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  • #9 The Headless Woman of Kasara Ghat (Season Finale)

    24 GIU 2022 · Episode 9 - The Headless Woman Of Kasara Ghat. / Posted by: Mandahrk Source: Reddit ---I was sleeping when she died. Drooling and drifting from one hazy dream to another, blissfully unaware of the struggles that were her last breaths. I wouldn't have done it if not for what happened to her. For what I did to her. Was it redemption that I was seeking? Deliverance, perhaps? Or maybe just a good night's sleep. I don't know. I guess I'll never know. My father always used to say that you can never really be a good judge of your own intentions, so you should just stop trying. I didn't go looking for it. It came to me by pure chance while I was mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, rolling an empty bottle of whiskey under my foot, my sweat stale with the stench of its contents. I paused to flex my aching thumb and there it was, the text practically screaming at me - The Headless Woman Of Kasara Ghat : The Nightmare That Makes Your Dreams Come True!!! It was the turn of phrase that caught my attention. Just something about that contrasting imagery of dreams and nightmares, of rainbows melting into roiling black skies that resonated with me so suddenly and so deeply that I found myself repeatedly thumbing my phone's screen before I even realized what I was doing. The link took me to a garbage, ad-riddled website. The kind that has white text slathered on a black background and two pop up ads ready to slap your screen if you dare let your thumb slip. Yet my curiosity made me soldier on. My eyes flew over the text, my heartbeat growing faster and faster the deeper I got into the article. Have you ever lost someone you loved? Wish you could talk to them one last time? Look no further! The Headless Woman of Kasara Ghat is here to take care of your deepest desires. Kasara Ghat situated on the Mumbai-Nashik Highway is said to be one of the most haunted stretches of road in India today. It is infamous for having been the site of innumerable fatal accidents over the years and for being used as a dumping ground for multiple murder victims. Needless to say, a lot of restless souls haunt Kasara Ghat. And chief amongst them, the one that makes the Ghat one of the most dangerous places to visit is the headless woman. Countless travelers have fallen victim to this terrifying woman who stalks this winding hilly road, using the cover of darkness to lure in her prey. Only when she enters the vehicle do the good Samaritans realize just what kind of monster they have invited into their abruptly shortened lives. But wait, it's not all hopeless! For before the woman rips her benefactors to shreds, she lets them speak to their dead loved ones one last time. And how does she do that, you ask? By taking on the appearance of the deceased, of course. That's right, the headless woman grows a head, one with the appearance, memories and personality of her prey's loved one. So at least those poor souls get to have a moment of catharsis before their lives are ended in a most brutal manner. I had to stop reading at that point. The cocktail of sweat and tears swirling in my eyes had made the text too blurry to read. Something had caught my heart in a vice-like grip. What was it though? Fear? Adrenaline? …Hope? What the hell was I doing? Had I really gotten so desperate that I was willing to put my faith in some shitty urban legend? The answer bloomed in my mind before the question could even fully take shape. I forced some spit up my throat to wet my parched mouth and rubbed my eyes raw before continuing reading. You might be wondering, what's the point of talking about the headless woman if all that awaits you after an encounter with her is certain death. After all, there are numerous other monsters out there who would gladly rob you of your life, so what makes this one special? Well, the thing that makes the headless woman so special is that there is a way to survive a meeting with her. To have a heart-to-heart chat with your deceased loved ones without later joining them in the afterlife. A fool-proof method that guarantees your survival while getting you what you want. It took a lot of trials, a lot of failures and sacrifices to discover this method. So rest assured, it works. But be warned, there is no room for error here. Even the slightest deviation from the steps as they are laid down here will cause your chances of survival to drop right down to zero. The headless woman is a vicious and cunning creature. She doesn't like being played with, and will mete out the most excruciating punishment imaginable if given even the slightest room to maneuver. So read the steps carefully. Then read them again. And again and again and again until they've been chiseled into your memory. And then read them again. Now that you've read and internalized the warnings, you can move on and actually read the steps that you need to follow to safely meet the headless woman of Kasara Ghat - 1. Use a car. Not a bike. I repeat. Do NOT use a bike, for it will get you killed very quickly. 2. Travel after midnight. 12:30 AM to 1:45 AM is the sweet spot. 3 Keep a bottle of chilled Kokum juice with you. And a clean glass. 4. Make sure your doors are unlocked and your windows rolled down, even if it is raining. 5. Turn on your radio. If your car doesn't have one, get one. Switch to the AM band. You must NOT tune into any station. Just static. Pure white noise. 6. Use your turn signal. The one opposite cliffside, so it looks like you're preparing to plunge into the valley. Keep it switched on. 7. Every five hundred meters, slow down - but do NOT stop - and press down on your horn for a good five seconds before speeding off. Use the odometer of your car, or a distance measuring app on your phone. Be as precise as possible. Keep doing this until you see the headless woman. However, do NOT pick her up. It's not the right time to do so. Drive past her. About a kilometer away you should see her again. This is when you stop and pick her up. Remember, this is about her appearing on the road, not you spotting her. If you miss seeing her the first time and drive past her the second time, you will die. Don't worry though. You have the radio to warn you. When it starts going crazy, you'll know she's close, and you'll know to be ready and to keep your eyes peeled. Again, stop when you see her the second time. Do not move from your seat. Wait for her to get in. Do not stare at her. It would be wise to turn your rear view mirror away, but not necessary. She's not shy. Sooner or later she'll make you look at her. Pour out the Kokum juice in the glass and offer it to her. Once she takes it from you, start driving. And that's it. There are no more rules or instructions because each encounter from this point onwards is different. Survival now only depends on your luck and ingenuity. And the headless woman's mood. Best of luck! I hope you find what you seek. Any other day I would have laughed at myself for even thinking that any of this could be real, let alone contemplating actually going through with this. But it wasn't any other day. I wasn't the rational and psychologically stable individual I had been all my life. No, I was so fundamentally broken that I was willing to do whatever it took to get one last chance to speak to her. To beg for her forgiveness, to tell her I loved her... ...To ask her if she hated me. Most of my liquor-induced numbness had drained through my sweat glands by this point. I pushed myself up out of my chair and went and grabbed a pad and a pen from my study where I quickly jotted down the rules before making a list of everything that I would have to do to make this trip happen. It took about three weeks before I was ready to go to Kasara Ghat. I was living in Pune at that time, which was about five hours away from my destination, pretty much necessitating a short leave from work, which was understandably, though a bit surprisingly easy to get. I left my house at 5 pm on a grim Saturday evening. Tar-black clouds had been growling in the sky all throughout the day, and they started spitting the second I rolled out of our apartment building's underground parking. The drizzle turned into a deluge by the time I left the city, pounding the car with impenetrable sheets of water. I had never seen a rain as relentless and vicious as that, not since the floods of 2005. I thanked the stars that I was able to make it out of the city before the skies truly opened up their black bellies. Getting stuck in a storm-induced traffic would have put a quick end to my plans and driven me deeper into those familiar quicksands of depression. Sitting all alone in that car, surrounded by the din of traffic would have reminded me of all those times I spent with her, singing old Kishore Kumar songs and giggling at shitty whatsapp forwards while cars and buses crawled along at a snail's pace beside us. It's funny how the little things hit you when you least expect them to, how memories that seem insignificant at the time of their creation become priceless when the person you made them with is gone. I squeezed the foam covered steering wheel and pressed my foot down on the accelerator. Black wiper blades trembled across the windshield as the car ploughed through translucent walls of water. Time ticked by, knotty concrete jungles gave way to sprawling water-logged rice fields. The sun, hidden behind a raging grey-black veil, slowly slid beneath the hills far up ahead. The rain began petering out, turning from an endless wash to a heavy drizzle that peppered my roof. Soon I found myself navigating the narrow roads webbing the hills that rose up out of the ground like mossy stone teeth, reaching up into the dark sky as if wanting to devour it. Darkness fell upon the lan
    Ascoltato 42 min. 7 sec.
  • #8 SkinWalker

