This is a podcast all about photography from analogue to digital. Both Tony and Kristina shoot film and digital images using a range of cameras.

Episodi & Post
26 SET 2023 · In this episode, Kristina and I look back over the previous 26 episodes of the podcast. We let you know where we are going and what is happening with Bokeh & Beyond Photography.
25 AGO 2023 · In this episode, Kristina and I discuss the concept of decluttering and how it could help creativity. We also look at a small but mighty printer that could help with mindfulness and a mindful journal.
18 AGO 2023 · In this episode, Kristina and I, speak to Paul Sanders who used to be the photo editor at the Times newspaper in England and is now with discoverstill.com
Paul discusses how he got involved with photography, working as a photographer, mental health, discovering still and mindfulness.
Paul Sanders is an award-winning landscape photographer. Still hosts mindful photography workshops across the UK and online, designed to help you reconnect with the world through the art of photography.
Check out the website at discoverstill.com
11 AGO 2023 · In today's episode, Kristina and I discuss mindfulness and what it looks like and some ways of going about achieving Considered Photography.
4 AGO 2023 · In this episode, Kristina and I talk about going beyond the basics of photography.
23 LUG 2023 · When we as photographers create our work are there hidden meaning or messages in the work? What is the intention behind the work?
The instagram is up an happening it is bokehnbeyond
23 GIU 2023 · In this episode, Kristina and I breifly revisit the topic of Ai photography before moving on to the idea of workshops and specifically astro photography.
11 GIU 2023 · Consider what responsibilities you have as a creative to represent issues around you and to be real. This is the issue that we will be discussing on today's podcast.
25 MAG 2023 · In this episode, Kristina and I discuss the idea of Ai and photography. How much Ai is already involved in the photographic process now and how much could there be. We look at if this is a good or bad thing and so much more.
10 MAG 2023 · In this episode, Kristina and I discuss what we are up to these days photographically as well as the idea of change.
This is a podcast all about photography from analogue to digital. Both Tony and Kristina shoot film and digital images using a range of cameras.
Autore | Tony Edwards |
Organizzazione | Tony Edwards |
Categorie | Hobby |
Sito | - |
t.g.edwards@hotmail.com |
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