Why The Powers-That-Be Can’t Admit They Were Wrong About The Jab

4 gen 2022 · 52 min. 26 sec.
Why The Powers-That-Be Can’t Admit They Were Wrong About The Jab

Jeff Dornik returns for this first episode of The Jeff Dornik Show of 2022, sharing that he recently contracted the Omicron variant of Covid-19. He shares his experience and the...

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Jeff Dornik returns for this first episode of The Jeff Dornik Show of 2022, sharing that he recently contracted the Omicron variant of Covid-19. He shares his experience and the treatment his doctor prescribed. He closes out the show exposing the truth about the virus and The Jab and why the Globalist Elite can’t admit they were wrong. Their motivation is more self-serving than just money or even The Great Reset.


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- Order your copy of the book Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement. Written by Jeff Dornik, Brannon Howse, Pastor Ken Peters and several others, this book exposes the ideology behind the Social Justice Movement. Use code JEFF at checkout for 10% off at http://freedomfirstshop.com
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Autore Freedom First Network
Organizzazione JD Rucker
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