    17 GIU 2022 · Episode 8 - SkinWalker / Posted by: taylarmusic Source: Reddit ---I (14 female) and my dog 3(male) Roxy are home alone together because my parents go out of town every month for work. They usually leave me and Roxy Alone together so I won’t be alone. I have been recently reading about Skin walkers on Reddit. I thought they were pretty interesting considering I’m into paranormal things, and urban legends. I wondered what it was like if I ever came across a SkinWalker. I’ve read all about them and what to do if you come across one, but I didn’t know my own dog could be one. I had decided to see if my dog was a SkinWalker. I put him in the bathroom and pretended to go on a walk. I opened the door then closed it to make it seem like I had left. A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door open, I looked over and it looked like a Roxy had opened the door because it looked as if he was in his hind legs. I could now see where he was standing and he closed the door. I quickly put a kitchen chair to block the door. And ran over to my neighbors. My neighbors daughter Allie is my best friend so I new I could tell her. As soon as a ran over there a rang the door bell. Allie answered. “You won’t believe what happened” I said and she let me in. I explained to her what happened and it was her idea to go over to my house to see if he was still in the bathroom. As soon as we walked in the house we saw that the kitchen chair had been knocked on the floor and the bathroom door had been wide open, and there was a man standing in our kitchen. Me and Allie were in shock until I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the house and back to hers. Her parents weren’t home at the time so we just waited at her house for about an hour or so. But we decided to look back over to my house. And when we walked outside the front door was wide open and there was no sign of Roxy. It’s been 2 years since that happened. Neither me or Allie told our parents they just think Roxy ran away. Me and Allie still talk about it. But I wonder what would have happened if I didn’t put Roxy in the bathroom that day. And I wonder. where he is now. Maybe someone found him, I feel sorry for whoever did.
    Ascoltato 10 min. 19 sec.
  • #7 I Saw my friends Death in the Mirror

