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    In a world where comedy's not funny and politics isn't either, CANCELED does the impossible: talking about the world the way funny people actually do! Troy Walker is a comedian...

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    In a world where comedy's not funny and politics isn't either, CANCELED does the impossible: talking about the world the way funny people actually do! Troy Walker is a comedian and lawyer from Denver and Caleb Synan is a comedian and college dropout from Atlanta. Together they are happy to broadcast the actual uncensored and wildly funny takes on our current political hellscape. Will Caleb ever learn? Probably not. Will Troy ever move even an inch to the right or left? Never. But they'll make you laugh at this madness. And probably get canceled in the process.
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    Autore Helium Podcast Network
    Organizzazione Helium Podcast Network
    Categorie Commedia
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