Vino & Voices with Jennifer Shaffer-9.19.19

19 set 2019 · 50 min. 11 sec.
Vino & Voices with Jennifer Shaffer-9.19.19

Colby is excited for another Vino & Voices episode with Jennifer Shaffer LIVE on air. Colby and Jennifer do mini psychic readings and answer the caller's question and provide clarity...

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Colby is excited for another Vino & Voices episode with Jennifer Shaffer LIVE on air. Colby and Jennifer do mini psychic readings and answer the caller's question and provide clarity into areas of their lives. A grandmother calls in with concern for her young granddaughter depression, Colby and Jennifer commend the young girl and how special she is for opening up about it to her family. They give a psychic reading to another woman about her love life and eye-candy distractions. They give advice to another caller about how she is presenting herself in work communication.
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