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Brand Talks with UnboxFame

  • Significance of Copyright for new Brands and Businesses

    16 FEB 2023 · Can you start by explaining what exactly is copyright and why is it important for new brands and businesses? Copyright is a legal concept that gives creators of original works, such as literature, music, software, and other creative works, the exclusive right to use, reproduce, and distribute their work for a certain period of time. This means that others cannot use or copy their work without permission. Copyright is important for new brands and businesses because it helps protect their brand identity, creative works, and investment in their business. You can from Can you tell us more about how copyright can help protect a brand identity? Copyright can protect logos, slogans, and other elements that make up a brand's identity. For example, a company's logo or slogan can be protected as a trademark, which is different from copyright, but it is also important to secure a copyright on the logo and slogan in order to have full protection. Above are the This way, the brand can prevent others from using similar logos or slogans that may confuse consumers and dilute the brand's identity. So, how can a new brand or business secure a copyright for their brand identity and creative works?The first step is to determine what elements of the brand's identity and creative works are eligible for copyright protection. This could include logos, slogans, websites, software, music, and other creative works. Once you've identified the eligible elements, you can then apply for a copyright with the United States Copyright Office. The process is fairly straightforward, but it's important to ensure that the application is complete and accurate, as well as properly document the ownership of the copyright. You can Can you talk about some common mistakes that new brands and businesses make with regards to copyright?One common mistake is assuming that simply creating something gives you automatic copyright protection. This is not the case, as copyright protection only arises once the work is fixed in a tangible form, such as by being written down or recorded. Another mistake is failing to properly document ownership of the copyright. You can check could lead to disputes over who owns the copyright in the future. Finally, some businesses may not realize that they need to renew their copyright, which typically needs to be done every 10 to 20 years, depending on the work. Checkout -, & is a and for your New Business.
    Ascoltato 5 min. 24 sec.
  • How Copyright Laws Vary Across the Globe?

    16 FEB 2023 · Copyright laws can vary greatly from country to country. For example, in some countries, copyright protection is automatic, meaning that as soon as a work is created, it is protected. In other countries, however, creators must register their works with the government in order to receive copyright protection. Additionally, the length of time that copyright protection lasts can also vary. In some countries, it lasts for the lifetime of the creator plus a set number of years after their death, while in other countries, it lasts for a set number of years after the work was created. Read more - Can you give us some specific examples of countries with unique copyright laws?Sure! For example, in the United States, copyright protection lasts for the lifetime of the creator plus 70 years after their death. This is one of the longest copyright terms in the world. In contrast, in Canada, copyright protection lasts for the lifetime of the creator plus 50 years after their death.Another unique example is Japan, where copyright protection is automatic, but creators must register their works with the government in order to be able to enforce their rights. You can know 3 you also tell us about any countries with particularly strict copyright laws?Yes, one country with particularly strict copyright laws is France. In France, copyright protection is very broad and includes a wide range of works, from literary works to fashion designs. know, the French government takes copyright infringement very seriously and has implemented strict penalties for violators, including fines and even imprisonment in some cases.Checkout -, & is a and for your New Business.
    Ascoltato 5 min. 1 sec.
  • Business Registration and Entrepreneurship in India

