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A Space of Allowing Radio

    Nancy Coco, M.Ed., CPC, coaches people who are undergoing life transitions as well as those who wish to find their voice as writers. A lifelong teacher and learner, Nancy taught...

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    Nancy Coco, M.Ed., CPC, coaches people who are undergoing life transitions as well as those who wish to find their voice as writers. A lifelong teacher and learner, Nancy taught middle and high school and then went on to serve as director of a professional development network for educators at Penn State University as well as directed and assisted the network at the state and national levels. In her next role as Director of Continuing Education, Nancy honed her leadership, communication, and grant writing skills to help transform communities through collective impact projects until her retirement from education after a successful 30-year career. Forging a Renaissance path of transformation, Nancy answered her inner call to retire and become a professional life coach, hosting retreats and working in alliance with individual clients and groups. As coach, she helps people step into their power and access the courage to transform their self-doubt into self-confidence and success. Her greatest joy is creating a space of allowing to support clients with loving compassion on their journey. She trusts that serving as a curious, loving witness will transform shadow to light.
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