When public statements get you caught up

29 set 2020 · 25 min. 8 sec.
When public statements get you caught up

01 · - amber intro

1 sec.

02 · - 1051 Mt Vernon Rd 2

29 sec.


This week we're discussing the Grand Jury decision in the Breonna Taylor case, the motion filed by the grand juror, the Attorney general's response, and the social justice movement in...

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This week we're discussing the Grand Jury decision in the Breonna Taylor case, the motion filed by the grand juror, the Attorney general's response, and the social justice movement in general. Check out InvestDivest.org and JusticeForBreonna.org to stay informed and get involved.
As always be sure to give me a follow on Facebook and Instagram @TheLawAccordingToAmber
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Autore Amber Sherman
Organizzazione Amber Sherman
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