
WeSurf Ep. 4: Wade in the Water with David Mesfin & Beyin Abraha

25 gen 2023 · 1 h 3 min. 8 sec.
WeSurf Ep. 4: Wade in the Water with David Mesfin & Beyin Abraha

Happy New Year everyone! On this episode of the WeSurf Podcast we step out of Rockaway and speak to Director David Mesfin and Executive Producer Beyin Abraha of the documentary...

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Happy New Year everyone! On this episode of the WeSurf Podcast we step out of Rockaway and speak to Director David Mesfin and Executive Producer Beyin Abraha of the documentary 'Wade in the Water: A Journey Into Black Surfing and Aquatic Culture.' This documentary reclaims the 1000 year old tradition of Black Surfing throughout the globe, by honoring the historical and contemporary relationship between Black people and the ocean.

We discuss the documentary, the world of Black surfing and surfers, the historical common threads that bind Black surfers together and how we can support the next generation of surfers.

For more information you can go to
Or follow them on Instagram @davidmesfinart

The WeSurf Podcast is recorded by The NewsStand Studio at Rockefeller Center in the heart of Manhattan and is distributed by The Swell Season Surf Radio Network.

Follow the WeSurf Podcast on Instagram @wesurfpodcast

Song: Wade in the Water
Artist: Ella Jenkins
Album: African American Folk Rhythms
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Autore SwellSeason Surf Radio Station
Organizzazione SwellSeason Surf Radio Station
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