Whiskey & Cream Round Table: Toronto Raptors Edition (02-26)

26 feb 2021 · 31 min. 55 sec.
Whiskey & Cream Round Table: Toronto Raptors Edition (02-26)

Whiskey & Cream Round Table for February 26th, 2021. Host: Ari Shapiro Guests: Stephen Burns and Marshall Auerback. Narratives: Toronto Raptors basketball; Adam Silver's weaksauce apology to Masai Ujiri, Doug...

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Whiskey & Cream Round Table for February 26th, 2021.

Host: Ari Shapiro

Guests: Stephen Burns and Marshall Auerback.

Narratives: Toronto Raptors basketball; Adam Silver's weaksauce apology to Masai Ujiri, Doug Smith and the tyranny of words when using social media, and why the sport itself is a blessing during dark times.

Duration: 31:47

WARNING: Listener discretion is advised. This podcast contains seriously blunt truths, excessively mature language, ruthlessly candid perspectives, and the kind of intellectual discourse that serves to enlighten, educate and punch through the darkness until it bleeds daylight.
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Autore Ari Shapiro
Organizzazione Ari Shapiro
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