Info "Alice in Wonderland" is a classic novel written by Lewis Carroll, originally published in 1865. At its core, it's a whimsical and surreal adventure story that follows a young...
mostra di più"Alice in Wonderland" is a classic novel written by Lewis Carroll, originally published in 1865. At its core, it's a whimsical and surreal adventure story that follows a young girl named Alice. Here's a brief overview:
- Beginning: Alice is a curious young girl who, while sitting with her sister by a riverbank, spots a white rabbit wearing a waistcoat and exclaiming that he's late. Intrigued, she follows the rabbit and falls down a rabbit hole.
- Wonderland: Alice finds herself in a bizarre world known as Wonderland. The laws of physics and logic here are not like those in the real world. Rooms can change size, animals talk, and many other strange occurrences take place.
- Characters: Throughout her journey, Alice meets a variety of eccentric characters. Some of the most notable include the grinning Cheshire Cat, the mad Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the sleepy Dormouse, the authoritative Queen of Hearts, and the cryptic Caterpillar.
- Adventures: Alice navigates through a series of challenges and odd scenarios. She grows and shrinks in size by consuming magical food and drink, attends a nonsensical tea party that never ends, and plays a croquet game where flamingos are used as mallets.
- Themes: The story delves into themes of identity, growth, and the complexities of adulthood. Alice frequently questions who she is and grapples with the often illogical nature of Wonderland and its inhabitants.
- Conclusion: After a series of adventures and challenges, including a final confrontation with the Queen of Hearts, Alice awakens to find herself back by the riverbank with her sister, suggesting the entire adventure might have been a dream.
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" is a classic novel written by Lewis Carroll, originally published in 1865. At its core, it's a whimsical and surreal adventure story that follows a young...
mostra di più"Alice in Wonderland" is a classic novel written by Lewis Carroll, originally published in 1865. At its core, it's a whimsical and surreal adventure story that follows a young girl named Alice. Here's a brief overview:
- Beginning: Alice is a curious young girl who, while sitting with her sister by a riverbank, spots a white rabbit wearing a waistcoat and exclaiming that he's late. Intrigued, she follows the rabbit and falls down a rabbit hole.
- Wonderland: Alice finds herself in a bizarre world known as Wonderland. The laws of physics and logic here are not like those in the real world. Rooms can change size, animals talk, and many other strange occurrences take place.
- Characters: Throughout her journey, Alice meets a variety of eccentric characters. Some of the most notable include the grinning Cheshire Cat, the mad Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the sleepy Dormouse, the authoritative Queen of Hearts, and the cryptic Caterpillar.
- Adventures: Alice navigates through a series of challenges and odd scenarios. She grows and shrinks in size by consuming magical food and drink, attends a nonsensical tea party that never ends, and plays a croquet game where flamingos are used as mallets.
- Themes: The story delves into themes of identity, growth, and the complexities of adulthood. Alice frequently questions who she is and grapples with the often illogical nature of Wonderland and its inhabitants.
- Conclusion: After a series of adventures and challenges, including a final confrontation with the Queen of Hearts, Alice awakens to find herself back by the riverbank with her sister, suggesting the entire adventure might have been a dream.
Autore | QP-1 |
Organizzazione | William Corbin |
Categorie | Libri |
Sito | - | |
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