The 21st Precinct was a popular American radio drama series that aired on CBS from 1953 to 1956. It was a gritty and realistic portrayal of the lives of police...
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The 21st Precinct was a popular American radio drama series that aired on CBS from 1953 to 1956. It was a gritty and realistic portrayal of the lives of police officers in New York City, and it quickly became a hit with listeners. The show was set in the fictional 21st Precinct, which was located in Manhattan. The main characters were Captain Frank Kennelly, played by Everett Sloane, and his team of detectives and patrolmen.
The show was known for its realistic portrayal of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and the acting was top-notch. The show also featured a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
The 21st Precinct was a popular success, and it ran for three seasons. It was also adapted into a television series, which ran from 1956 to 1959. The radio show is still considered to be a classic of the genre, and it has been praised for its realism, its writing, and its acting.
Here are some of the things that made the 21st Precinct such a success:
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
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The show was known for its realistic portrayal of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and the acting was top-notch. The show also featured a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
The 21st Precinct was a popular success, and it ran for three seasons. It was also adapted into a television series, which ran from 1956 to 1959. The radio show is still considered to be a classic of the genre, and it has been praised for its realism, its writing, and its acting.
Here are some of the things that made the 21st Precinct such a success:
- Realistic portrayal of police work: The show was not afraid to show the dark side of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. This made the show more believable and engaging for listeners.
- Great writing: The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and they were able to create suspenseful and exciting stories.
- Top-notch acting: The acting on the show was superb, and the actors were able to bring the characters to life in a believable way.
- Sound effects: The show used a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
21st Precinct
21st Precinct
11 LUG 2019 · The 21st Precinct was a popular American radio drama series that aired on CBS from 1953 to 1956. It was a gritty and realistic portrayal of the lives of police officers in New York City, and it quickly became a hit with listeners. The show was set in the fictional 21st Precinct, which was located in Manhattan. The main characters were Captain Frank Kennelly, played by Everett Sloane, and his team of detectives and patrolmen.
The show was known for its realistic portrayal of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and the acting was top-notch. The show also featured a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
The 21st Precinct was a popular success, and it ran for three seasons. It was also adapted into a television series, which ran from 1956 to 1959. The radio show is still considered to be a classic of the genre, and it has been praised for its realism, its writing, and its acting.
Here are some of the things that made the 21st Precinct such a success:
- Realistic portrayal of police work: The show was not afraid to show the dark side of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. This made the show more believable and engaging for listeners.
- Great writing: The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and they were able to create suspenseful and exciting stories.
- Top-notch acting: The acting on the show was superb, and the actors were able to bring the characters to life in a believable way.
- Sound effects: The show used a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
11 LUG 2019 · The 21st Precinct was a popular American radio drama series that aired on CBS from 1953 to 1956. It was a gritty and realistic portrayal of the lives of police officers in New York City, and it quickly became a hit with listeners. The show was set in the fictional 21st Precinct, which was located in Manhattan. The main characters were Captain Frank Kennelly, played by Everett Sloane, and his team of detectives and patrolmen.
The show was known for its realistic portrayal of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and the acting was top-notch. The show also featured a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
The 21st Precinct was a popular success, and it ran for three seasons. It was also adapted into a television series, which ran from 1956 to 1959. The radio show is still considered to be a classic of the genre, and it has been praised for its realism, its writing, and its acting.
Here are some of the things that made the 21st Precinct such a success:
- Realistic portrayal of police work: The show was not afraid to show the dark side of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. This made the show more believable and engaging for listeners.
- Great writing: The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and they were able to create suspenseful and exciting stories.
- Top-notch acting: The acting on the show was superb, and the actors were able to bring the characters to life in a believable way.
- Sound effects: The show used a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
11 LUG 2019 · 21st Precinct: A Nostalgic Look at the Classic Police Drama
The 21st Precinct was a cornerstone of the golden age of radio, a time when storytelling was a purely auditory art and listeners were transported to another world through sound and imagination. This old-time radio show, which aired from July 7, 1953, to November 1, 1956, was a dramatic police drama that brought the day-to-day operations of a police precinct in New York City to life for its audience.
The show was unique in its approach, focusing on the human element of policing rather than just the crimes. It offered a window into the lives of the officers and the community they served, highlighting the challenges and triumphs they faced. The 21st Precinct was more than just lines on a map; it was a microcosm of the bustling city, with over 173,000 people living and working within its boundaries.
Listeners were captivated by the authentic portrayal of the precinct, which was made up of 160 patrolmen, eleven sergeants, and four lieutenants, all under the command of one captain. The series was presented with the official cooperation of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the Police Department, City of New York, adding an extra layer of realism to the production.
The role of Captain Frank Kennelly, the primary character and narrator, was portrayed by three different actors throughout the series' run: Everett Sloane, James Gregory, and Les Damon. Supporting roles included Ken Lynch as Lt. Matt King and Harold Stone as Sgt. Waters, with Santos Ortega frequently appearing as Lt. Patrick "Red" Gorman.
