! Thank you to all of our listeners for tuning in this week and those of you that never miss a show. We appreciate all of you and will continue to push out content regularly to teach, learn, and introduce you all to any crypto knowledge we know. Make sure to like us and subscribe on any streaming platform you choose. We have a blast making these shows every week and want you to enjoy them too. So give us a shout on social media or send us an email from our website and let us know what you would like us to talk about on the air. As always, Stay Decent! Website: Facebook: Minds: MusiCoin: iHeartRadio: Google Play Music: Spreaker: iTunes: Spotify Youtube:
    Ascoltato 44 min. 32 sec.

Weekly cryptocurrency podcast where we discuss decentralized and blockchain technology. Learn about Bitcoin and other altcoins, hear interviews from important crypto people, coin reviews, and plenty of random ramblings. All...

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Weekly cryptocurrency podcast where we discuss decentralized and blockchain technology. Learn about Bitcoin and other altcoins, hear interviews from important crypto people, coin reviews, and plenty of random ramblings.

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