Youth Engagement Mini-Series: RCC GameChangers

26 apr 2023 · 1 h 43 sec.
Youth Engagement Mini-Series: RCC GameChangers

Cultivating a space where youth can thrive isn’t always something you can condense into a list of tips or strategies. Sometimes the most powerful anti-violence work has to be felt...

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Cultivating a space where youth can thrive isn’t always something you can condense into a list of tips or strategies. Sometimes the most powerful anti-violence work has to be felt before it’s seen; that’s something the GameChangers, a local youth mobilization program out of Wisconsin, reminded me in our conversation for this episode.

PreventConnect sat down with staff and youth volunteers to hear about their program, and what makes their youth engagement impactful.

Resources mentioned in this podcast:
RCC Dane County
Learn more about Gamechangers
Donate to RCC
Find Gamechangers on Instagram

Previous Episodes of Youth Engagement Mini-Podcast Series:
Part 1: An Interview with Youth Activists
Part 2: A Coalition's Honest Journey to Youth Engagement
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Organizzazione VALOR Media
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