What is lead generation?

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Lead generation is one of the most confusing topics when it comes to online business. I get asked all the time, what is a lead? What's lead generation? What...
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I get asked all the time, what is a lead? What's lead generation? What does all of that mean?
So on this week's 6-Figure Mompreneur Podcast episode, I'm sharing more about my perspective on what a lead is and how to think about lead generation.
You'll hear different perspectives and opinions from various experts on what leads are and what lead generation means, but as a busy mompreneur, we do business a bit differently than someone who can work 40+ hours a week.
If you're building your business to 6-figures in the small "mom cracks" of your day, then leads and lead generation need to be approached a bit differently.
So on today’s podcast I’m chatting through:
+ What a lead is and how as a busy mompreneur you should be approaching lead generation differently.
+ Why email marketing is vitally important if you are building your 6-figure business in the "mom cracks" of your day
+ Why I don't agree with most lead generation experts on what lead generation is
Visit the links below to learn more about:
+ resources for this episode
+ the Simple, 6-Figure, Scalability Video Series
+ and to connect with Allison and the 6-figure mompreneur movement
Read the blog post that goes along with this episode: www.allisonhardy.com/blog1/episode212
Get yourself signed up for the Simple, 6-Figure, Scalability Video Series! Through this 5-part Video Series you’ll uncover and discover what action you need to take to make 2021 your first 6-figure year, on your terms. To get signed up visit: https://allison-hardy.mykajabi.com/offers/uTG774pH
Follow Allison on Instagram: www.instagram.com/allison_hardy_
Join the 6-Figure Mompreneur Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/themompreneurcommunity
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Music courtesy of www.bensound.com
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