War of Art Week 12

30 gen 2022 · 19 min. 16 sec.
War of Art Week 12

It's the final week! You did it!!!! For more creative love and community support check out IG @ArtistsWayCre8 or Facebook www.Facebook.com/TheArtistsWayGroup Or email TheArtistsWayVenice@Gmail.com We always happy to share you...

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It's the final week! You did it!!!!
For more creative love and community support check out IG @ArtistsWayCre8 or Facebook www.Facebook.com/TheArtistsWayGroup
Or email TheArtistsWayVenice@Gmail.com
We always happy to share you creativity, leave a question or a triumph to share wit the podcast.

We start back in March! Stay tuned to vote on the next book!

Stay Creative, we love you!
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Autore The Artist's Way
Organizzazione The Artist's Way
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