UnMute Yourself with Simene

1 ott 2020 · 38 min. 12 sec.
UnMute Yourself with Simene

Simene’ Walden is an Educator, Teacher, Speaker, Trainer, and Best Selling Amazon Author. She partners with educators and leaders to share their stories through written and verbal communication. Simene' has...

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Simene’ Walden is an Educator, Teacher, Speaker, Trainer, and Best Selling Amazon Author. She partners with educators and leaders to share their stories through written and verbal communication. Simene' has been recognized as a distinguished educator throughout her 15 years of teaching in urban and rural communities. She helps to establish and maintain positive professional relationships with school leaders, colleagues, students, and families. She has been a mentor to several assigned and non-assigned new and beginning teachers. After relocating to Maryland, she found a new love for the subject she teaches and started writing and publishing her own books. Simene' now helps other new and novice authors to craft and publish their stories after years of being silenced. Simene' is affectionately known as The Student Teacher but she is best remembered for genuinely collaborating with others to make a greater impact in this earth.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram @Simene' Walden

Facebook @Simene Walden

Facebook Group @ Pray, Speak, Write, Publish

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Autore Just Minding My Business Media
Organizzazione Just Minding My Business Media
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