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Boil The Frog Slowly

    BOIL THE FROG SLOWLY with host Pat Rullo and Sebastian Sanzotta Gradual changes become the new normal. What will YOU do when the water gets hot? Are you concerned about...

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    BOIL THE FROG SLOWLY with host Pat Rullo and Sebastian Sanzotta

    Gradual changes become the new normal. What will
    YOU do when the water gets hot?

    Are you concerned about the health hazards proliferated by Agenda 21 aka sustainable development such as those caused by smart meters – radio frequencies – smart grids – mandatory vaccines – WiFi in schools, addictive cellular technology, and even something as environmental sounding as the extinction of the good old incandescent light bulb?

    We’re ready and you’ll be “ribbited” to your seats. Join us!

    Show Title: Boil the Frog Slowly
    Hosts: Pat Rullo and Sebastian Sanzotta

    Boil The Frog Slowly Podcast is brought to you by Talk 4 Podcasting ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
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