The 21st Precinct was initially a summer replacement for "My Friend Irma" but quickly became a beloved fixture in its own right. Today, it stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of old-time radio dramas and their ability to capture the imagination of listeners. For those looking to relive the nostalgia or discover it for the first time, many episodes are available for streaming on various platforms
The legacy of the 21st Precinct is a reminder of the power of storytelling and the timeless nature of good drama. It's a piece of history that continues to resonate with audiences, proving that great stories truly are immortal. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to the genre, the 21st Precinct offers a fascinating glimpse into the past and the rich tradition of radio storytelling.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
11 LUG 2019 · 21st Precinct: A Nostalgic Look at the Classic Police Drama
The 21st Precinct was a cornerstone of the golden age of radio, a time when storytelling was a purely auditory art and listeners were transported to another world through sound and imagination. This old-time radio show, which aired from July 7, 1953, to November 1, 1956, was a dramatic police drama that brought the day-to-day operations of a police precinct in New York City to life for its audience.
The show was unique in its approach, focusing on the human element of policing rather than just the crimes. It offered a window into the lives of the officers and the community they served, highlighting the challenges and triumphs they faced. The 21st Precinct was more than just lines on a map; it was a microcosm of the bustling city, with over 173,000 people living and working within its boundaries.
Listeners were captivated by the authentic portrayal of the precinct, which was made up of 160 patrolmen, eleven sergeants, and four lieutenants, all under the command of one captain. The series was presented with the official cooperation of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the Police Department, City of New York, adding an extra layer of realism to the production.
The role of Captain Frank Kennelly, the primary character and narrator, was portrayed by three different actors throughout the series' run: Everett Sloane, James Gregory, and Les Damon. Supporting roles included Ken Lynch as Lt. Matt King and Harold Stone as Sgt. Waters, with Santos Ortega frequently appearing as Lt. Patrick "Red" Gorman.
The 21st Precinct was initially a summer replacement for "My Friend Irma" but quickly became a beloved fixture in its own right. Today, it stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of old-time radio dramas and their ability to capture the imagination of listeners. For those looking to relive the nostalgia or discover it for the first time, many episodes are available for streaming on various platforms
The legacy of the 21st Precinct is a reminder of the power of storytelling and the timeless nature of good drama. It's a piece of history that continues to resonate with audiences, proving that great stories truly are immortal. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to the genre, the 21st Precinct offers a fascinating glimpse into the past and the rich tradition of radio storytelling.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
11 LUG 2019 · 21ST PRECINCT Broadcast from July 7th 1953 through November 1st 1956 on the CBS network. 21ST PRECINCT was a very dramatic police drama. CBS decided to use New York City as the backdrop for this series and to focus on the happenings in an actual police precinct. The premise was to put the listener into the drama from the opening phone call until the final report was written. The 21st was described as 'just lines on a map of the city of New your. Most of the 173,000 people wedged into the nine-tenths of a square mile between Fifth Avenue and the East River wouldn't know if you asked them that they lived or worked in the 21st. The detail was made up of '160 patrolmen, eleven sergeants, and four lieutenants, under the command of one captain - Frank Kennelly. It was mentioned in each episode's closing that , "21st Precinct is presented with the official cooperation of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association an organization of more than 20,000 members of the Police Department, City of New York." The Captain was the primary character and also acted as the narrator. Three actors played the Captain's role: Everett Sloane as Kennelly for the first 109 episodes and returned briefly in episode 135., James Gregory as Vincent Cronin for episode 109-144, and Les Damon as Thomas Keough starting in episode 145 through the remainder of the series.. In supporting roles was Ken Lynch as Lt. Matt King and Harold Stone as Sgt. Waters. Santos Ortega appeared frequently as Lt. Patrick "Red" Gorman.
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11 LUG 2019 · 21ST PRECINCT Broadcast from July 7th 1953 through November 1st 1956 on the CBS network. 21ST PRECINCT was a very dramatic police drama. CBS decided to use New York City as the backdrop for this series and to focus on the happenings in an actual police precinct. The premise was to put the listener into the drama from the opening phone call until the final report was written. The 21st was described as 'just lines on a map of the city of New your. Most of the 173,000 people wedged into the nine-tenths of a square mile between Fifth Avenue and the East River wouldn't know if you asked them that they lived or worked in the 21st. The detail was made up of '160 patrolmen, eleven sergeants, and four lieutenants, under the command of one captain - Frank Kennelly. It was mentioned in each episode's closing that , "21st Precinct is presented with the official cooperation of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association an organization of more than 20,000 members of the Police Department, City of New York." The Captain was the primary character and also acted as the narrator. Three actors played the Captain's role: Everett Sloane as Kennelly for the first 109 episodes and returned briefly in episode 135., James Gregory as Vincent Cronin for episode 109-144, and Les Damon as Thomas Keough starting in episode 145 through the remainder of the series.. In supporting roles was Ken Lynch as Lt. Matt King and Harold Stone as Sgt. Waters. Santos Ortega appeared frequently as Lt. Patrick "Red" Gorman.
