When Taxes and Accounting Tax Your Practice Expansion, Do This to Break Free!

13 set 2023 · 41 min. 19 sec.
When Taxes and Accounting Tax Your Practice Expansion, Do This to Break Free!

Have you ever avoided accounting and taxes altogether? Are you apprehensive about the very mention of the subject? If you are, worry no more, not only because you're not alone....

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Have you ever avoided accounting and taxes altogether? Are you apprehensive about the very mention of the subject? If you are, worry no more, not only because you're not alone. Not only because so is everyone else. But, because today's guest is solving practice problems YOU thought could never be solved! Join me for someone who is going to debunk all the fearful things you ever heard rumors of. Your nerves will not only be calm, but you'll know exactly where you stand and what to do by the end of this episode, I promise! Listen to every word and take notes! Tune in now!!!!
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Autore Frank Sardella
Organizzazione Frank Sardella
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