    16 FEB 2023 · Can you tell us what are the different types of business registration done in India? In India, businesses can be registered as a sole proprietorship, partnership firm, limited liability partnership (LLP), private limited company, or a public limited company. Read more -> Can you explain what a sole proprietorship is and what are the benefits of registering a business as a sole proprietorship? A sole proprietorship is a type of business owned and run by one individual, and it's the simplest form of business structure in India. The sole proprietor is responsible for all debts and obligations of the business, and there's no legal distinction between the owner and the business. The benefits of registering as a sole proprietorship are that it's easy to set up, and there's no minimum capital requirement. Additionally, there's only one set of regulations to follow, making it a less complicated option. What about a partnership firm? A partnership firm is a type of business owned by two or more individuals, who share profits and losses. In this type of structure, partners have unlimited liability for the debts of the business. It's relatively easy to set up and manage, and there's a lower level of regulations compared to a private limited company. Read more - Can you tell us about the limited liability partnership (LLP)? An LLP is a hybrid business structure that combines the characteristics of a partnership firm and a company. It's a separate legal entity from its partners, which means that partners have limited liability for the debts of the business. This structure is preferred by professional service providers such as accountants, lawyers, and consultants, as it offers the benefits of a partnership firm and the limited liability protection of a company. Read more - You can And what about private limited companies and public limited companies? This structure is preferred by larger businesses that plan to raise capital from a wide range of investors. You can check Can you tell us the process of registering a business in India? The process of registering a business in India involves obtaining a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and a Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN), and then registering the business with the Registrar of Companies (ROC). Depending on the type of business structure, you may also need to obtain other licenses and approvals from relevant government agencies. You can also know Checkout -, & is a and for your New Business.
    Ascoltato 6 min. 21 sec.
  • What can happen if you don't have a Trademark?

    3 FEB 2023 · What do businesses miss out on when they don’t have a trademark? Well, there are several key benefits that businesses miss out on when they don’t have a trademark. First and foremost, a gives a business exclusive rights to use its brand name and logo. This means that no one else can use the same or similar brand name and logo without the owner’s permission. And what happens if a business does not have a trademark and someone else uses the same or similar brand name and logo? Without a trademark, the business has limited legal recourse. They may be able to take action under unfair competition laws, but this can be a lengthy and expensive process. Having a trademark gives the business a more straightforward and efficient means of stopping others from using their brand. Having a trademark can also increase the value of a business, right? Absolutely. A with a registered trademark is more valuable than a business with a weak or unregistered brand. This is because a trademark provides a barrier to entry for competitors and gives the business a competitive advantage. Those are all great benefits of having a trademark. Check this out, service. It’s clear that businesses miss out on a lot when they don’t have a trademark. Yes, they do. And these are just a few of the many benefits that businesses miss out on when they don’t have a trademark. So, it’s important for businesses to consider obtaining a trademark to protect their brand and take advantage of all the benefits it provides.
    Ascoltato 3 min. 52 sec.
  • Trademark Registration and Classification

    2 FEB 2023 · What is the function of a trademark? Under modern business condition a trademark performs four functions. 1. It identifies the goods / or services and its origin. 2. It guarantees its unchanged quality. 3. It advertises the goods/services. 4. It creates an image for the goods/ services. Who can apply for a trademark and how? Any person, claiming to be the proprietor of a trademark used or proposed to be used by him, may apply in writing in prescribed manner for registration. The application should contain the trademark, the goods/services, name and address of applicant and agent (if any) with power of attorney, the period of use of the mark. The application should be in English or Hindi. It should be filed at the appropriate office. Apply as well from Unboxfame. A, as well The applications can be submitted personally at the Front Office Counter of the respective office or can be sent by post. These can also be filed on line through the e-filing gateway available at the official website. Yes, of course. Firstly, conduct a to make sure that the mark is available and does not conflict with existing trademarks. Secondly, accurately classify the trademark under the appropriate class or classes. And finally, work with a qualified trademark attorney to ensure that the process is properly completed.
    Ascoltato 5 min. 22 sec.
  • What is Trademark and What is its significance?

