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Before I Sleep Evening Devotional

    Before I Sleep is a daily evening devotional podcast dedicated to helping you grow your relationship with God. We believe that every moment belongs to the Lord. Many devotionals encourage...

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    Before I Sleep is a daily evening devotional podcast dedicated to helping you grow your relationship with God. We believe that every moment belongs to the Lord. Many devotionals encourage morning worship, and we support this intentional time with God. However, the moments before we finally put our heads on our pillows to rest are just as precious. Our mission is to empower you to devote your evenings to God. Invite Him into your nightly routine as you draw closer to Christ.

    About Your Host
    Tamara is a passionate Creative, Performing Artist, and Author. But most importantly, she is a daughter of God. She is also the founder and host of HerJourney2Self Podcast where she shares personal insights and reflections on healing and self-discovery. Before I Sleep is her offering to God. She prays that you are encouraged to spend more time with the Father as you draw closer to Christ. 🖤

    Music By: Edward Morris II
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