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Boomers Bits & Bytes

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    If you’re not Gen A, not Gen Z, not Gen Y, or not even Gen X…you’re a Boomer, along with 70+ million others in the U.S. alone. Technology may not...

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    If you’re not Gen A, not Gen Z, not Gen Y, or not even Gen X…you’re a Boomer, along with 70+ million others in the U.S. alone. Technology may not be something you grew up with and you might not find it as comfortable as, say, your 13-year-old grandson. You’ve no doubt used technology in many of the typical places - text messages, checking your Facebook feed, maybe Zoom calls. But is technology weaved into your life the same way as it is for the younger generations? We’re looking for stories from Boomers of ways technology has made their lives better. Whether it’s online banking, downloading a meditation app, or sending the vet a video of your pet, technology is here to serve all of us. How have you used it? Tell your story.
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