Woman With No License Runs Over A 10-Year-Old And Flees The Scene

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Woman With No License Runs Over A 10-Year-Old And Flees The Scene
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Woman With No License Runs Over A 10-Year-Old And Flees The Scene https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/copshttps://www.youtube.com/hashtag/policehttps://www.youtube.com/hashtag/arrest On December 23rd, 2023. Officers received a 911 call in regards to a woman who ran over...
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On December 23rd, 2023. Officers received a 911 call in regards to a woman who ran over a kid and fled the scene. The woman initially got out of the car and started blaming the kid for jumping in front of her, as she saw more people gathering around, she fled the scene. When officers caught up to her, she stated that she went to go look for his mother and that's why she fled the scene even though the mother was at home in front of where she hit the kid. The woman kept trying to act like the victim. The kid was transported to the hospital and his leg was badly injured.
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