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Beyond The Tin Foil Hat

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    Every week, we dive into topics deep into the unknown realm, ranging from #UFOS, #Ghosts and #Bigfoot. This podcast is co-hosted by members of TESA and is designed to educate...

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    Every week, we dive into topics deep into the unknown realm, ranging from #UFOS, #Ghosts and #Bigfoot. This podcast is co-hosted by members of TESA and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. 

Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


    #Ghost #Ghosts #Demon #Demons #Poltergeist #Poltergeists #Paranormal #Supernatural #ParanormalActivity #ShadowFigure #UFO #UFOS #UAV #UAVS #UAP #UAPS #Drone #Orb #Orbs #Drones #DroneTechnology #Ufology #ParaCryptid #ParaCryptozoology #ParaCryptozoologist #Cryptozoology #Cryptozoologist #Cryptid #Cryptids #TESA #TheExperiencerSupportAssociation
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