    10 GIU 2022 · Episode 7 - I Saw my friends Death in the Mirror / Posted by: extraRyaki Source: Reddit ---flicked the lights on which illuminated the small room. Wooden walls surrounded us, and it smelled like vanilla, which was coming from the candles in the corner of the room. My friend stared at a big piece of cloth that was draped over something tall. She walked over to it and pulled the cloth off, revealing an old looking mirror. “Look! This must be your grandfather’s.” she said. We both walked in front of the mirror, admiring the fancy patterns on the frame, and the smooth brittle glass. I looked at my reflection. It changed. What I was wearing, how I looked; it all changed. Instead of my skinny usual self I was tall with dark black hair that covered my eyes, and I looked fit. I was wearing a nice suit as well. “Whoa… look at this!” I said. “Huh?” She walked over and she changed as well. Her reflection was beautiful. She was wearing a fancy looking black dress, which complemented her silky brown hair. We both stared at our reflections. “These reflections… I think they are our future selves.” she proclaimed. “Yeah.” She walked away from the mirror, and I was too but I jerked back when I saw the picture was changing. I saw a tall man with black hair covering the eyes wearing a suit holding a bloody knife to a girl with brown silky hair wearing a black dress. “What the-” I didn’t get to finish, as I was pushed away by my friend. “That’s us! That’s our future selves!” she said with shock. The man then proceeded to brutally stab the woman to death. Her dead corpse fell to the ground, and a puddle of blood quickly formed around her. I was shocked. My future self had just killed my friend’s future self. I was about to ask my friend what that was all about, but she ran out of the room before I could say anything. She blocked all my contacts, and from that day on we never saw each other again.
    Ascoltato 10 min. 7 sec.
  • #6 I Witnessed my Brothers Death at only 12

    3 GIU 2022 · Episode 6 - I Witnessed my Brothers Death at only 12 / Posted by: Extreme-Educator463 Source: Reddit ---It was around midnight and half of my family was asleep of course that half was only me. I was scrolling through Instagram when I heard a loud thump. I suspected that it was something that fell of the nightstand but then I heard crying I rushed downstairs to find my brother limping in the house my mother woke up and saw him his left arm was cut off and his right eye was stabbed out of its socket, it was a horrific scene my mother was crying and I was also crying my brother just stood there until he collapsed on the floor then I heard someone yell "THERE'S THAT B*ST*RD" and they pulled out a pistol and shot my brother in the head thankfully he didn't shoot us I went back up to my room and heard my mother coming upstairs she wasn't crying but had a grin on her face years later I learned that my brother owed debt to those people and they paid my mom a bunch of money to keep it a secret but now I guess I'm telling Reddit so it's not a secret anymore I guess.
    Ascoltato 5 min. 30 sec.
  • #5 Camp Run for your Life?

