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Codependency Recovery

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Questo podcast si sta preparando a condividere qualcosa di straordinario. Seguilo ora per ricevere una notifica non appena usciranno i primi episodi.

In this episode, we address how emotional neglect impacts our self-image. When we are born to unhealthy dynamics and we experience narcissistic abuse, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, and this...

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In this episode, we address how emotional neglect impacts our self-image. When we are born to unhealthy dynamics and we experience narcissistic abuse, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, and this trauma goes unresolved, we find ourselves unable to experience life as abundantly as we should. Instead, we may experience physical ailments, mental stress and things like depression and anxiety. As we learn to understand how our childhood experiences impacted the beliefs we hold about the self as well as others, this knowledge gives way to healing in miraculous ways.

On the road to recovery, we seek to understand not for the purpose of judging or persecuting those who have wounded us. We seek to know the self for the purpose of our own Divine Spiritual Evolution.

If you would like to learn more about Lisa A. Romano and her online coaching programs or about what other resources she has available, please visit
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Autore Lisa A. Romano
Organizzazione Lisa A. Romano
Categorie Salute mentale
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