5 GEN 2023 · A win is a win is a win. Is it? At what point is that not enough? Is that how you want to enjoy each season? Hoping we can play .500 ball? Today I will be talking about the current season again, most recently the Nets game. I will also be referring to my article from earlier in the month, and an episode of sidenotes that I did detailing what we did last year.
I also will refer to an interview Coach Bud did while he was here in Atlanta. He talked about philosophy on offense. I also will refer to former coach Melvin Hunt as well. After, I want you to ask yourself, is what we have better than what Coach Bud was doing? Remember who was on the 60 win team. Individually, those players don't threaten anybody. Together, they beat everybody and made it to the ECF. I will also talk about in game situations again, shot selections, etc. We have 18 losses now. When will things get better? Can they get better? Don't have much time left. You know 4 years ago I talked about many of the things we are experiencing now. Why haven't they changed??
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