    27 MAG 2022 · Episode 5 - Camp Run for your Life? / Posted by: UncensoredC Source: Reddit ---Okay so. When I was in year 7(6th grade), we went on school camp to a campground up in the hills. It was old and creepy but there weren't any ghost stories or nothing so we were all like "this is so cool!" We chose our cabin mates, sorted out our beds then went for dinner and to get put into our groups. Camp was normal and fun for the first few days, but on the third day there was literally news that some supposed psychopath was out in the bush near where the lodge was. I don't know the full story of the guy, but I do remember we had security set up, guards arrive and stood watch with defense equipment, and we were to lock our cabins and windows. Dinner was delivered to us and we had to have a teacher escort us to the bathroom. My cabin buddies and I didn't care much, we shared our candy that we smuggled in, told scary stories and tried to dare each other to go outside. At night almost all of us got woken up by hysterical screaming and crying, a slam of a door and people running past our cabin. Turns out the guard outside of the cabins had fallen asleep and the maniac had broken into one of the cabins. Horrifying enough, the man had also stabbed the two girls on the bottom bunks. The psycho was caught and pinned, emergency services were called and we were all brought to a hotel to stay for the night. The girls both survived with minor damage, and the crazy guy was send to a psych ward. That campground was closed for good reasons I guess. Everything turned out okay but that was a terrifying experience. The cabin was the one right beside ours.
    Ascoltato 6 min. 46 sec.
  • #4 I Saw a Dead Body at 10 yrs old

    20 MAG 2022 · Episode 4 - I Saw a Dead Body at 10 yrs old / Posted by: Visible_Switch_5308 Source: Reddit ---I was 10years old going to the mosque, it was night and it was so dark. And so cold because it was winter. I was going to mosque bathroom to take Wudu. There were three doors and I didn't know which one of them was the Wudu room. So I just went to one room, and I saw an iron bed. It was something that was folded with white blanket. I got so curious so I opened that blanket. What I saw was literally the most horror thing in my life. It was a dead body… It was a woman and it looks so scary. The body was so black and in scary position. I was scared of that room for the rest of my childhood…
    Ascoltato 6 min. 43 sec.
  • #3 Black Eyed Children

    13 MAG 2022 · Episode 3 - Black Eyed Children / Posted by: 1derland Source: Reddit ----This happened a while back but it stuck with me like it happened yesterday. My buddies and I had been out drinking and finally settled at my friend's house because I was too drunk to drive. It had to of been about 3 or 4 in the morning everyone in the house had gone to bed and I was buzzing on my friend's couch starting to fall asleep when I heard a light tap on the door. I got up looking to see if I could see what it was when I heard it again coming from the door. I went to look into the peep hole, and I saw two small kids dressed in raggedy clothes, convinced I was just seeing things I looked at my friends monitor (My friend had security cameras EVERYWHERE) and I could still see them. I was about to open to door until one of the kids looked up at the camera almost like they could see me and at that moment my blood ran cold. The kids eyes were gone! Where the whites of his eyes should of been there was nothing but blackness. He mumbled something like "Can I come in." Convinced they hadn't seen me I went back to couch listening to that faint tapping and watching the monitor until I dozed off, I guess. When I was awoken by my friend, I explained what I saw of course they were convinced I was just seeing things, my friend lived in a kind of rural area their closest neighbor was a good mile down the road so there was no reason for kids to be out that late. I told him I thought the same thing, but I know what I saw I told him to check the cameras, as he went to do so the camera facing the door just so happen to "cut off" but on the other camera you could clearly see me looking at the monitor in astonishment. I know what I saw that night and after doing research about this I'm glad I didn't open that door. Now I'm not one to believe these things but I know what I saw and I still have no explanation for it.
    Ascoltato 10 min. 54 sec.
  • #2 Under the Bed