    1 FEB 2023 · Copyright is a legal protection that gives creators exclusive rights to their original works, such as literary, musical, and artistic works. It allows creators to control how their works are used and distributed, ensuring they are properly credited and compensated for their efforts. It works by automatically protecting original works as soon as they are created and fixed in a tangible form, such as writing a book or composing a song. Can you copyright an idea? No, you cannot copyright an idea. Copyright only protects the expression of an idea, not the idea itself. So, for example, you cannot copyright the idea of a love story between a vampire and a human, but you can copyright the expression of that idea in a novel or movie. What happens if someone uses your copyrighted work without permission? If someone uses your copyrighted work without permission, it is considered copyright infringement. This means that they are using your work without your authorization and in violation of your exclusive rights. In such cases, you can take legal action to stop the infringement and seek compensation for any damages incurred. Can copyrighted works be used for educational or research purposes? Yes, copyrighted works can be used for educational or research purposes under the doctrine of fair use. Fair use is an exception to the exclusive rights of copyright holders and allows limited use of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Whether a particular use is considered fair use depends on several factors, including the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, and the amount and substantiality. How can anyone, and You can visit UnboxFame ( for,, as well That’s all for today’s episode of “Copyright Uncovered”. Join us next week for another exciting topic. Until then, stay informed and stay protected. Please Like and Share this Podcast Episode.
    Ascoltato 12 min. 20 sec.
  • Trademark and Copyright Cases to Watch in 2023

    25 GEN 2023 · It’s always good to start off the year with an overview of and logo copyright,, and cases to watch. This year, we have a couple of cases that we’ve previously discuss­­ed on our podcast The Briefing, when they were on appeal with the circuit courts, but now the Supreme Court will bring finality to the issues. We’ll start with Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith. In this case, the Supreme Court will decide whether the Andy Warhol Foundation made fair use of a photo of the late artist Prince. In short, the matter at issue will address when a work is sufficiently transformative to qualify for fair use protection under the Copyright Act. In the lower court, the Second Circuit reversed the decision of the District Court and held that the Warhol work was not transformative because it maintained the “essential elements of its source material” and was not “fundamentally different and new.” This will be the first time since 1994 that the Supreme Court has addressed fair use in the context of an artistic work. Next, we have Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic International. There, U.S.-based remote-control maker Hetronic International sued its former European partner Abitron Austria for trademark infringement. The defendants in that action argued that since 97% of the sales related to the verdict were “purely foreign” and no one affiliated with the companies was based in the United States, Hetronic International needed to pursue the action abroad. Of course, Hetronic disagrees and contends that trademark law under the Lanham Act extends beyond U.S. borders. This case should bring clarity to an issue that is constantly disputed in sizable Lanham Act cases—the materiality of foreign sales. Next up is my favorite case of the year—Jack Daniel’s v. VIP Products. This is the Ninth Circuit dispute arising out of VIP’s creation of a parodic dog toy styled like a Jack Daniel’s bottle but called Bad Spaniels. The toy is filled with comedic references related to dogs, but it’s no laughing matter to Jack Daniel’s. The case will determine the proper balance between trademark rights and free speech. The District Court and the Ninth Circuit found that VIP’s use was protected by the First Amendment. Now, the Supreme Court will determine whether the Ninth Circuit made the right decision and will provide some guidance and, hopefully, clarity on how these competing interests must be balanced. Next up, we have Genius v. Google. This action is present before the Supreme Court, but the Court has not yet granted certiorari. Genius sued Google for breach of contract over music transcriptions. In the petition for certiorari, Genius argued that the Second Circuit and the District Court wrongfully found that a preemption clause in the Copyright Act precluded its breach claim against Google and LyricFind for allegedly stealing song lyrics from its site for Google’s search result. The Second Circuit’s decision, affirming the District Court’s decision, held that Genius hadn’t shown that its claims were “qualitatively different” from a copyright claim on lyrics, which notably it didn’t hold the copyright to. The petition states that the Court must clarify whether the Copyright Act’s preemption clause permits a plaintiff to use “state-law contract remedies to enforce a promise not to copy and use its content.” The Supreme Court has requested the Solicitor General’s opinion on whether copyright law preempts the breach of contract claim. Finally, we have Green v. DOJ. In this case, two computer scientists have challenged the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s ban on circumventing digital locks on copyrighted works. The engineers filed suit against the federal government, seeking to enjoin enforcement of the DMCA’s anti-trafficking and anti-circumvention provisions. The District Court refused, and the D.C. Circuit affirmed the District Court’s decision. Apparently, the D.C. Circuit also commented that it lacks jurisdiction over claims of facial unconstitutionality on First Amendment grounds because the District Court did not rule on that issue. The case has been remanded to the District Court for further consideration. Each of these cases could significantly impact IP law. For that reason, we will keep a close eye, and I will likely write about each of these cases as they continue to develop. You can hire Unboxfame (a, and for you to buy and
    Ascoltato 6 min. 12 sec.
  • Is Branding Agency important for Indian Businesses?

