Unexpected Polka: A Castle Tour's Hilarious Mishap

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Unexpected Polka: A Castle Tour's Hilarious Mishap
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unexpected Polka: A Castle Tour's Hilarious Mishap Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/unexpected-polka-a-castle-tours-hilarious-mishap/ Story Transcript: Sk: Bratislava je krásne mesto, známe svojím...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Bratislava je krásne mesto, známe svojím hradom.
En: Bratislava is a beautiful city, known for its castle.
Sk: V nedávny sobotný deň sa Marek, Jana a Lukáš rozhodli navštíviť Bratislavský hrad.
En: On a recent Saturday, Marek, Jana, and Lukáš decided to visit Bratislava Castle.
Sk: Vstupovali do hradu s veľkým očakávaním.
En: They entered the castle with great anticipation.
Sk: Príbeh začína obzvlášť zaujímavým momentom.
En: The story begins with a particularly interesting moment.
Sk: Práve prechádzali nádvorím hradu, keď Marekov mobil začal neviditeľne komunikovať so zvukovým systémom hradu.
En: They were just walking through the castle courtyard when Marek's phone started to inexplicably communicate with the castle's sound system.
Sk: Marek mal nový telefón, ktorý ešte dobre nepoznal.
En: Marek had a new phone that he wasn't very familiar with.
Sk: Zrazu sa začal ozývať hlasný tón priamo z hradného reproduktora.
En: Suddenly, a loud tune started blasting from the castle speakers.
Sk: Všade sa ozývala veselá polka hudba.
En: Everywhere, cheerful polka music was playing.
Sk: Sprievodca, starší pán s okuliarmi a nakrivo nasadeným klobúkom, sa obzrel prekvapene.
En: The guide, an older man with glasses and a tilted hat, turned around in surprise.
Sk: "Čo to je?
En: "What is that?"
Sk: " zakričal ponad hlavy turistov.
En: he shouted over the tourists' heads.
Sk: Marek, červený ako paprika, sa pokúšal vypnúť svoj mobil.
En: Marek, red as a beet, tried to turn off his phone.
Sk: Ale vibrácie mobilu mu skôr ešte viac sťažovali situáciu.
En: But the vibrations from the phone only made the situation worse.
Sk: Jana a Lukáš sa zmätene smiali.
En: Jana and Lukáš laughed in confusion.
Sk: Chvíľu trvalo, kým Marek zistil, ako vypnúť rušivú hudbu.
En: It took a moment for Marek to figure out how to stop the disruptive music.
Sk: Ale v tej chvíli už všetci turisti na nádvorí stáli so smiechom okolo nich.
En: By then, all the tourists in the courtyard were standing around them, laughing.
Sk: Marekov mobil prestal hrať, ale škoda už bola spôsobená.
En: Marek's phone stopped playing, but the damage was already done.
Sk: Aj sprievodca sa nakoniec pridal k smiechu, keď videl, že situácia sa upokojila.
En: Even the guide eventually joined in the laughter when he saw the situation had calmed down.
Sk: "A teraz prosím všetkých, aby sa vrátili k prehliadke," povedal sprievodca stále so širokým úsmevom.
En: "And now, please, everyone, let's return to the tour," the guide said, still with a wide smile.
Sk: „A samozrejme, dutiniem mobily.
En: "And of course, silence your phones."
Sk: “Marek, Jana a Lukáš sa ospravedlnili.
En: Marek, Jana, and Lukáš apologized.
Sk: Cítili sa trápne, ale potom to brali s humorom.
En: They felt embarrassed, but they took it with humor.
Sk: Hradná prehliadka pokraćovala bez ďalších rušivých momentov.
En: The castle tour continued without further interruptions.
Sk: Večer na tomto zážitku spomínali v jednej z bratislavských kaviarní.
En: That evening, they reminisced about the event in one of Bratislava's cafes.
Sk: "To bolo nezabudnuteľné," povedala Jana.
En: "That was unforgettable," said Jana.
Sk: "To je pravda," dodal Lukáš.
En: "That's true," added Lukáš.
Sk: "Ale nabudúce si vypneme naše mobily skôr.
En: "But next time, we'll turn off our phones sooner."
Sk: "A tak traja priatelia skončili svoj deň v Bratislave s nezabudnuteľným zážitkom a novým príbehom, ktorý budú môcť rozprávať pri rôznych príležitostiach.
En: And so, the three friends ended their day in Bratislava with an unforgettable experience and a new story they could tell on various occasions.
Vocabulary Words:
- beautiful: krásne
- castle: hrad
- anticipation: očakávanie
- courtyard: nádvorie
- inexplicably: neviditeľne
- sound system: zvukový systém
- blasting: ozývať sa
- cheerful: veselý
- polka: polka
- guide: sprievodca
- vibrations: vibrácie
- disruptive: rušivý
- red as a beet: červený ako paprika
- eventually: nakoniec
- calmed down: upokojila
- silence: vypnúť
- embarrassed: trápne
- humor: humor
- interruptions: rušivé momenty
- reminisced: spomínali
- unforgettable: nezabudnuteľné
- phone: mobil
- figure out: zistiť
- tourists: turisti
- speakers: reproduktor
- standing around: stáli okolo
- replied: dodali
- occasion: príležitosť
- friends: priatelia
- cafe: kaviareň
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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