    6 MAG 2022 · Episode 2 - Under the Bed / Posted by guillardo (gilly-are-do) Source: Reddit ---Mom made sure to check for monsters under my bed after I told her about the scratching noises. The gentleness of her voice as she told me that I was safe was enough to make me embrace sleep. It was a request of mine to leave my door ajar just in case I needed to run to the safety of my parents and upon relaying that to my mom, she chuckled but honored my plea as she promised not to close their bedroom door as well. In the brink of deep slumber after a month since the unsettling noises, I heard the sound of crawling and the gentle closing of my door. As the heaviness of my eyes demanded rest, my six year old self could only give in. Mom always made sure to check under my bed that she never checked under hers. Dad arrived one morning after his night shift and found blood soaking the white carpet on both sides of their bed. As he made the motion of peering at the space under the wooden frame he found mom...or what was left of her at least. Nothing was the same after that as dad got rid of our bedframes, leaving our mattresses bare on the floor. The trauma of the horrific incident left my father so distraught that social services rendered him no longer capable of taking care of me. I never heard from my dad after that but I remembered the pelting rain, the squeeze of an adult hand on my little one, as they lowered his casket five months later. Fall greeted the seventh year of my life and gifted me with a foster family that soon became my adopted ones. It wasn't until I turned ten that my new parents were blessed with their own child yet they didn't love me any less. Years of happiness shrouded our home as the stain of my past slowly depleted with time. I thought I had escaped it all, that at sixteen I was finally free from the tailing fear, so much so that I even found myself imagining a bright future. My longing for paradise turned into a wasteland once more when my now six year old sister asked me to check under her bed coz she heard scratching noises. In the midst of my body shaking as terror clothed me, I got down on my knees and checked under her bed. My eyes soon adjusted to the dimness of that space and as they did, I saw something wearing the skin of my mother's face.
    Ascoltato 7 min. 50 sec.
  • #1 The Green Polo Shirt

    15 APR 2022 · Episode 1 - The Green Polo shirt / Posted by Trippyhippykid Source: Reddit ---I have been raised in Florida my whole life from Orlando to Maimi this took place in Orlando tho in a neighborhood I lived in since I was a child nothing like this had ever happened before in that area paranormaly related a lot of crime tho I’m starting college now and this happened in 8th grade summer going into 9th grade I was at my old friend’s house who lived in the same neighborhood it was a very sunny day and we hung for a bit and I started making my way back very early afternoon I think like around 2pm not even 5 minutes into my walk a small boy approaches me he was wearing jeans and a green polo shirt that had a symbol on the corner like a polo shirt would so I thought he was from an organization he handed me a card but when I looked at him there it was the black eyes they were all black completely I was taken back so much I took like 2 steps back and mind you there was no one around wat so ever around at all but as soon as I got startled and realized he had black eyes an elderly black woman appeared on the opposite side of the street staring at me they both were she had the same shirt the boy did and pure black eyes too (not that is matters but I just never hear stories of black eyed people being black so I mentioned it for that reason I feel like my experience was very unique) but back to the story when I noticed her staring at me this kid still tried to hand me the card but he never said anything ever and idk why but I took it and then my mom out of nowhere like a millisecond after I grab the card comes speeding down the street cuz she knew I was at my friend’s house and she tells me to get in I do cuz I’m scared and she’s asks me if I’m Okay once I’m the car she told me she had an extreme sense of peril and doom come over her out of nowhere at home and she said she dropped everything and got in the car and sped to where I was at (( my mother is spiritually gifted since she was a child she’s had paranormal things happen also lowkey psychic she’s a huge reason as too why I am the way I am I love that woman)) but she took me back home and I told her what happened and she said burn the card away from the house that the boy gave me she burned it and that was really it just a wild sort of life trip that happens sometimes
    Ascoltato 8 min. 27 sec.

Hello scaredy-cats, My name is Anonymous and host of the show, welcome to “Are You Scared?”. This podcast is where I share scary stories that I found from the dark...

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Hello scaredy-cats, My name is Anonymous and host of the show, welcome to “Are You Scared?”. This podcast is where I share scary stories that I found from the dark corners of the net and I give full credit to the writers, anyways scaredy-cats let’s get into some stories'.

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