Why Are Some People Allergic to Peanuts?

22 mag 2024 · 3 min. 26 sec.
Why Are Some People Allergic to Peanuts?

Why are some people allergic to peanuts? And is that a birthday I detect?Visit www.moosejawmatt.com and https://www.patreon.com/natureandscience4kids. Find Moosejaw Matt on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Music and picture from pixabay.com....

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Why are some people allergic to peanuts? And is that a birthday I detect?Visit www.moosejawmatt.com and https://www.patreon.com/natureandscience4kids.
Find Moosejaw Matt on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.
Music and picture from pixabay.com. Sound effects from freesound.org.
Thanks to RomanSenykMusic and REDproductions for our theme songs.
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Autore Matthew White
Organizzazione Matthew White
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