    23 GEN 2023 · We all agree to the fact that India is a beautiful country and its beauty lies in its diversity and magnetism. This is what shapes the markets and the system around. The hold that the Indian businesses have can be contributed to the branding agencies that toil hard to make things work. The word ‘’ evokes many different emotions. One thing is clear, branding involves a lot of aspects such as brand name, logos, color themes, and websites. A brand is not just about graphics but how you shape your brand from the scratch by implying the correct branding strategies. Branding basically represents your brand and influences the customer’s decisions. It sets the tone for your business and interacts with your audience., individual branding, and service branding are all different parts of branding. Whether you are a layman or a professional, you must realize that branding is an important part of your life. Branding is a broader term for different activities aimed at creating a distinctive business identity and framing your consumer’s perception of your brand. This is done via advertisement campaigns and constant efforts towards creating visual designs, company’s logos, defining the mission and tone of voice of a business. Checkout -> for your Business. Your brand identity also depends on the quality of customer service, products, and the price of your services. Branding is basically aimed at creating a unique and appealing presence in the market that can help retain loyal customers. Read more -> ----------------------------------Listen full Podcast episode here--------------------------------------------------
    Ascoltato 11 min. 53 sec.
  • How to Apply for Trademark Registration in the USA?

    18 GEN 2023 · Trademark research is important for businesses looking to protect their brand and intellectual property. In the United States, it’s essential that you conduct a thorough trademark search before filing for federal This will help ensure that your proposed mark does not infringe on any existing trademarks and can be registered without issue. Let’s discuss the documents required to apply for Documents Required for Trademark Registration in the USAThe list of documents required is as follows: – - Name, signature, and address of the applicant and the entity type - The basis for filing - The type of goods and services under which the brand is being registered - The drawing or a digital image of the logo/trademark that has to be registered - Details and description of the trademark - Fees All the Indian companies filing for the US trademark are required to register their trademark in India first. You can read full blog here -> Listen full podcast here -
    Ascoltato 7 min. 31 sec.
  • How to Choose a Brand Name That Stands Out?

    13 GEN 2023 · HOW TO CHOOSE A BUSINESS NAME THAT STANDS OUT? An amazing brand name that reflects your brand value is much more than something that just looks cool on your business card. It is about communicating with the customers and enhancing your presence. One good way to identify a good brand name is to check whether the customers are able to identify, remember and discuss to An ideal brand name is your company’s most valuable asset.Choosing the right business name can be a challenging task, however. The real question that crosses the mind of each budding entrepreneur is how to find an appealing brand name. A name that catches the attention of all and stands out. A name that is available and is easy to remember. While some belief in using a name generator as a solution, others believe in putting in some effort to come up with a brand name that actually makes a mark. Based on your branding requirements or budget, you can choose a ( not only helps you with a brand name but product naming as well. Read more this blog for more information ->
    Ascoltato 6 min. 46 sec.

Brand Gossip with UnboxFame Welcome to "Brand Gossip," the podcast where we bring you the latest in luxury fashion, beauty, and lifestyle with UnboxFame, and I'm excited to dive into...

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Brand Gossip with UnboxFame

Welcome to "Brand Gossip," the podcast where we bring you the latest in luxury fashion, beauty, and lifestyle with UnboxFame, and I'm excited to dive into the world of designer labels, trendy products, and industry gossip with you.

In this podcast season 1, we will discuss the changing landscape of Brands.
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