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11 LUG 2019 · 21ST PRECINCT Broadcast from July 7th 1953 through November 1st 1956 on the CBS network. 21ST PRECINCT was a very dramatic police drama. CBS decided to use New York City as the backdrop for this series and to focus on the happenings in an actual police precinct. The premise was to put the listener into the drama from the opening phone call until the final report was written. The 21st was described as 'just lines on a map of the city of New your. Most of the 173,000 people wedged into the nine-tenths of a square mile between Fifth Avenue and the East River wouldn't know if you asked them that they lived or worked in the 21st. The detail was made up of '160 patrolmen, eleven sergeants, and four lieutenants, under the command of one captain - Frank Kennelly. It was mentioned in each episode's closing that , "21st Precinct is presented with the official cooperation of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association an organization of more than 20,000 members of the Police Department, City of New York." The Captain was the primary character and also acted as the narrator. Three actors played the Captain's role: Everett Sloane as Kennelly for the first 109 episodes and returned briefly in episode 135., James Gregory as Vincent Cronin for episode 109-144, and Les Damon as Thomas Keough starting in episode 145 through the remainder of the series.. In supporting roles was Ken Lynch as Lt. Matt King and Harold Stone as Sgt. Waters. Santos Ortega appeared frequently as Lt. Patrick "Red" Gorman.
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11 LUG 2019 · 21ST PRECINCT Broadcast from July 7th 1953 through November 1st 1956 on the CBS network. 21ST PRECINCT was a very dramatic police drama. CBS decided to use New York City as the backdrop for this series and to focus on the happenings in an actual police precinct. The premise was to put the listener into the drama from the opening phone call until the final report was written. The 21st was described as 'just lines on a map of the city of New your. Most of the 173,000 people wedged into the nine-tenths of a square mile between Fifth Avenue and the East River wouldn't know if you asked them that they lived or worked in the 21st. The detail was made up of '160 patrolmen, eleven sergeants, and four lieutenants, under the command of one captain - Frank Kennelly. It was mentioned in each episode's closing that , "21st Precinct is presented with the official cooperation of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association an organization of more than 20,000 members of the Police Department, City of New York." The Captain was the primary character and also acted as the narrator. Three actors played the Captain's role: Everett Sloane as Kennelly for the first 109 episodes and returned briefly in episode 135., James Gregory as Vincent Cronin for episode 109-144, and Les Damon as Thomas Keough starting in episode 145 through the remainder of the series.. In supporting roles was Ken Lynch as Lt. Matt King and Harold Stone as Sgt. Waters. Santos Ortega appeared frequently as Lt. Patrick "Red" Gorman.
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13 LUG 2019 · 21st_Precinct_53-08-25_008_The_Bookkeeper
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13 LUG 2019 · 21st_Precinct_54-01-13_027_The_Platform
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The 21st Precinct was a popular American radio drama series that aired on CBS from 1953 to 1956. It was a gritty and realistic portrayal of the lives of police...
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The 21st Precinct was a popular American radio drama series that aired on CBS from 1953 to 1956. It was a gritty and realistic portrayal of the lives of police officers in New York City, and it quickly became a hit with listeners. The show was set in the fictional 21st Precinct, which was located in Manhattan. The main characters were Captain Frank Kennelly, played by Everett Sloane, and his team of detectives and patrolmen.
The show was known for its realistic portrayal of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and the acting was top-notch. The show also featured a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
The 21st Precinct was a popular success, and it ran for three seasons. It was also adapted into a television series, which ran from 1956 to 1959. The radio show is still considered to be a classic of the genre, and it has been praised for its realism, its writing, and its acting.
Here are some of the things that made the 21st Precinct such a success:
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
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The show was known for its realistic portrayal of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and the acting was top-notch. The show also featured a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
The 21st Precinct was a popular success, and it ran for three seasons. It was also adapted into a television series, which ran from 1956 to 1959. The radio show is still considered to be a classic of the genre, and it has been praised for its realism, its writing, and its acting.
Here are some of the things that made the 21st Precinct such a success:
- Realistic portrayal of police work: The show was not afraid to show the dark side of police work, and it often featured stories that were based on real-life crimes. This made the show more believable and engaging for listeners.
- Great writing: The scripts were written by some of the best writers in radio, and they were able to create suspenseful and exciting stories.
- Top-notch acting: The acting on the show was superb, and the actors were able to bring the characters to life in a believable way.
- Sound effects: The show used a number of sound effects, which helped to create a sense of atmosphere and realism.
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
Autore | Entertainment Radio |
Organizzazione | Entertainment Radio |
Categorie | Drammatici , Arti dello spettacolo , Narrativa |
Sito | | |
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