You Want to Fix the Crime? Love the Children! Dr. Ashonta Wyatt

24 mag 2023 · 57 min. 31 sec.
You Want to Fix the Crime? Love the Children! Dr. Ashonta Wyatt
Descrizione is a consulting producer of Hulu/ESPN's "" Directed by multiple primetime Emmy award-winning director, producer, and cinematographer, the have said of this docuseries, "Every once in a...

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Dr. Ashonta Wyatt is a consulting producer of Hulu/ESPN's "Algiers America." Directed by multiple primetime Emmy award-winning director, producer, and cinematographer Jackson Fager, the Golden Globe Awards have said of this docuseries, "Every once in a while, there comes a story that is both uplifting and painful. Very often, this combination creates the best art..." It's truly a MUST see.

Dr. Wyatt is seen throughout the docuseries advocating for students while simultaneously off-camera experiencing a cruel America of her own. Her troubling story as Principal of Edgar P. Harney began with her elementary school, a well-known pastor, mysterious bank accounts, and simple inquiries that led to an FBI investigation. Then Dr. Wyatt's professional career imploded! While the perpetrator eventually confessed, was convicted, and recently sentenced, Dr. Wyatt remains blacklisted in Louisiana, the state she has loved and served her entire life. But she is a fighter! Hundreds of thousands viewed and supported her New Orleans City Council address on social media. Still, with 20 years of experience in education, Dr. Wyatt remains unemployed. I ask that you do three things:
  1. Listen to the first 15 minutes of this TEEM Leadership interview on iHeart to hear her audaciously viral speech to the New Orleans City Council.
  2. Give to Dr. Wyatt so she can rebuild, provide for her son, and try to restore the life she has lost. $AshontaWyatt (no amount is too small)
  3. Watch Algiers America on Hulu to see the Edna Karr Cougars in New Orleans push through the pain of death and violence with relentless love from their coaches, caring teachers, and advocates like Dr. Wyatt.

Having watched all five episodes of Algiers America, I can attest that it is a profoundly moving, brilliantly told story!!

Dr. Ashonta Wyatt is an education and social justice advocate currently serving as Chief Consultant of A. Wyatt Solutions Group. The consulting firm provides professional development, coaching, and a broad range of advocacy services for marginalized communities.

Dr. Wyatt is a parent, former Principal, community servant, and Edna Karr Magnet High School graduate. She has a bachelor's degree from The University of New Orleans and a Masters's and Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the Xavier University of Louisiana.

Stay connected for more exciting stories! Follow me on Facebook 1: Dr-Cecelia Martin; Facebook 2: Dr. Cecelia Martin, PhD; Instagram: @dr_ceceliamartin; Twitter: @drceceliamartin
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Autore Dr. Cecelia Martin
Organizzazione Dr. Cecelia Martin
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