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Coffin Conversations

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    “What happens after I die?” is, undoubtedly, one of the most common questions we grapple with throughout our lives. And while philosophers, scholars and religious leaders toil away over the...

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    “What happens after I die?” is, undoubtedly, one of the most common questions we grapple with throughout our lives. And while philosophers, scholars and religious leaders toil away over the metaphysical - Lauren the Mortician spends her days working hands on, knowing all too well what happens next over here in the physical plane.

    Just as there are a thousand ways to die, there are just as many unexpected things that happen to both the departed and their survivors. Each week on Coffin Conversations, join Lauren as she explores the many faces of loss. From first hand conversations with those in the midst of loss to those who discovered unexpected paths along the journey to healing. In tandem, through interviews with specialists, investigations into funeral home mishaps, and sometimes conducting bizarre experiments - Coffin Conversations is an exploration of better understanding, and normalizing death. Stick around, and see how the burial plot thickens. 
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