Understanding The War Between Israel And Hamas: The International Rules Of War (Part1) (10/16/23)

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Understanding The War Between Israel And Hamas: The International Rules Of War (Part1) (10/16/23)
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The international rules of war, also known as the laws of armed conflict or international humanitarian law, are a set of regulations and principles designed to mitigate the impact of...
mostra di più- The Geneva Conventions (1949): The four Geneva Conventions are at the core of international humanitarian law. They provide protections for wounded and sick soldiers, prisoners of war, and civilians in times of armed conflict. They establish rules for the humane treatment of individuals who are no longer taking part in hostilities.
- Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions (1977): These two protocols, known as Protocol I and Protocol II, expand upon and update the provisions of the Geneva Conventions. Protocol I relates to international armed conflicts, while Protocol II relates to non-international armed conflicts.
- Hague Conventions (1899 and 1907): These conventions focus on the means and methods of warfare, including restrictions on the use of certain weapons and tactics. They also address the treatment of civilians and combatants who fall into the hands of an enemy.
- Customary International Humanitarian Law: This body of law consists of long-standing practices and customary rules that have evolved over time and are considered binding on all parties in armed conflicts.
- Distinction: Parties to the conflict must distinguish between combatants and civilians, and only target combatants and military objectives. Indiscriminate attacks and attacks that cause excessive harm to civilians are prohibited.
- Proportionality: The use of force must be proportionate to the military objective. Excessive or disproportionate force that harms civilians or their property is illegal.
- Precaution: Parties must take all feasible precautions to minimize harm to civilians and civilian objects. This includes giving advance warnings of attacks when possible and taking care to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties.
- Prohibition of Certain Weapons: The use of certain weapons, such as chemical and biological weapons, anti-personnel landmines, and cluster munitions, is restricted or banned under international law.
- Treatment of Captured Combatants: Captured combatants must be treated humanely, without torture or cruel treatment. Prisoners of war must have their rights protected, as outlined in the Geneva Conventions.
- Protection of the Wounded and Sick: The wounded and sick must receive medical care and protection, regardless of their affiliation. Medical personnel and facilities must be respected and protected.
- Protection of Civilians: Civilians must be protected from harm, and attacks on civilian populations are prohibited.
- Accountability: Violations of the international rules of war can lead to legal consequences for individuals and states responsible, including prosecutions by international tribunals.
(commercial at 10:09)
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Autore | Bobby Capucci |
Organizzazione | Bobby Capucci |
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